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Were those *REALLY* our GMs?
So recently I had the great displeasure of watching the VOD of the Mabinogi community livestream, consisting of not much more than two extremely bored individuals giving out some cheap game related stuff to the occasional lucky viewer, and playing through the new ninth anniversary chocolate cake event.
What struck me most of all was not the colorful event that seemed to be a large waste of time, nor the low quality of the handed out items, including a Mabinogi music disc with all written information on the back being written in Korean, which neither of the individuals in question could read, and which they ended up seeing if anyone in chat could translate for them. No, it was the complete vagueness with which these people presented the new content! With Saygo seemingly utterly baffled at all times and Nkeona bored out of her mind, they managed to bumble through reading a decently expanded version of the racial skill information already given, and then fail spectacularly at presenting the passive skills, citing that they "Are a bit confused about this and don;t have enough information", so they will bring this information in a future web post.
Which brings me back to the original question, are these really our GMs? After Mabinogi has lacked any real content updates since that one dungeon re-vamp ages ago, to be presented with this level of unprofessional actions and blatant blaise faire attitude does not bode well. It is an open secret at this point that Nexon doesn't give two twitches of a rats arse about this game, but to that I have two words. Two words only condensing what they could, nay, should do in order to give us players some semblance of professionalism so that we do not lose all hope in this game ever receiving the updates that it needs! -Ahem- Are you ready for this? Act. Better.

Nkeona is more questionable, but she apparently is on Ruari, and even then, I don't expect them to be involved with the design, especially with the lackluster translations in recent notes. Even so, she is reasonably well acquainted with the basic functions of combat, and especially her taste in clothes.
Also, I don't see what Nkeona's basic understanding of combat and good taste in clothes has to do with this error, or her job as a whole.
Neither of the test characters the GM/CMs were using were high enough level/skill to do anything.
Couldn't do the dungeon (though I think drops weren't turned on for that testing server), couldn't show off the new skills (need to be current level 50 for Eweca and 100 for Ladeca skills), and mainly just showed off the gacha wings.
I mean, the one consolation is that this update is coming literally tomorrow, so we won't have to wait to play with it ourselves, but still.
I hope future streams are better.
(They gotta requisition some 500% Golden Experience Fruits)
The new skills weren't shown off at all and only had really vague descriptions of what they do. The new event didn't get a whole lot of action since it was just constant exiting out of the mission since nothing was being dropped (Why show off an event if it couldn't be done?) and it just seemed like the wings were the only thing that they could successfully show. So I dunno, most of the stream I just nodded off to it since nothing really invigorated me to actively watch it.
I don't want this to sound mean or anything, it's just felt totally bland and unprepared.
I was a bit confused by your title. What are you implying? They are not GMs and CMs? They are. The question I believed you were asking is "Why are they?" Their game knowledge is lackluster, but if I had to guess, at this point, the ability to find someone with the "credentials" and who have intimate knowledge of a game's workings only played by less than 5k players is pretty difficult, especially considering the living restraints of being in California, is what my guess would be.
Though in any case. You do have a point. He and Nkeona should have prepared, and should have prepared well. You do not need a degree in anything for a stream, but many people have done better, some have gone on to make a living. As a professional representing an international company, I do expect something other than "not be a jerk to trolls and players being asses," I expect knowledge, something that indicates you know what you are talking about. The thread announcement was posted more than a week before the stream.
Presentations are pretty scary, but there are accredited classes for this, even if the aim is streaming online.
To be honest, I think a big part of the stream problem was the fact that the weapon from the kitchen dungeon wasn't dropping properly (maybe a coding issue), which is good it happened there in stream, instead of when the event went live for us. Nkeona spent quite some time restarting those in order to get it to drop, but it never did. Said time could have been used to only speak about the new Ladeca Passives, as showing examples of them would be difficult as if I remember right, Saygo and Nkeona were both Human, leading to perhaps only showing the Human Passive, especially since the stream centered on Nkeona's character.
Wing showing could have gone a little smoother. We never got to see the actual gachapon for them being opened, or their potential rates for wing acquisition. That would have been nice to see rather than the Wing Runway, though I did see some wings I would like to get.
Something I would like to see on our branch's end though is a Merchandise Store with shirts and stuff. The stream could be used to advertise new products via the giveaways like they did. Maybe us having a merchandise store would actually promote the idea of us getting translated cd's, which seems like an unnecessary expenditure (as does translating so many sets) if we don't have an active store for them. The game is originally in Korean, so it makes sense that the soundtrack cd set would be too.
the issue is the fact these CM and GMs totally dont know that the majority of people in this game are deep into the "content". Their worry is not weather you get proper CP, or skill equality, or content, or if they have the knowledge to answer complicated questions, OR to even praise those doing excellent in any of these degrees.
its more the fact they show off new "items" (being a chair or wing)
Some of the issues they obtain they dont even double check to see if their working, I'm STILL wondering if they know how bad the CP in dungeons are. If i run out of dura and need to use another weapon to defeat a dang spider, I should think its CP shouldn't read weakest, specially When I can 1-hit kill a monster in a shadow mission who says awful.
I understand why GMs hide, but i know plenty other MMOs who GMs who go out every once a week for 3 hours and just play the game and listen to peoples issues.
- i understand GMs answer tickets and gotta mail stuff all day...
- but the A-game is real,
- sorry but with all thats been happening lately, I agree. - A 5-min talk with anyon in game can tell you just how this game would be far better, all the way to the marketing strategy..... which is hurting the game, a lot.
Iunno, if you are buffing yourself to ludicrous levels, then of course you will shot enemies. In any case, CP is a low end concern in compared to training skills, a lot of which were remedied with pirate wear with raccoon cubs for giants.
I am not sure of your solution though. Many players do not know what they want, or what they want is gamebreaking.
- sorry to be brutal.... ;o; -angry dumb guy
thats pretty agreeable. but it still a issue whether you have cp armor or not.... just basic CP balance.
but the last mabi stream i watched was the festia one and it was similar thing happening.
there were so many questions where sabina and nkeona were like "uhhh idk, we don't test content" and had to keep asking people in the background not on the stream, which is fair enough but even the people they were asking didn't know how to answer it. the people who test content were not the ones hosting the stream and one of the guys wasn't even present at the time cuz they were asking around like "where is he? is he here?". i can understand if the people with most game knowledge are not hosting the stream but they should at least be readily available for that hour or so for support.
there are hints now and then that our GMs/CMs aren't as familiar with mabi as much as the average player. someone in festia stream asked to see the effect the wings had on stats and they kept equipping it on style tab like 'it's not changing.. i dunno' and people were commenting 'gear tab gEAR TAB' and it took some time before they realised lol. plus a lot of the time in help forums and figuring out event content it's players helping other players, not nexon staff helping out and explaining things.
i just watched the 9th anni stream and
- it could have been planned better with definite confirmations on info, less vagueness, less '???' and actual demonstration of the new skills
- should have tested the dungeon before the stream to catch the weapon problem
- to be fair i don't think nkeona sounded bored out of her mind? she just talks like that lol
- totally agree that should give Saygo a break since he's new o:
As for the prizes....its free stuff XD Seriously they aren't going to just hand out 100K NX because we tuned in.
I LOVE YOU @GMSaygo & @GMNkeona. Keep up the good work o.o-b
plays song "Shake It Off".