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Blocking & blacklisting and the problems with it
Hello fellow milletians,
I and some friends have recently ran into some problems with the blocking and blacklisting options.
Specifically, and as a lot of you probably already know, you can't blacklist someone without seeing their in game char (you can block by adding them but it works differently). Meaning they can still note you. Right now me and my friends are being basically harassed by someone and it's because of this system of blocking/blacklisting being so faulty. Even if I blacklist them, they can still note, see you and go to your homestead, and potentially lock your hs on a different channel if they enter or request to enter from a different channel. It's made me realize we need a change.
Instead, I would like to be able to blacklist someone so they can't note me at all, can't see me, and can't enter my hs (AND I would like to be able to do so from typing their ign in and not having to be near them). I think blocking could be a different option, because we need options. I understand some people have concerns about the person you blacklist, knowing that you blacklisted them if they can't see you anymore either, HOWEVER, some of us do still want this option, and I don't think that's too much to ask. A person called Crimson brought up something similar about this problem back in June/July but I wanted to bring it back up because it was either ignored or didn't get enough attention.
My friends and I are tired of not having an option to deal with the more creepy players of mabinogi and at this point I've considered quitting the game altogether. (We did send in a ticket for help but the harassment problem was unable to be resolved)
So please bring attention to this post and link it to your fellow mabi players, and let me know your thoughts, or simply comment to help support this suggestion.
