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Closed why Mabi is no longer fun.
a long time ago Mabi was the best F2P MMO. but that was a long ago. it's still an okay MMO but i haven't enjoyed Mabi in years.
there were many things that made Mabi great but above all else i think the combat and leveling system is what made Mabi stand out. i also feel that the recent updates over the last 4-5 years are what ruined this. let me explain why i liked the combat and leveling system so much.
the combat is more slow paced, requiring a more tactical approach. this allows weaker players to take on stronger enemies as long as they can keep their wits about them. this is also what i feel that recent updates have ruined by adding new, faster paced skills.
the leveling system is rather interesting. it features a mechanic called Rebirth which allows you to reset your level to 1 and all the stats you gained from leveling up is also reset. you might think this mechanic is pointless if all your stats are reset however every time you level up you gain an ability point which you can use to increase the rank of your skills. you also level up faster at lower level so using the rebirth system often allows you to gain ability points faster. increasing the rank of your skills doesn't just make those skills better, most of them will also increase your stats and these stat increase are not reset when you use the rebirth system.
with the way these 2 mechanics worked it removed a problem i have with other MMOs. when i played Blade and Soul i was always playing it alone. it's an MMO so i want to be playing it with my friends but no, my friends who started out before me were many levels ahead of me and those that started after me progressed through the game much faster than me. because of this i was always alone and it's not just Blade and Soul, i've had this problem with other MMOs. i can't just ask higher leveled players to come to areas for lower leveled players just to hang out with me cause then they'd be bored by fighting underwhelming enemies, they'd gain nothing worthwhile out of it and because they'd one shot everything i wouldn't be able to do anything and i can't just go where they are cause then all i could do is just stand there contributing nothing till my level catches up plus i'd be skipping a huge portion of the game which is not something i like to do.
with Mabi's combat and leveling system i could feel like an equal with other players even if there was huge difference in how strong we were. while there were times i went solo i found that i played with others more often in Mabi than i ever did with any other MMOs out there. i wish more MMOs were like this cause i don't feel much like playing Mabi anymore. most of my friends barely ever log on anymore and when they do i don't think it's because they want to but rather it's because Mabi is mainly where our guild gathers.
when it first came out Mabi was ahead of it's time. but the times eventually surpassed Mabi and i feel it failed to keep up with the times. as it currently stands no updates could fix how bad Mabi has become. the past 4-5 years mostly feels like a failed attempt to do so.
a lot of people are probably gonna hate me for suggesting this, and i highly doubt it'll happen, but i honestly wish the developers would shut down Mabi and start over from scratch. making a modern, F2P MMO that has the same appeal that Mabi once had back when it was great. keeping an outdated MMO running when it feels like it's just getting worse and worse seems pointless.
this whole thing has been nothing but a complaint from me that's probably gonna piss off a lot of people and get a lot of backlash. for all of you who disagree with me let me make it clear. if you still like Mabi then good for you. it doesn't bother me one bit what other people like or dislike. my intent with this was to get people thinking about where Mabi's going from here on out and open up discussions about whether Mabi's getting better or worse? i've already made it clear what my opinion on that is.
First off, the three weeks was shortened to one week. That is a good thing, because three weeks is too long.
Second, Potential made it beneficial to spam past level 100. The leveling stat bonuses past 100 are hardly worth it when you inevitably reach a level far too high.
I am not what to think. I dislike things like pet spamming, but quite honestly, that does not affect me a whole lot, though lullaby is indeed too overpowered.
i have no problem with the leveling system, i mean i didn't criticize it. since i was writing about what made Mabi great i guess i just figured i'd put it in there.
the point of criticizing something is the hope that it'll be improved. as i stated to me Mabi feels like it's getting worse and worse and although i don't think it can be fixed i do think other things could be done. thus why i said that i wish the developers would shut down Mabi and start fresh. creating a spiritual successor that could be just as great as Mabi used to be if not better.
Mabi first came out in 2004. by modern standards it's quite outdated.
We have to complain, because the KR devs like bragging that Mabinogi being a sandbox MMO makes anything possible, yet they cannot provide NA with the necessary resources to develop new and exciting content and innovative features. For years after the very development of homesteads, the player could not even enter the homestead house, which at this point we only have the greenhouse as a tiny step in the right direction. Not only that, but many old skills have been neglected, and many of the features KR has on the drawing board has not even been completed yet, further showing that they cannot properly divide tasks among branches as a global company. Mabinogi thrived for up to 5 or 6 years after launch in NA, however it fell just as quickly as the company performance. This isn't just about Mabinogi's lack of updates anymore, it's about how Nexon as a company has failed to properly develop and run Mabinogi. That's why most veteran players say that it would be for the best if Mabinogi would ever shut down.
You have to go with the flow of the game just like you have to go with the flow of life. There's going to be stuff you won't like and it's not your decision to decide whether it was right or not. You work around these things and do what you can. For example, if a person doesn't like the way a country is being ran, you can move out or do the best you can to work with it and continue your daily life.
I think it is more imperative to write what went wrong in my humble opinion.
yes i agree. i could've written this whole thing much better.
lol good idea
Mabinogi, however, will always bring me back... I always come back... xc
I have yet to see a game that offers what mabi offers better.
Tried Arche Age. I couldn't get into it.
Same. I tried Blade and Soul, Aura Kingdom, Revelation Online and so on... After few days/weeks these games got so boring, it even caused me a headache when playing after few hours. It only offered nice graphics, amazing effects in combat and well... oversexualized characters with neat customization. That's all. All you have to do in these games is attack, kill, farm and bring something to NPC. I never get too attached in such games.
most mmo games just seem boring compared to mabi and most of them feel like the same game over and over again with a different name. the only fairly new mmo that gives me a similar feeling to mabi in some ways is a game called Twin Saga. but even then mabi still wins simply cause it has more content and more unique features then most mmo games.
Anyway I actually haven't gotten Bash yet, I had it on my old human, but learning of it, I vehemently reject it and will not use it, as it trivializes the vast majority of one-on-one encounters. But you can't impose such rules on other people, which means I gotta live with watching other party members spam it against everything until it dies. Just why on earth would they invent a skill that goes against absolutely every standard the combat system set in place, anyway? A combat system where skills are supposed to have specific uses, can counter others and be countered. I'm still livid.
Also I have no clue why on earth a Giant buff is on the way. Giants are already the most broken aside from FH, and it's okay to not be of the highest DPS because we're still hella tanky and can wield 2handers and shields at the same time, in addition to substantial bonuses to many melee skills.