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Magic Spear Tournament: Helsa's Facing NPCs Guide

Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
Posts: 5,869
edited June 10, 2023 in Game Guides
As of this writing, the NPC jousters for the Magic Spear Tournament don't have racial combos and don't use the jousting skills. This puts them at a SEVERE disadvantage. So defeating them is going to be quite easy. Despite this, it is still possible for them to win.

From what I've seen so far, there does not appear to be much in the way of variable damage, but I haven't studied this much as yet, so I will assume that it is still a possibility. There have been changes in the amount of damage of some attacks:
- the clean D attack has dropped from 50% to 40%,
- the clean S attack has dropped from 40% to 30%,
- the tied W attack has risen from 15% to 20%, and
- the tied A attack has risen from 10% to 15%,
- the rest of the attacks remain the same. There are no racial combos anymore.

Skill 1, if it hits, doubles the hit damage.
Skill 2, does not work on ties, otherwise it always hits with a 10% bonus.
·············It only receives damage back on SW/WS splits.
Skill 3, only works for ties and adds 20% damage.
Skill 4, makes the pass uneventful but the attacks, just used, cannot immediately be repeated, as per normal.

Below, I've made a guide for, what I think is, the best set of choices to make during a match, when facing an NPC.

Guide to Using the Jousting Guide
Read from left to right, the first letter is the player's attack, followed by the number of the skill used. The second letter, written in blue, is the NPC's attack. A comma separates them. Next is a number, representing the player's percent of cummulative damage taken, followed by the NPC's, also written in blue, with a comma separating them. Next is the number of diamonds the player has after completing the pass. The lower case "d" means "diamonds".

The lines, referring to final passes, will complete with either: win, TIE-BREAKER, or LOSS; obviously, from the player's perspective. Bear in mind that, since variable damage is being assumed, some passes, that ought to be a final pass, may not be. In these cases, the damage will be written as 99, rather than 100, and the line will terminate with the possibilities contained in parentheses.

To use the guide, you open it and it shows which attack and skill to use. There will be several similar lines with each containing the possible choices the NPC will make. For whichever the NPC uses, you open the "spoiler" just below it. Continue doing this down the tree, until the match concludes. To reset the guide, just refresh the web page, using your browser.

