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What gains did you make this DR (Humble brag time)
I was going to level engineering, or blacksmithing but with all the rebirth pots how could you not just spam levels?
I have 5k more ap, and added nearly 2.5k total levels to my account this weekend. I'm pretty burnt out but happy I made several months progress in 3 days.
As for level wise, hearing that you made 2.5k levels makes me feel ashamed of myself.
With that being said I feel I don't have a right to even 'brag' at all in this thread. ~ _~' I made about ...1k ap or a little more, and speed ranked catering and tasting in about an hour. But hey, I'm grateful. I'm glad I have ap because that means I have a reason to train now, and not just spam sm's and run dungeons without a reason.
(Got like 700 ap for puppet and now 400 for alchemy next~)
For myself, not much. (Didn't really spam for exp or training)
I also finished Music.
Assuming he hit 200 each rebirth (which I doubt), then 12.5
Used up like 5 Rebirth Potions from the Potential System. (I have 2 Rebirth Potions remaining.)
That was exhausting.
One weekend of this grind was enough. 1.8k potential
I even managed to rush all of G12 on the first day of it before my natural rebirth and managed to rank up the demigod skills from it to a very acceptable rank.
May not be the most outstanding results, but its enough to get a nice amount of growth in.
+1k AP for more yummy training.
i got that by starting the event at 1/1 and 0 potential, so 4 forgetful pots, and however many rb pots you get up to 1500 potential
that's so hardcore. how long did you play?? what did you do??
Probably had a ton of rebirth potions. I know a lot of players were just getting to a little over level 100 and rebirthing within a manner of a half hour or less of doing MA.
pretty much the whole weekend 8-12 hours a day. Was worth.
I've joined the (apparent) club alongside others, now.
Goodness gracious, the rainbow grinding wiped me OUT.
But it was a lot of fun.
Was able to use each and every one of those expiring RB potions, phew!
You get the armor via gift box, too.