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2017 has been a strong year for Mabinogi, and as we move towards summer and the massive updates to come, we're inviting back some of our old players with a new event tuned for them! Let your old friends know and invite them to check out the details below!
Returning Bonus Event
Event Duration: Thursday, Apr. 13 - Tuesday, May 23rd
Event Details:
- Accounts that have not logged into Mabinogi for 60 days will receive a quest to visit Homecoming Bash Caravan Joe in Dunbarton and receive a Marvel-Grow Supply Box
*Note: The Returning Bonus Event will only be available for the character you first log in with
- Use the Supply Box and select a weapon type to receive a powerful Demonic weapon and a Marvel-Grow Supply Box Stage 2
- After gaining 200 Levels, the box will unlock and can be used to upgrade the weapon and claim the next stage of upgrades.
- Continue gaining levels and upgrading your weapon, requiring another 200 Levels to reach Stage 3, 200 more Levels to reach Stage 4 and a final 500 Levels to reach Stage 5!
- Boxes will remain active and usable until Thursday, July 12th, so long as returning users claimed their first box by Tuesday, May 23rd. Weapons will not be removed at that point.
Weapon Rewards:
- Close Combat (Choose one of the below):
*Demonic Oculus Lance
*Demonic Death Penalty Blade
*Demonic Death Knight Sword and Demonic Fear Shield
- Ranged Combat: Demonic Infinite Bow
- Magic: Demonic Infinity Staff
- Martial Arts: Demonic Solitude Knuckle
- Puppetry: Demonic Illusion Control Bar
- Alchemy (Choose one of the below):
*Demonic Hellfire Cylinder
*Demonic Abyss Cylinder
- Music: Demonic Gloomy Sunday
- Ninja: Hagi's Shuriken
- Dual Gun: Dowra SE
Supply Box Upgrades:
- Box 1: Rewards the initial weapon
- Box 2: Gain a Booster Package, containing items useful for powering up the associated talent skills
- Box 3: Full Upgrade, with multiple weapon enhancements (upgrades and replaces the previously rewarded weapon)
- Box 4: Reforge, further upgrading with weapon with a powerful, skill specific boost (upgrades and replaces the previously rewarded weapon)
- Box 5: Gives a +5 Special Upgrade to the weapon (upgrades and replaces the previously rewarded weapon)
Bag is part of an event coming next week. We will have more info about soon
What we got was the time we played that the returning players did not play.
It doesn't bother me so much, but it does just a little bit. Just a little.
That's because that's the Potential System Nao Box. Not the Returning Player Bonus.
That's not a bonus. That's from playing the game normally.
People who have stuck with the game this long should get some loyalty reward, or something.
This event is not for players who play regularly, its for the people who left for a long time. Its in the name of the event "Returning Bonus Event". Different targets; this event is aimed to bring people back. If EVERYONE gets it, its not special anymore. There would be no incentive to return, when everyone get something for nothing.
Our "reward" for being a long time player is that you actually played and you got your gear, your money, your skills, etc. People who didn't play miss out on getting anything that you get from playing.
A loyalty reward would suck since it would be geared towards a very one sided demographic: the very long time playing people. Everyone else would get left out or be given a lesser prize which is demeaning and that would make people think the game is no longer worth playing since they would literally never get to that level since the bar will always be raised.
Besides, do you really need that free weapon?
as a returning member i will let you know that before they gave you the weapon that you have to now work for, for free for 2 months with a repair cost of 1 each time... just putting this piece of information out there... *looks at my RM demonic infinity staff with magic attack +16 5 upgrades a gem upgrade and an artisan upgrade to increase Intel by 40 mana and stamina by 4 and a reforging rank 1 of magic attack 10 level* i earned better weapons later on so i only use that when I mess around since it repairs for 1 and I care not if it decays
on a side note I think this event should apply to those receiving the returned militia event currently
on another side note the returned militia event shouldn't end early on you after doing 10 quests... I liked my title it had 2 weeks on it when it disappeared because I did the event quests so not only did I not get the rest of the daily log in things your suppose to get for a month and the benefit of the titles