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KR Mabi seems to be doing something with Vales...
Whatever, I'm not the one derailing the thread.
I'm speaking for the giants and I'm excited to see what new stuff they'll get.
Anybody see the stomp thread, or did it get merged with this one..?
Yes, i agree. Because if we won't, Korore will turn yandere and will
killclose this thread instantly.With this Giants revamp or something I hope we can interact with elves like how we can with humans. TwT
Would love to finally be able to give my elf friends shoulder rides.
I wanna give my giant friends shoulder rides.
What if Melee Weapon Equipping for all races was redone so that, upon reaching "Insert Rank Here", that weapon, in one-handed format, became unlocked as an Off-Hand option. Nothing special for elves, humans or giants besides possibly which weapon archetype they can unlock first.
Still, an idea that'll get washed under the rug just because I barely mentioned "QQing". I look forward to whatever comes about from this Giant Battle Reorganization, as giants do need some love.
Where did you get that from? It's awesome. XD
-Wind Guard
• Loads instantly
• Skill duration is displayed on screen
• Giants are able to move and switch equipments during skill duration
• Giants are able to use Wind Breaker regardless of equipment
• Following skills are available for use during Wind Breaker duration
All close combat skills
Full Swing
Mana Shield
Spell Walk
Transformation/Demi God
• Charge and Full Swing is not affected by cool down during Wind Breaker
• Full Swing will decrease durability if used in Wind Breaker
• Minimum/Maximum target is increased for each ranks
• More powerful enemies can now be taunted
• Taunted enemies will be in Raged status effect
Raged effect will give enemies increased movement speed but decreased damage and magic attack
• Fixed issue where enemies in great distance could be taunted
• Fixed taunt target conflict with other giants in the range
• Training requirement for rank A has been made clearer
• Stomp usage can be specified with mouse position and click
• Stomp damage now takes character's balance and critical rates
• Stomps effective range is visually indicated
• Fixed issue for Stomp's effective range
-Added Equipment for Giants
• Northern Flawless Hammer
Set effect is identical to current set effect for CRK
• Northern Flawless Blade
Smash Enhancement 5
Charge Enhancement 5
Slightly higher max compared to FGS
• Northern Flawless Shield (Giant only)
Smash Enhancement 5
Charge Enhancement 5
• Gigantic Noblesse Armor Set (Giant Only)
Absorption set same to Milia
• New Items are crafted through Engineering
Final Swing!
Here's a video showing a little more.
New accessory for Giants! Nude crotch covers! Cosplay as a titan today!
Shut up and take my money. >_>
The video doesn't work unfortunately.
And... CRK-Hammers???
Bash enhanced hammers? Finally.
and the equips. i actually noticed the other day trying on clothing on an alt that giant couldn't wear millia set so couldn't get the effect. was like wow racist. never realised it.
giant could finally get commerce reforge set and now this too