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I hope this is the right page for introductions...
Greetings, y'all. I'm Airis, and i am (obviously) new to this game. I hope we can get along!~
...huh, I actually can't find a place for it.
Well, welcome to Mabinogi.
Be sure to choose a server wisely, as they are all quite different in more ways than population.
If you choose Tarlach, I might say hello in game.
i-i chose alexina coz the population seemed the largest... >.<
That is fine, some prefer higher populations. I'm pretty sure you get a lot of character cards anyway (unless they changed it).
So any new player could check out all server to make such a choice.
Hope you have fun, and remember to take your time. Mabinogi is not a game that will encourage you to rush.
oooo, i see! well, i will take my time then! big thanks!
You're gonna LOVE this game.
Here's hoping you find an awesome guild to join too!
Welcome to Mabinogi and the forums!
Here's the link to the Mabinogi wiki, which is extremely helpful when you get stuck on quests or just want to find information on things. wiki.mabinogiworld.com/
Yeah! Now this poor person won't get to experience me and all the other wonderful people of Mari!
But hey, welcome to mabinogi! No matter what server you're on, in these forums, we are all brothers and sisters of Erinn.
I hope you are having fun
How very morrighanist of you.
Yes that would be better, but they are not allowed to talk about it. That could mean something, or nothing.
Well, i just saw a rooster drop kick a fox.
So yeah I'm having fun ^^
Figuring things out needed a bit of crash course but otherwise it's great ww
My IGN is Rikalukizi, if you're looking for help please do not look at me if it involves being in a party (I'm a lagger) If you're in a talk with stranger spree then note meh and if you're looking for some Holy Water or any event items that you will and definitely want, come to me and not anyone else, I have reasonably priced items.
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