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Good work. You did it once again. Keep impressing me, because you're so damn good at it.
This has been the worst Mission Point Event they've been done. Terrible launch, unfinishable rebirth mission, and good lord the Time Rebirth Event.
Congratulations. Now what else do you plan to ruin?
This has definitely been the worst month of Mabinogi for me, and it's December godamit. How do you ruin December?
I'm sorry I exspected a competent management of a game. Shame on me. Just end my life and save the humanity, eh?
It's like if I was sitting in my home and suddenly got shot, it would be my fault for not wearing a kevlar vest now, would it?
I shoulda worn a kevlar vest.Own up to the mistake and post it somewhere visible like on the Launcher, Announcements or the in-game marquee.
Had to deal with a dyslectic support team who apparently thought the word "shoe" translated tinto "item bag".
Then got lied to about the mission point date by the game itself so week's worth of work got away.
The "updates" we got was a plus for a short moment until I got all the negative points, so balancing them together, it became the worst overall.
So yes.
I just want some basic features to actually fucntion for once. But apparently that's an impossible task.