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I see food, I eat it.
Of course to stay this cute and small I must consume a very strict diet of-
Shrooms. Just... Just lots of shrooms.
Just one wittle tomato.
I must control my urge and not eat pretty foods I see in shops.
This is lowest upper muscle, lowest fat, and max lower muscle for a puffy looking butterfly dress.
Being fat is scary an idk how it works in mabi so I just avoid food it's evil
Tried the 20 cheese wheel, looks better on older characters.
hardly eat anything and starve with meditation before collecting foods in the journal. becuz i like the fresh outta rebirth look best for my chara. i used to rebirth him at 10 for so long but then started noticing how big his head was compared to his body.. so he's gradually inching taller lol. stayed at 11 for a while and now 12 >w> 13 is getting too tall though.
i feel u!!!!!!!!
What age do you stay on?
I stay around 15-16 and it looks good to me!
Bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon.
And sometimes a Churro.
But thanks for the cheese tip. Didn't quite eat as much as you but I am glad my character has a little more shape to her now. Now if only I can make my bewbs bigger. o_O;;;
Is that the recipe for bigger bewbs? O_o;;;
You know what? We need a model revamp.
It gives that nice hourglass figure.
That dexterity increasing from berry was very delicious.
Agreed. I saw some players in Alexina server making these hour glass figures and putting up bikinis or other sultry outfits with furry accessories on them too. Looks VERY terrible.