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9th Anniversary Lux Bag+Normal Lux Bag?
probably the new trans medals. well time to destroy my wallet again...
That would sure be nice TT
Inflation straight from the devs on purpose and not allowing it to balance out the economy with a gold-trade? I am triggered.
This could be a way to combat gold selling bots and gold sellers in general, remember, if the game company competes with the gold sellers, the gold sellers will be destroyed.
I agree, but it's still got to be controlled. =|
A little thing like this is hardly the issue, though. I see no problem with it. (Though I haven't yet seen the cost of the item in NX)
Would still be nice if it were tradeable. =T
At the very least, I'd expect the box to be tradeable... Oh well.
Baby steps. =3=
5k Nx for 1 mil is a bad idea compared to 5 regular dye ampoules for 5k Nx that can be sold for 350k easily.
5*350,000=1.75 mil per 5k NX
Heck, reforges are 1.5 mil per 5k NX if you sell 40k Nx worth for 12 mil. (Not too sure of the current prices)