Fighting NPC Guide
D2,A 0,50 3d
. W1,D 0,100 1d win
. W1,S 30,100 1d win
. W1,W 20,90 1d
. . D,A 40,90 3d
. . . W,D 40,100 4d win
. . . W,S 70,100 4d win
. . . W,W 60,100 4d win
. . D,D 45,100 2d win
. . D,S 20,100 2d win
D2,D 25,25 3d
. S1,A 25,85 1d
. . W,D 25,100 2d win
. . W,S 55,100 2d win
. . W,W 45,100 2d win
. S1,S 45,65 1d
. . A,A 60,80 2d
NOTE: Cannot use Skill 3 here because not enough diamonds, otherwise you would.
. . . W,D 60,100 3d win
. . . W,S 90,100 3d win
. . . W,W 80,99 3d (win else continue)
. . . . D4,A 80,99 1d
. . . . . W,D 80,100 2d win
. . . . . W,S TIE-BREAKER
. . . . . W,W 99,100 (TIE-BREAKER else win)
. . . . D4,D 80,99 1d
. . . . . S,A 80,100 2d win
. . . . . S,S 99,100 (TIE-BREAKER else win)
. . . . . S,W TIE-BREAKER
. . . . D4,S 80,99 1d
. . . . . A,A 95,100 2d win
. . . . . A,D 80,100 2d win
. . . . . A,W 80,100 2d win
. . A,D 45,85 2d
. . . S,A 45,100 3d win
. . . S,S 65,100 3d win
. . . S,W 75,100 3d win
. . A,W 45,85 2d
. . . D,A 65,85 4d
. . . . W,D 65,100 5d win
. . . . W,S 95,100 5d win
. . . . W,W 85,100 5d win
. . . D,D 70,100 3d win
. . . D,S 45,100 3d win
. S1,W 55,85 1d
. . D,A 75,85 3d
. . . W,D 75,100 4d win
. . . W,W 95,100 4d win
. . D,D 80,100 2d win
. . D,S 55,100 2d win
D2,S 0,50 3d
. A,A 15,65 4d
. . W1,D 15,100 2d win
. . W1,S 45,100 2d win
. . W1,W 35,100 2d win
. A,D 0,70 4d
. . S1,A 0,100 2d win
. . S1,S 20,100 2d win
. . S1,W 30,100 2d win
. A,W 0,70 4d
. . D,A 20,70 6d
. . . W1,D 20,100 4d win
. . . W1,S 50,100 4d win
. . . W1,W 40,100 4d win
. . D,D 25,95 5d
. . . S,A 25,100 6d win
. . . S,S 45,100 6d win
. . . S,W 55,100 6d win
. . D,S 0,100 6d win
D2,W 0,50 3d
. W,A 20,50 5d
. . A,D 20,70 6d
. . . S1,A 20,100 7d win
. . . S1,S 40,100 7d win
. . . S1,W 50,100 7d win
. . A,S 50,50 7d
. . . W,A 70,50 9d
. . . . D4,D 70,50 7d
. . . . . S1,A 70,100 5d win
. . . . . S1,S 90,90 5d
. . . . . . A,A TIE-BREAKER
. . . . . . A,D 90,100 6d win
. . . . . . A,W 90,100 6d win
. . . . . S1,W 99,100 6d (TIE-BREAKER else win)
. . . . D4,S 70,50 7d
. . . . . A1,A 85,80 5d
. . . . . . W3,D 85,100 3d win
. . . . . . W3,S TIE-BREAKER
. . . . . . W3,W TIE-BREAKER
. . . . . A1,D 70,90 5d
. . . . . . S,A 70,100 6d win
. . . . . . S,S 90,100 6d win
. . . . . . S,W 99,100 (TIE-BREAKER else win)
. . . . . A1,W 70,90 5d
. . . . . . D,A 90,90 7d
. . . . . . . W,D 90,100 8d win
. . . . . . . W,S TIE-BREAKER
. . . . . . . W,W TIE-BREAKER
. . . . . . D,D 95,100 6d win
. . . . . . D,S 70,100 6d win
. . . . D4,W 70,50 7d
. . . . . W1,A 90,50 6d
. . . . . . A,D 90,70 7d
. . . . . . . S3,A 90,99 5d (win else continue)
. . . . . . . . W,D 90,100 6d win
. . . . . . . . W,S TIE-BREAKER
. . . . . . . . W,W TIE-BREAKER
. . . . . . . S3,S TIE-BREAKER
. . . . . . . S3,W 100,99 (TIE-BREAKER else LOSS)
. . . . . . A,S 100,50 9d LOSS
. . . . . . A,W 90,70 7d
. . . . . . . D3,A 100,70 9d LOSS
. . . . . . . D3,D TIE-BREAKER
. . . . . . . D3,S 90,100 win
. . . . . W1,D 70,100 5d win
. . . . . W1,S 99,100 5d (TIE-BREAKER else win)
. . . W,D 50,80 8d
. . . . S1,A 50,100 6d win
. . . . S1,S 70,100 6d win
. . . . S1,W 80,100 6d win
. . . W,W 70,70 8d
. . . . D4,A 70,70 6d
. . . . . W1,D 70,100 4d win
. . . . . W1,S 99,100 4d (TIE-BREAKER else win)
. . . . . W1,W 90,100 4d win
. . . . D4,D 70,70 6d
. . . . . S1,A 70,100 4d win
. . . . . S1,S 90,100 4d win
. . . . . S1,W 99,100 4d (TIE-BREAKER else win)
. . . . D4,S 70,70 6d
. . . . . A1,A 85,99 4d (win else continue)
. . . . . . W,D 85,100 5d win
. . . . . . W,S TIE-BREAKER
. . . . . . W,W TIE-BREAKER
. . . . . A1,D 70,100 4d win
. . . . . A1,W 70,100 4d win
. . A,W 20,70 6d
. . . D,A 40,70 8d
. . . . W1,D 40,100 6d win
. . . . W1,S 70,100 6d win
. . . . W1,W 60,100 6d win
. . . D,D 45,95 7d
. . . . S,A 45,100 8d win
. . . . S,S 65,100 8d win
. . . . S,W 75,100 8d win
. . . D,S 20,100 7d win
. W,D 0,80 4d
. . S1,A 0,100 2d win
. . S1,S 20,100 2d win
. . S1,W 30,100 2d win
. W,S 30,80 4d
. . A1,A 45,100 2d win
. . A1,D 30,100 2d win
. . A1,W 30,100 2d win


  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    Okay, there is variable damage but I don't have enough data yet to say more than that; stay tuned.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Counting the days love?
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    Counting the days love?

    Any enthusiasm I might have is muted. They've changed the rules quite a bit. To be fair, they have made one very good change, but the rest ... well ... I just have to wait and see.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Helsa wrote: »
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    Counting the days love?

    Any enthusiasm I might have is muted. They've changed the rules quite a bit. To be fair, they have made one very good change, but the rest ... well ... I just have to wait and see.

    Well at least you'll have more participants you jousting nerd. :trollface:
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Crimsọn wrote: »
    Counting the days love?

    Any enthusiasm I might have is muted. They've changed the rules quite a bit. To be fair, they have made one very good change, but the rest ... well ... I just have to wait and see.

    Well at least you'll have more participants you jousting nerd. :trollface:

    You, my dear, have earned a jolly good lancing at the jousting arena.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    Welp, Nexon, those little dickens, gave NPC's the use of the skills, since the new jousting mini-game premiered, in Korea. As such, this guide is now deprecated. Now the guide, as it stands, only contains some suggestions as to which attack the various skills may be best suited for.