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Sound of Spring Event

Mabinogi Rep: 6,265
Posts: 176
edited April 20, 2017 in Vault
Spring is the season of growth, of new beginnings, of special days ahead, and a new artisan is trying to mark it with the start of his career. Luke has nearly everything he needs: Good hands, strong tools, a wise (if harsh) mentor, a drive to create and a special seed he's sure will create strong trees with good wood.

He just hasn't quite figured out how to get the seed to make that wood. Help him out to claim some of his finest work for your homestead with the Sound of Spring Event!


Sound of Spring Event

Event Duration: Wednesday, April 19th - Tuesday, May 9th

Event Details:
  • Upon logging in, speak to the aspiring artisan Luke in Dunbarton and register a main character for the event and gain a Mysterious Seed to plant in your Homestead
  • Gain Special Tools from Artisan Yella, which are used in quests to get Essence of Spring. Up to 5 Special Tools, and thus Essences of Spring, can be gotten per day, with a bonus Essence of Spring obtainable after completing all 5 daily quests on weekends
  • Use the Essence of Spring on the tree to help it grow and, after 36 minutes, harvest White Wood from the newly grown tree
  • Turn in White Wood to Luke and receive Luke's Gift Box, containing a random item from the list below
  • Turn in a total of 40 White Wood to claim a Homestead Fairy Garden prop
  • Turn in a total of 80 White Wood to claim a Homestead Greenhouse prop

Luke's Gift Box Rewards
Each Luke's Gift Box contains a random item from the following list:

  • Homestead Gardening Shelf
  • Homestead Floral Garden Trellis
  • Homestead Garden Trellis
  • Homestead Hyacinth Flower Pot
  • Homestead Red Rose Flower Box
  • Homestead Red Rose Flower Pot
  • Homestead White Rose Flower Pot
  • Homestead Rapa Flower Patch (Whole)
  • Homestead Rapa Flower Patch (Partial)
  • Homestead Morning Glory Flower Basket
  • Homestead Tulip and Morning Glory Trellis Box
  • Homestead Tulip and Morning Glory Flower Box
  • Homestead Garden Workbench
  • Homestead Floral Wheelbarrow
  • Homestead Eggplant Seed
  • Homestead Strawberry Seed
  • Homestead Pumpkin Seed
  • Homestead Cabbage Seed
  • Homestead Tomato Seed
  • Homestead Prairie Grass
  • Homestead Desert Grass
  • Homestead Wagon
  • Homestead Small Chrysanthemum
  • Homestead Speedwell
  • Homestead Daffodil
  • Homestead Flower Pot
  • Farmstone (2)
  • Farmstone (5)
  • Farmstone (10)
  • Cheap Silk (2)
  • Common Silk (2)
  • Fine Silk (2)
  • Finest Silk (2)
  • Cheap Fabric (2)
  • Common Fabric (2)
  • Fine Fabric (2)
  • Finest Fabric (2)
  • Cheap Leather (2)
  • Common Leather (2)
  • Fine Leather (2)
  • Finest Leather (2)
  • Cheap Leather Strip (2)
  • Common Leather Strip (2)
  • Fine Leather Strip (2)
  • Finest Leather Strip (2)
  • Wood Board (3)
  • Large Nail (5)
  • Assorted 5cm Gemstones


  • ArogwenArogwen
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,025
    Posts: 26
    So, in order to get the Greenhouse prop you can't miss a single day? Why limit both how many essences you can get in a day AND how many pieces of wood you can turn in? I didn't realize he only took one piece of wood per conversation on the first day, so if the math is right I already won't be able to get the greenhouse because he won't take all the wood I have on me? D:
  • MissDevichiMissDevichi
    Mabinogi Rep: 625
    Posts: 59
    Arogwen wrote: »
    So, in order to get the Greenhouse prop you can't miss a single day? Why limit both how many essences you can get in a day AND how many pieces of wood you can turn in? I didn't realize he only took one piece of wood per conversation on the first day, so if the math is right I already won't be able to get the greenhouse because he won't take all the wood I have on me? D:

    80 is like 16 days? I think there's like 20 or 21 days of the event so you don't have to do every day to get the treehouse.
  • ArogwenArogwen
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,025
    Posts: 26
    I read someone else's post about it and I don't know why I thought the math sounded right. Always double check! I still don't like how they restrict both how many wood you can get *and* how many you can turn in. One or the other would be enough to prevent over-farming of the boxes.
  • KryoKryo
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,470
    Posts: 298
    Yeah I don't like that they limit the turn-in either. I missed turning in yesterday, and now I have extra pieces of wood and essence :c
  • darkchaos125darkchaos125
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,165
    Posts: 44
    Today for some reason I am unable to use the essence tools on potato patches. Equipping a regular hoe tool works fine. Anyone else having this issue?
  • GentlemenGentlemen
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,340
    Posts: 118
    Today for some reason I am unable to use the essence tools on potato patches. Equipping a regular hoe tool works fine. Anyone else having this issue?

