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Weapon Shop PTJ - Give Glenis Ring

Mabinogi Rep: 305
Posts: 3
edited November 17, 2023 in Bugs and Glitches
The Part Time Job from the weapon shop in Dunbar to give Glenis (at the grocery store) a ring does not work.

I've received this quest twice (most recently at 9pm Central 11/17) and both times, when I try to talk to Glenis, she just does her regular conversation and will not take the ring. I have the quest item "Gift Ring To Be Delivered" in my inventory but cannot give it via conversation or via dragging it to her.

Edit: I was grabbing the quest from the board. I've heard from a guild mate that it works when you grab it directly from Nerys
Edit2: I tried grabbing it from Nerys and it still didn't work for me.


  • GreengardenGreengarden
    Mabinogi Rep: 805
    Posts: 2
    I've also had this issue, it stinks, i've done it twice and now i won't be grabbing them anymore until hopefully it's fixed.
  • PsyloreiPsylorei
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 2
    This happened to me as well! I failed the part time job twice. It would be great if devs could go in and erase those 2 failures as it was bugged and there was nothing I could do to convince Glenis to take that dang ring.

    Perhaps shes jaded from accepting a ring from a handsome young man in her youth, that ended badly! XD "NEVER AGAIN!!!!" - Glenis
  • LoomyOfPiLoomyOfPi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,375
    Posts: 157
    I also experienced this the first week of the update. Not only did I stop doing this one, but I avoided Aeria's quest to give Glenis a ring as well, just in case.
  • ElebonElebon
    Mabinogi Rep: 980
    Posts: 67
    Member, Administrator, Nexon
    LoomyOfPi wrote: »
    I also experienced this the first week of the update. Not only did I stop doing this one, but I avoided Aeria's quest to give Glenis a ring as well, just in case.

    Hi Loomy, this bug was fixed during the November 22nd maintenance!