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Mabinogi Direct Launch Ending March 16th


  • Sphyra21Sphyra21
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,555
    Posts: 504
    PLEASE some1 figure out a way around the nx launcher soon!
  • Jag272Jag272
    Mabinogi Rep: 630
    Posts: 26
    Well it seems if i attempt to boot the game via the launcher it creates a zombie Client.exe 138k in size according to task manager, which never does anything, Nexon Launcher determines after like 2 minutes im no longer in game but the client.exe remains until i end the process manually.

    Great Job.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    Good job NEXON. The launcher managed to put my EUropean games in the launcher menu, but not Mabinogi.

    What are you doing?
  • ScrapScrap
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 5
    edited March 16, 2017
    Thread theme:

    Really does suck though; food dungeon event actually had my interest; could've easily scored bragging rights if rats were still in it.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,905
    Posts: 1,320
    edited March 16, 2017
    Liberate wrote: »
    Steam launcher is effected and won't launch the game because it's using Mabinogi's old launcher, nice. Only limited to one option instead of the previous 3, and if that one option fails, then there's no way around it.

    Edit: Looks like it's fixed for now. There's a quick small update for Mabinogi on steam that fixes the launcher issue.

    Sometimes the update after maintenance for Steam comes out a little later. It is usually within 10 to 20 minutes after the maintenance or sometimes faster. Still better then Nexon Launcher crap.

  • VimiVimi
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,390
    Posts: 142
    I'm hoping we can find a workaround to the Nexon Launcher. Using it to play the game is extremely frustrating if you have more than one account. The old launcher made everything so much easier :(
  • FrustrateFrustrate
    Mabinogi Rep: 730
    Posts: 15
    wow, it's gonna take me 7 hours+ to download the game within nexon launcher 'cause my download speeed is soooooo slow. It's probably been like 15 minutes now and it's at 122mb/7.19GB. How annoying. Am I gonna have to uninstall the game that ran the direct launch now?
  • LokitinLokitin
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,060
    Posts: 60
    Nexon Launcher is literally the worst! Now that I've been forced to use it, I've had to restart it a dozen times now because whenever I close Mabi, the launcher won't register that I closed the game and it won't let me start it up again because I'm "currently in-game". For something that's supposed to make my gaming experience "more convenient", it's giving me such a headache. I've faced this issue and more when I tried using it before, it's not like I never gave it a fair's only been a day since I've started using it again and it's already dawning a fiery rage within me.
    Since Nexon allegedly plans on fixing the launcher's bugs, they should have done so before forcing us to have no other choice. Everyone will probably just be flocking to Steam now, in which case kinda defeats the purpose of trying to get everyone to use Nexon Launcher.

    I really feel like this is the worst way Nexon has screwed us over so far :(
  • FrustrateFrustrate
    Mabinogi Rep: 730
    Posts: 15
    Lokitin wrote: »
    Since Nexon allegedly plans on fixing the launcher's bugs, they should have done so before forcing us to have no other choice. Everyone will probably just be flocking to Steam now, in which case kinda defeats the purpose of trying to get everyone to use Nexon Launcher.

    Yeah! No kidding!
  • Jag272Jag272
    Mabinogi Rep: 630
    Posts: 26
    Frustrate wrote: »
    wow, it's gonna take me 7 hours+ to download the game within nexon launcher 'cause my download speeed is soooooo slow. It's probably been like 15 minutes now and it's at 122mb/7.19GB. How annoying. Am I gonna have to uninstall the game that ran the direct launch now?
    You can just point the nexon launcher at your old client and it will do a lot less downloading, though if you don't have an appdata folder make sure to rename your mabinogi folder to appdata and then put it inside of a new mabinogi folder before doing so. Point the launcher's download at the existing nexon folder (NOT the existing mabinogi folder) and youre all good.

    Though if you didnt have appdata folder already, it will download like 3-4GB as it insists on having all patch files, but thats still half of downloading the full game
  • FrustrateFrustrate
    Mabinogi Rep: 730
    Posts: 15
    edited March 16, 2017
    Jag272 wrote: »
    Frustrate wrote: »
    wow, it's gonna take me 7 hours+ to download the game within nexon launcher 'cause my download speeed is soooooo slow. It's probably been like 15 minutes now and it's at 122mb/7.19GB. How annoying. Am I gonna have to uninstall the game that ran the direct launch now?
    You can just point the nexon launcher at your old client and it will do a lot less downloading, though if you don't have an appdata folder make sure to rename your mabinogi folder to appdata and then put it inside of a new mabinogi folder before doing so. Point the launcher's download at the existing nexon folder (NOT the existing mabinogi folder) and youre all good.

    Though if you didnt have appdata folder already, it will download like 3-4GB as it insists on having all patch files, but thats still half of downloading the full game
    Okay. I'm completely lost about what you just said of what I should do. X_X

    "Point the launcher's download at the existing nexon folder (NOT the existing mabinogi folder) and youre all good." It is downloading into C:/Nexon/Library. This is the only part I understood from your post.
    7 hours to get to 25%. So sad.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited March 16, 2017
    Vimi wrote: »
    I'm hoping we can find a workaround to the Nexon Launcher. Using it to play the game is extremely frustrating if you have more than one account. The old launcher made everything so much easier :(

    In other words probably some illegal actions? Lol nice.

  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    I use steam and it told me to download the launcher. The download for the launcher was fast for me and all I had to do was log in to the launcher, close it, click steam's mabi icon and then poof. All that changed for me was now I don't have to press start on that mini launcher now, so the nexon launcher actually made it faster for me from now on. (By a couple seconds.)

    Though, its really surprising seeing so many people having issues with this launcher. :S
  • Jag272Jag272
    Mabinogi Rep: 630
    Posts: 26
    edited March 17, 2017
    Well, after messing about with it yesterday, I still can't get nexon launcher to open the client, so I guess I'm locked out of the game atm.

    Launcher says I'm in game, Client.exe appears in processes list and consumes a little bit of RAM up to about 128MB then it stops there, never appears on screen or anything. Support ticket time I guess.

    Edit: Fancy that, after around 8 hours of troubleshooting, right after I make this post it starts working, gonna make the ticket anyway cos that seems very flukey to me.
  • GregoryeGregorye
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Posts: 4
    I'm lucky enough to live in a place that has mabi on steam. I know a huge portion of the playerbase isn't so lucky. All servers were pretty dead today, I hope game isn't finally dead.
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    Gregorye wrote: »
    I'm lucky enough to live in a place that has mabi on steam. I know a huge portion of the playerbase isn't so lucky. All servers were pretty dead today, I hope game isn't finally dead.

    Yeah, I noticed that too. About a 30-40% decline in activity on Mari. A lot of people got thrown under the bus yesterday.
  • PannyaPannya
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,810
    Posts: 205
    edited March 17, 2017
    "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.", it's that simple, the old launcher was working fine...
  • LokitinLokitin
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,060
    Posts: 60
    Mabi has already been losing players, Nexon really isn't helping the situation by making it even harder for current players to play!

    Unless Nexon actually intends to phase out Mabi...they've really been dropping the ball lately, frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they're just done trying.
  • Neagan777Neagan777
    Mabinogi Rep: 770
    Posts: 24
    I decided to use Steam because it works better I think and less lag.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,905
    Posts: 1,320
    Neagan777 wrote: »
    I decided to use Steam because it works better I think and less lag.

    The Steam version is a much better choice and may be running with slightly less lag then before the update.