    Yela probably asked you to harvest from a flower field. Go to Emain to harvest flowers.
  • IcedrakeIcedrake
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,170
    Posts: 42
    Saygo wrote: »
    [*]Gain Special Tools from Artisan Yella, which are used in quests to get Essence of Spring. Up to 5 Special Tools, and thus Essences of Spring, can be gotten per day, with a bonus Essence of Spring obtainable after completing all 5 daily quests on weekends
    [*]Use the Essence of Spring on the tree to help it grow and, after 36 minutes, harvest White Wood from the newly grown tree

    Can we please uncap the delivery thing, or at least allow people to turn in the ones they currently can't if they had misunderstood the way the event worked?
    Also, what good is getting an extra essence thingy on weekends if you cannot turn the extra wood in??
  • darkchaos125darkchaos125
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,165
    Posts: 44
    Yela probably asked you to harvest from a flower field. Go to Emain to harvest flowers.

    Some time after I asked I figured it out, due to a similar previous event we had in gathering in flower field. Is that the only flower field we can gather in?
  • InsaneOasisInsaneOasis
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,250
    Posts: 43
    Icedrake wrote: »
    Also, what good is getting an extra essence thingy on weekends if you cannot turn the extra wood in??

    On weekends Luke will accept 6 pieces of wood per day, so that extra essence can be used, plus the other five that you would normally get.
  • HazurahHazurah
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,570
    Posts: 444
    useless limitation
    because of that, i can't turn my wood that i missed few days ago
  • IcedrakeIcedrake
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,170
    Posts: 42
    Hazurah wrote: »
    useless limitation
    because of that, i can't turn my wood that i missed few days ago

    I also had this problem, I thought, unsurprisingly, especially considering how high they stack, and how previous similar events have worked, that turning in one per day until you had 40 was what you were supposed to do. I decided to try getting more reward boxes a few days in and realized the problem. I now have 17 extra raw woods in my inventory. Please do something about the turn in restrictions.
  • IcedrakeIcedrake
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,170
    Posts: 42
    And now we see how much Nexon values that customer input they are always asking for.
  • EllisyaEllisya
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,525
    Posts: 485
    Extension please :(
  • JunehperJunehper
    Mabinogi Rep: 220
    Post: 1
  • Someone17Someone17
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Post: 1
    edited April 30, 2017
    They need to get rid of the 5/6 a day wood turn in limit and let you drop or destroy Essences of Spring. I have about 15 Extra Essences of Spring, that I can't get rid of and 9 extra Raw Wood that I won't be able to turn in without getting a bunch of extra Essences of Spring.
  • BiggabruddaBiggabrudda
    Mabinogi Rep: 730
    Post: 1
    edited May 1, 2017
    An extension would be nice.
  • FloristFlorist
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,235
    Posts: 89
    The limit of 5 Raw wood daily, is the reason I will not be getting the greenhouse. With my schedule being as hectic as it is, I'm lucky I can even manage to even get two or three for that day. I really hate the AFKing aspect, but I also really enjoy the props. I really liked the Naco commerce event, you were guaranteed 3 props. With this, I've only gotten 2 new props -- & Mostly seeds as my reward.. Upset I won't be getting the greenhouse, or most of the props I'd adore having in my HS (Without buying from players) but I understand that's a "self problem" :P!
  • MasterChefMasterChef
    Mabinogi Rep: 310
    Post: 1
    For those who have been burdened with excess Raw Wood but have not given up on this event just yet, there is a wonky solution I would like to share with you all!
    1. Fulfill all of the requirements of the Hidden Helper daily quest before 7AM PST. DO NOT PRESS THE COMPLETE BUTTON.*
    2. After 7AM PST passes, turn in five of your raw wood to Luke (or more if you can).
    3. Press the COMPLETE button for the Hidden Helper quest after turning in your raw wood, then relog or change channel.
    4. Upon login, you will have received a brand new Hidden Helper quest and Luke will take five more Raw Wood from you. This means you can turn in up to 10 or more raw woods on the same day to help empty your wood collection before the event ends.

    *You must make sure that you complete ALL of the requirements including turning in at least one raw wood to Luke before the next day begins. If the day resets and your Hidden Helper quest is only 66.7% completed, you won't receive a new daily!

    This was a rather vague and hastily composed mini-guide, but I hope everyone can understand it well enough to catch up and collect their own Greenhouse. It's absolutely amazing!
  • AndriolfAndriolf
    Mabinogi Rep: 220
    Posts: 16
    I would like an extension too :V
  • darkchaos125darkchaos125
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,165
    Posts: 44
    edited May 6, 2017
    What is this 'gather near water' ???
    ah...nevermind...found a spot in emain...