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What Would You Want Fix In Mabi


  • AlmostNotsuperAlmostNotsuper
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,240
    Posts: 288
    edited May 6, 2017
    I know it's unrealistic to ask for them to be removed, but I think it'd be reasonable to nerf them, if only by taking some of their effects and adding them either to the skills themselves, master titles or GM talents, or some mixture of the three. Ele reforges should work like actual elementals, not just an additional multiplier on every enemy for no reason. Also, as other people mentioned, there should be a more reliable way to obtain reforges in-game. As someone else said, this is all about closing that crazy gap.

    Certain skills really need nerfs, and some need buffs, and some need both. Also, some skills could use an uncap; I'm not obsessed with having rank1 everything like some people are, and I'd rather see the current skills balanced than any uncap of a skill people won't use anyway (except for meditation maybe), but it would be nice to see that they haven't been forgotten.

    I'll just quickly go over the most basic/essential fixes for a few talents. This isn't all that should be done, just the minimum to balance things out a bit. Not going into detail here.

    Close Combat:
    -Nerf FH. My ideal FH would give no bonus damage, but allow the use of skills, boost attack speed and skill animation speed (or allow us to move before animations finish), ignore defense for the duration. Also, it shouldn't suspend durability loss, 'cause that's broken. It wouldn't be a big deal if the skills was properly nerfed in all other aspects, though, so it's not that important.
    -Nerf Bash. Easiest way to do this would be to delete the skill give it a load time, but I'm sure there are better ways to go about this. Honestly, I wish this skill could be removed, even if it has to be replaced with something more well thought out. In its current form, it's just bad, and I can't really think of a simple change to make it good; you'd pretty much have to make another skill.

    -Either set a minimum range for ranged attacks except for Urgent Shot (not great), or make it so archery skills aim faster while the enemy is in a certain 'ideal' range (I'm thinking the farthest 30% of the player's range at rank 1 of ranged attack) (I prefer this method to the first)
    -Increase aim speed in ideal ranges, nerf aim speed outside of them if needed
    -Crossbow mastery increases ideal range while equipped with a crossbow (+15% at rank 1)
    -Bow mastery increases effective range while holding a bow (+700 range at rank 1, taken from effective range reforge)

    -Nerf Firebolt (archery and alchemy will look a lot better if firebolt spam is no longer a thing, or at least isn't great DPS)

    -Nerf Raincasting
    -Disable Hidedra

    -Make it an active role, by making it so buff skills actually have to be built up and/or maintained to have any meaningful effect (except for march song, that's whatever)
    -Nerf and buff skills as needed

    Life Skils
    -Give them a use, don't mess it up by releasing everything in gachas this time.
    -Either put more manuals in game, or bring back the production gachapon (pls put them in game tho)

    Make more stats useful again, preferably in a way that promotes variety (i.e. multiple stats are useful, but they can't all easily be obtained at once) Right now, all that seems to matter is damage and crit (only up to a certain point, really), prot and def are secondary because they reduce damage. What happened to balance, injury, magic def/prot (Ok, not even I care about balance all that much, but it's there)? I really think they should rework the stats, particularly def and PROT. This is all about adding (or, more accurately, using existing but mostly ignored) layers to the combat system, and more variables for players to manipulate. This could go a long way toward 1.bringing actual variety between equipment types and 2. encouraging players to use different setups.

    Monsters should stop running around us, waiting for us to do something. I'm not saying that everything needs to instantly aggro and charge at us when we're in range (although a lot of monsters really should aggro faster), but at the very least, they shouldn't do so much nothing when they do aggro. A lot of content in this game would be much more difficult to solo if this wasn't a thing. Given that this game is open to certain exploits like creating multiple accounts to drag along in missions to get extra moneys for nothing, we want things to be more difficult to solo. Another benefit of this is that damage becomes a little less valuable, and things like defense and healing (teamwork) become more valuable.

