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oh well... haven;t really been going to those anyways
True...we're complaining for nothing. lol!
Can this be a new saying now?
"How Nexon of them to do that!"
but what about restarting the servers so they don't explode
That's what I said. -shrugs-
...And please guys, stop pulling my heart strings on the memento update. That still has to be a long ways off.
Didadidadididodo Diiidadidido
I've been having this for the past two months even after maintenances are performed on channel 1. It's getting kinda bad.
yyyyyeus ch1 alexina was terrible yesterday, idk about today haven't logged on. i main fighter in the first place becuz all the other skillsets lag a lot for me lol (average connection in a faraway country) and even fighter itself was feeling it yesterday. they really needa fix focused fist bug too if that's even possible.
mm charging strike saves my life. all i ever use is pretty much fighter chains, smash/counter/assault, lightning rod, snapcast fireball, lullaby and mana shield that's it. using magic is dangerous sometimes tho >_<