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When you make a new character you get the Lorna quests which give you the special newbie wears A through C, my main character my first character hasn't hit 1k yet so I still have the beginner bonus incase i need that to get the Lorna quests on my other characters but my question is
Am i able to get the newbie wears on my alts? So far I've been playing an alt and I've gotten the type A newbie wear but I can't seem to get anymore Lorna quests. So am I able to get the other quests or are the quests for B and C wear only for your first character? Because the Wiki only has quest info on everything up to getting newbie wear A then it just ends.
If you have created your characters after the tutorial was implemented, you should be able to get outfits on every characters. You should get a quest after reaching 50 cumulative that rewards you something then one with "reach 100 cumulative". You are to get the "Reach 200 Cumulativ" Quest (I do not remember the name properly) around level 150 cumulative.
Be sure to check your Main Quest tab, on which they appear, and not the tutorial one.
However be aware that you will, only receive one pet from this tutorial, regardless of how many time you do it.
I hope that my answer has answered your questions!
Feel free to note or add me in game if you need anything!
Yutsuki of Alexina.
Yeah, my alt is only 40 total so that makes sense as to why i haven't gotten anymore Lorna quests, i figured one might appear at 50 but i wanted to post here anyway. Thank you very much for the information that solves my question.