    Add a greater variety of monsters. We could use more enemies who use magic, maybe even enemies that buff other enemies. Also, give different enemies different types of defenses. It doesn't have to be like peaca, where every enemy has a level 3 passive defense, but making some enemies noticeably vulnerable to magic, quick low damage attacks, or strong slow attacks; using def and prot (and their magical variants) would be nice.

    I'd also like to see more coordinated groups of enemies. I think it'd be cool to feel like we're facing off against an enemy party rather than a bunch of oblivious random monsters who happen to be standing around. As an example, think back to the New Gremlin Squad.

    That's all I've got for now, I think. =T
    lidiya wrote: »
    I would get rid of the lag, and make things Client Side rather than Server side.

    As someone who once played on another MMO many years ago(talking 17 or so) that 90% of the stuff was client sided I will say that is a terrible idea. I figured out how to modify NPC's in the game as all it had to do was run on my client, and my client broadcasted to the others, and the server what it was doing, and they accepted(and the server would even change it).
    Eventually me, and my friends on it figured out how to import NPC's we scripted ourselves from scratch, and unleashed a pile of pain to the point we had more power in game then their staff(all the staff could do was warp players breaking rules to an in game jail)
    It was the same in the original Diablo I created an item that would corrupt peoples characters (to be fair I only did that to people that were stealing items ;) ) as that was mostly client side based.

    I think it's all about not being dumb about what the client is allowed to work with. There's no reason for NPCs and stuff like that to be handled client side, but I don't see why a lot of combat shouldn't be.

    This is kind of a pointless discussion if we don't know what exactly is currently being handled by the client or the server. I'm sure most of us would agree that handling EVERYTHING via either the client or the server would not be great idea, one because it would be too vulnerable to shenanigans, and the other because it would be too laggy.
  • TheDumbOneTheDumbOne
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,790
    Posts: 342
    for me personally the only thing i want fixed is the way they fix things.
    its either put aside till the point the coding too old , etc. (i remember on old forums they asked for a dungeon revamp and literally said the coding was basically too old)

    I rather if NA hired people to fix NA coding instead of relying on KR. - which im assuming the reason why they wait.
    and cause everything translated, KR may not even have our glitches, it may just be a translation glitch.-etc.

    If anything above all i just want the attitudes and ideals of how the people think of these issues. Every issue should just be fixed when it happens. CAUSE IF YOU DONT- then u get the "its too old" or "put away for ever"
    i could use just about anything in this game as a example... like profile pictures on the forums alone... and thats not even in game which theirs 7+ years of "will get to it soon, (BUT NOT NOW) written on everything.
    If you want a glitch to be fixed, its best to fix it now.... "sooner then later?" NO, like NOW! lol

    (i also like a revamp of alchemist skills, half of the stuff doesn't work after the last revamp that was left behind, and thats just including the items that go with the skill set.)
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Again with the nerfing...

  • PanPan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422
    Just nerf yourself.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited May 9, 2017
    I mean seriously, we work hard and/or invest into the game to make FH make dungeon runs efficient as possible and save dura - thus GOLD. And all these want to do is basically take that away from us. I'm getting real sick if hearing this suggestion.
  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    edited May 9, 2017
    Gaea wrote: »
    I mean seriously, we work hard and/or invest into the game to make FH make dungeon runs efficient as possible and save dura - thus GOLD. And all these want to do is basically take that away from us. I'm getting real sick if hearing this suggestion.

    Gaea, calm down. It's not nice to call everyone else with that suggestion names, it's their opinion. Try and look at it from their point of view. These are people tired of others final hitting in every possible situation to the point where it makes their presence pointless. Yes, for speeding dungeons, it is efficient. Though realize some of the people that have this suggestion may like to take pride in their combat and how they run or enjoy themselves with others without having to groan when someone just final hits the entire room before they even get a chance to charge their skill. It really kills the mood. One can argue, "well no one said you had to run with me, this is how I play mabi", but it just shouldn't be like that. A single overpowered skill shouldn't be a divide between two kinds of groups of people to the point where it creates anger between one another. And not everyone wanted to take it away from you, just a simple nerf so it evens the playing field.

