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Just did a 45 bundle of em, got a lot of blue dye amps, ugly metal dyes and trans medals.
Some of the trans medals we're decent. Got some fun ones like Glas, Awakened Claimh Solas, and Cromm Cruiach as well as Phine and Caswyn.
Outfits I just got colossus armor and Flamerider (F).
So aside from some alright trans medals and a hunk of more dyes, I wouldn't expect much from it. Though every gacha does give bundles containing 3 sm crystals, letters of guarantee and bounty hunter cards, so we may be able to get some of those back in the market.
What about a gacha with only transformations in them? That'd be good.
I hope the gacha isnt too poopy. My birthday is on April 12th and I want this gacha to be good for it. <~<
I dislike the limited notion period, though I do like Shamala boxes.
It's anyone who wants those new outfits that I feel sorry for.
Welp, this is happening..
Yup. This giant needs an Eluned Dress right now. >w>' I predict they are going to come in the next round of gacha.
Someone tell Letus!
Possibly. It may also be going the way of Chang'es with new gachapons now having them as semi rare drops instead.
and then im pretty sure people sell the tea party stuff for 20m because of this