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~ Hel's Updated Commerce Tips ~

Mabinogi Rep: 1,315
Posts: 35
edited October 22, 2022 in Game Guides
Hello! I'm Hel, you might recognize me by my previous post about commerce! I came back to the game recently after I heard about all the commerce updates! After reaching Challenger rank in a few weeks I've decided to share some updated tips for commerce to help you along the way.

The Commercer's Code:
1. Get To The Boat (GTTB) - It is the worst feeling when you just miss it.
2. Don't leave traders in trouble - Unless you're rushing for a boat (understandable) bandits can be drawn away by passing traders, help a trader out!
3. Consider but never Hesitate - Impassible bandit? Smash through it! Someone got those vales vodka before you? Go to Filia or Tara!

Best runs: (Yes it's limited goods)
In my previous post, I talked about modifiers like enchants, commerce outfits, and letters. I would definitely check that out:

First Run
Cor - Courcle Natural Rubber - Dog Sled
Vales - Vales Vodka - Dog Sled
Filia - Filia-Style Jerky - Elephant (most carried)/ Camel (if you want to do another run after)
Qilla - Kaypi Essence - Skiff

Second Run (if you cannot do another first run)
Taillteann - Alchemy Crystal - Dog Sled
Dunbarton - Succubus Swimsuit - Dog Sled
Tir - Lovely Potion - Elephant

Third Run
Tara - Giant Wine Rack - Skiff

Worth-mentioning Runs
Bangor - Lead - Elephant / Camel / Skiff (it's a quick run to Iria to get some commerce score)
Emain Macha - Whole BBQ Bear - Skiff

Compared to my last tip guide, travel between Iria and Udlah is pretty much essential for the best runs, but definitely avoid taking two boats unless the price is too good or you are on your last run. Nowadays there is always someone commercing, but if you can get another top-tier run, then go for it!

General Tips:
1. Airships are a fantastic way to get ducats and commerce score, the goods reset every Saturday and don't require you to have commerce speed gear, battle your way fighting wyverns and dragons.
2. Plan your routes, during busy times you are very unlikely to get Cor/Vales/Dunbarton/Taillteann/Tir runs. To counter this, make your first run Filia, if you can another Filia run, try to, if not then go straight to Tara.
3. Keep an eye on the price, with the update, the prices update every minute, if someone goes to a town the price will shortly divebomb in value, to that end, be wary of taking boats to Belvast (just don't go to Belvast) and its good practice to have a backup in mind, e.g. if someone nuke's Vales, got to Cor.
4. Watch your corners, finding the optimal travel route happens with time, but try to go the most direct route while avoiding bandits.
5. If you don't have enchants or commerce gear, it is worth getting the commerce accessories from Sayiv.
6. You can get 30%, 40%, and 50% commerce letters from Festia Commemorative Gift Boxes.
7. At the start of the season, bartering and bandit hunting are great ways to get early ducats.
8. Bartering by crafting goods is the highest value run, but a lot of people don't do it unless you're racing for Commerce score Top 100, a tip would be to try and do the second and third good of each town.
9. You can craft Pet playsets for the Harmony of Affection buff to increase ducats by 1.5-5%, but honestly, it's not worth the time.
10. Chat and be good to your fellow traders, who knows, maybe they'll invite you to their next airship run.

A helpful guide to see the most efficient mount for each run: Commerce Capacity Comparison by Milordog1

A really handy guide for Bartering: Commerce Barter Crafting Aid by Snowie


  • JirokureJirokure
    Mabinogi Rep: 605
    Posts: 7
    Dem. I might be dumb bahaha. Just started getting into commercing properly again but I understand nothing here ;; w;;
    Used to commerce a little in the past but its even bigger now :o
    What are those First run Second run thingy? Where do I go from Cor and stuff? :o
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    Jirokure wrote: »
    Dem. I might be dumb bahaha. Just started getting into commercing properly again but I understand nothing here ;; w;;
    Used to commerce a little in the past but its even bigger now :o
    What are those First run Second run thingy? Where do I go from Cor and stuff? :o

    Commerce was expanded. The old commerce you're more familiar with still exists but now there's a new version of it centred mostly in Iria. This thread is about the new commerce.