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Thank you song - Mabi is more than Fantasies
Yup! I hope you've enjoyed it.
I came back to the game 2 months ago after being gone for 5 years. And this was actually me reflecting about my experience lol. I actually thought I was being crazy at first that I thought this way, but other people seem to appreciate it. So here we are with this song =P
Not sure why the video is stuck on 480p it seems. Makes it harder to read text. Not sure if it takes time or anyone knows how to fix it~
May I suggest adding drums?
Can a computer generated voice really sound like that? I'll have to look into that lol. The voice on the video is genuine though, not a "computer voice".
Feel free to suggest drum ideas to the song. Maybe make a drum cover! I'm still learning to improve my music so any suggestion or idea would be appreciated. Thanks~
Learning music is a lifelong endeavour. If you are not confident yet to compose a drum line, it's like anything else, do "something" then keep going back and tweaking it better. Figuring out drums will help you to figure out rhythm. Rhythm is fully half of music, many folks forget that as they concentrate on melody and harmony. If you really don't know how to begin, maybe your tune makes you think of a drum line from some other tune. Make a separate identical project and, for now, just copy the drum line into the copy then start tweaking until you are happy with it and are sufficiently satisfied that it's different enough to be considered "yours".
Don't worry about "borrowing" a drum line as a starting point. You're doing it as a way to begin studying rhythm. Remember, ALL art is derivative. Good Luck!
You make it sound like the music is missing rhythm. There's a lot of rhythm going on in the music! And there is percussion in the arrangement but it is minimal because the song is in orchestral style