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What Would You Want Fix In Mabi
That's all I can really think of right now. Just listed things that are actually broken, as in, it's not supposed to happen.
Was that a recent change? or have I just not used personal shops in so long that I completely missed that? >_>;
Fix Synthesis. It's so tedious to have to train it by separating everything one by one.
If they're fed up with demands for fixing maybe they should stop coming up with broken ideas. >_>
I'm kidding. :P But I wish the developers gave us a chance to tell them our ideas so the suggestions thread will be a suggestion thread and not a collection of pipe dreams.
Well, look at that. I had no idea, I'm sure they fixed that a long time ago and I just never knew.
pretty sure this is what happens with those stones for the music knowledge quest with all the bottles and you have to play the correct note etc, regardless.
If that's the case, I really wish they would change it. And just make more use for Iria in general.
.....jesus LOL
+1 to you sir all us players that worked hard threw the years then newbies come get 1k then buy reforges just get over powered cuz they asked mom or dad or there rich its not fair reforges are broken 1. need to be fixed 2. need to be removed
im ok with all that but the moongates cuz ceo XD
Their attitude towards their own game.
Remake this on a new engine, preferably one as beautiful and stylish as peria's, so that they can no longer use the excuse of being unable to understand the old code. If you're convinced it's easier to create something new than to fix the old, then how about you do it that way?
After that, either skillfully merge us down to a single server (by skillfully I mean without issues, including workarounds that lets us keep our stuff and names so nobody can complain). If not one server, then two, but with SUPER GOOD advertising. This game needs new life and better functionality. Badly. Very, very, very, very, very, very badly.
There are tons of issues that have already been mentioned before, but if one were to convert the code from scratch, it'd be way easier to make them in a way it's not broken in the first place. At the very least, there's a -chance- things could turn out for the better after it's done. It all depends on how much they care to actually fix anything, which so far has been evidently not the case, looking at this thread.
EDIT: What I'm saying is, I hate it that we're on the backburner with mabi, as well as mabi US+EU in particular. We're just that random sinking treasure ship to be occasionally looted for self-benefit <_<
They need to add a consistent way to obtain them in game, in maple they use cubes and they have inferior cash chop versions drop from normal bosses. Mabi should either have reforge fragments drop in shadow missions or just include them in the seal shop for a reasonable price. The power gap between heavy spenders and casuals need to close even just a little, reforges are incredibly expensive now and takes easily millions just to rank up an item to rank 1 or even rank 2 sometimes. And then there is that one guy who goes from r3 1l to r1 3l with two tools...
sad because if they were able to update or improve mabi to address the weak points the game has potential to be SO GOOD. people would actually spread it around and tell their friends and they would actually play it and stay. it could get so popular.
As someone who once played on another MMO many years ago(talking 17 or so) that 90% of the stuff was client sided I will say that is a terrible idea. I figured out how to modify NPC's in the game as all it had to do was run on my client, and my client broadcasted to the others, and the server what it was doing, and they accepted(and the server would even change it).
Eventually me, and my friends on it figured out how to import NPC's we scripted ourselves from scratch, and unleashed a pile of pain to the point we had more power in game then their staff(all the staff could do was warp players breaking rules to an in game jail)
It was the same in the original Diablo I created an item that would corrupt peoples characters (to be fair I only did that to people that were stealing items
1. Buff elves in some ways, we kept getting the short end of stick for last several generations and it's pretty tiring.
2. Make all heavy armors you can purchase from NPCs be wearable by elves (humans and elves share the same body model plus elves can get Heavy Armor Mastery and they get the biggest penalty with Dex so why not? I've always wanted to wear the Spika Armor..)
3. Give elves the dark skintones finally and make it so all the skintones, eyes, and hair colors are shared across between 3 races (which mean elves can get dark hair/eye color options that humans and giants have while they get our light hair/eye color options finally!)
4. Make seal stones in Uladh continent a weekly reset thingy so everyone can get a chance to break them for titles and journal achievement once a week. No more people trying to break it so it's there permanently just for the attention.
5. Merge all 4 servers into one mega server with a name change coupon for both character and pet/partner.
6. Tweak the drop rate for certain things in NA Mabinogi to fit with the population... KR's population is very huge so they have low % drop rate for things from content is understandable but it is not appropriate for us because our population is too small and some items like Breastplate Armor, Succubus Queen Outfit/Wings, Soluna Blade manual/materials, Broken Guardian materials, etc... are almost non-existent.
7. Revamp Fighter skillset a bit because no one really use them except for duel now and they're pretty useless in most of the situations.
8. Give giants the ability to use archery skills while giving elves the ability to use lance skills thus elves also can learn Berserk and giants also can learn Spider Shot.
9. Move all the archery-related skills into their new tab between Close Combat and Magic named "Ranged Combat" or "Archery" and make all the ranged-related skills colored brown as their skill background color.
10. Uncap the stats to 2k.
11. Give Life skills some sort of revamp... I'm not sure what but yeah..
...That is all I can think for now that would make Mabinogi bit more interesting again at least for a while.