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Trick-or-Treat Scream-shot Costume Contest
Hey Milletians!
As we ease into the season, the world of Erinn seems a bit eerie... Now introducing: the
Trick-or-Treat Scream-shot Costume Contest!
Dress up for the occasion, and show off your spookiest outfit!
Submissions Open: Monday, October 16 at 12 PM PT
Submission End: Monday, November 6 at 12 PM PT
Voting Open: Monday, November 6 at 12 PM PT
Voting End: Friday, November 10 at 12 PM PT
Contest details:
Show us your Milletian's spooky Halloween costumes for the holiday! Submit a screenshot of your most petrifying attire to show off for Halloween. Feel free to edit your submission for extra terror!
How to Enter:
Please submit your screenshots and captions, along with your in-game name, and best way to reach you (such as Discord username) in this thread!
Submit a screenshot of your Mabinogi Milletian wearing your favourite Halloween Costume!
Provide your Milletian's in-game name in your submission.
To take nicer screenshots, you can use CTRL+N to hide names, CTRL+P to hide parties, and the \ button to hide the UI.
Milletians may edit their submission minimally.
- Please only submit ONE screenshot - make it count!
- No collages allowed.
Judging and Voting: Submissions will be voted upon by moderation team, Nexon employees, and myself.
Appropriate Theme - 40%
60% Composition of Screenshot
25x Total Winners:
- 5x Grand Prize Winners will receive:
- Grand Scarlet Nightstalker Outfit (M) OR Grand Scarlet Nightstalker Outfit (F)
- Little Ghost Pet
- 11x TBA Boxes
- 20x Runner-Up Winners will receive:
- 11x TBA Boxes
Winners' posts will be posted in a follow-up thread!
If you're not already here, join our Mabinogi Discord to chat with fellow Milletians, participate in future contests, and more! :
The irony of using nightstalker before I saw this was the big prize TM...IGN:Soll
Best way to contact me is through the official mabi Discord, @auracion !
Good luck to all
IGN : Hatssu || Discord : Hacchu
IGN: Celticmoss
Discord: jarvojay
Good luck everybody! As a side note, anyone is welcome to check out my homestead! It's mostly autumn themed at the moment if anyone is bored and feels like checking it out.
IGN: Mikurae
Discord: tinplatedance
In-Game Name: Usagixmoon
Discord: usagixmoon
"With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine".
IGN: Chimmyo
DIscord: pocketpuss
The doll that will hunt you in your dreams
The Haunted Doll on the left side is me! I'm not sure if this is kind of editing is included as minimal or not xD
IGN: Pionya
Discord: amantheats (SoraPion)
IGN - liberate
Discord - .liberate
IGN: Triestella
Discord: Triestella
Discord: Pengubun
"Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones, an emptiness began to grow."
IGN: Kaiwen
Discord: Kelvin#5185
Where magic considered taboo and atrocious by society is researched and performed in secret.
IGN: teranozxz
Discord: teranozxz#9166
Discord: ggarza22
copy the link under BBCode or press the button for image and paste ur link
Ign: Sakiza
Discord: mojojoxo
Ign: Carly
Discord: ihatememes
IGN: Beansie
discord: blimpsie
IGN: Luckysstar+Tarlach
Discord: paprika_
I thought the halloween witch outfit & the pheonix fire wand paired well.. So while I was changing into them, my pet skeleton accidentally threw something wrong in the cauldron...!! Melekk, where's my hat?!?
IGN: Chillerwhale
Disc: @cosychi