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how do i get back into event area...
i logged into ch7
completely confused on logging in i changed chanel to 1 hoping maybe find some one that could help
it took me out of the area
Why? It literally tells you at the start that if you leave the dream you will not be able to re-enter it. And how someone can help when it's a solo and literally all you had to do was talk with everyone.
What about those who disconnected?
Can't blame those poor guys. But Splat didn't dc he just left because he was confused, rofl.
The title is auto-granted upon completion, so getting it on one who didn't finish it is, well, impossible.
To be honest, players shouldn't be forced into the mission straight away.
but i wanted the +1 luck title :c criesss
why did channel hop count as leaving
why was it a 1 chance only
unsure how many other got screwed over like i did because i thought channel hopping wouldnt count as leaving since still be in same area just a different channel..
soo dumb
please dont make event requirements like this in future @Nexon
You channel hop when in a shadow mission or dungeon, you leave that shadow mission or dungeon. And you aren't going to be able to reenter that dungeon or SM. It's not stupid, you just should have actually read and followed what Shuan said. There wasn't any fighting. It was just moving form one "Dream" to the next and talking to everyone. It was simple. I, personally, don't think the +1 luck title was worth it. Could have given something better, but I logged in completely confused as to what was going on. Still did the event, though.
This is more infuriating than the Cursed Labyrinth "Press Space 40 times in ten seconds" deal.
I literally cannot do this without buying a more expensive keyboard.
But that's just me.
I got the message you receive when you d/c out of a dungeon and was able to re-enter