    Sorry if my post was a little biased, but this is coming from a giant who has to sit through a lot of final hit spam every time I run a shadow mission with a group of people when my intent was to have fun with it and not run it as fast as I can.
  • FeliceFelice
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,790
    Posts: 98
    edited May 9, 2017
    Gaea wrote: »
    I mean seriously, we work hard and/or invest into the game to make FH make dungeon runs efficient as possible and save dura - thus GOLD. And all these want to do is basically take that away from us. I'm getting real sick if hearing this suggestion.

    I couldn't agree with this more.

    I run a Total Level 9100-ish Human. I have Rank 1 or Master rank in every Combat Tab skill with the exception of Spirit Weapon Awakening, Evasion, Gold Strike and Crisis Escape. Final Hit is among the Master Ranked Skills I have. I can tell you right now, as a Human Player, who's done all that, and experienced every form of Pure or Combination Melee Combat Mabinogi has to offer. The current Final Hit, is not broken.

    Final Hit, as a skill, simply removes all Knockback from the User's Attacks. It is not a "Cheese" Skill that any human can throw out and claim victory.

    * Yes, the Durability Loss was removed, I welcome this as that was the biggest turn-off for using the skill in the first place.
    * Yes, Getting Countered or Knocked back yourself while using Final Hit, no longer cancels the skill. So what? The easiest way to win against Final Hit is to run down the clock. Stun-locking an Active Final Hit User is the worst thing you could possibly do to them. I know this because I've experienced this and I teach this to new players.
    * Final Hit is not an Untouchable Skill. While that may be misleading, What I mean is this. The player using Final Hit, can still be hurt by the target. All you need is to be fast enough or for the user to have just enough latency, and it won't matter how strong Final Hit makes them, You can still hurt them, even kill them. And while skills like Counter, no longer cancel out Final Hit, they can still be loaded fast enough to disrupt it.

    So Please. Stop trying to say Final Hit needs to be "Fixed" by being Nerfed into the ground to the points it is as bad or worse than what it was Pre-Renovation.I can think of a few Magic or Alchemy Skills that fall under the same pretext of "Fixing" because they make other skill-sets pointless.
  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    Felice wrote: »
    So Please. Stop trying to say Final Hit needs to be "Fixed" by being Nerfed into the ground to the points it is as bad or worse than what it was Pre-Renovation.I can think of a few Magic or Alchemy Skills that fall under the same pretext of "Fixing" because they make other skill-sets pointless.

    As far as I read, no one here said to nerf it 'that' dramatically. Actually, this fellow here gives a very good idea about how to even out Final Hit without it being damaging to the users who depend on it.

    "Nerf FH. My ideal FH would give no bonus damage, but allow the use of skills, boost attack speed and skill animation speed (or allow us to move before animations finish), ignore defense for the duration. Also, it shouldn't suspend durability loss, 'cause that's broken. It wouldn't be a big deal if the skills was properly nerfed in all other aspects, though, so it's not that important." -@AlmostNotsuper

    With this idea you lose out on bonus damage and the no-durability loss, but you make up for it with even faster attack speed, AND you can use skills during the final hit. That can solve the problem of you taking hits while you use the skill.
  • TwelieTwelie
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,850
    Posts: 272
    edited May 7, 2017
    Zeo wrote: »
    4. Make seal stones in Uladh continent a weekly reset thingy so everyone can get a chance to break them for titles and journal achievement once a week. No more people trying to break it so it's there permanently just for the attention.

    But I kind of like that they're permanent. Not because I have one, but because I think it's cool that people have left their marks. Almost like it's part of the game's history. I don't know. They feel like heroes of old, or something. I don't like that I'll never get the achievement though.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited May 9, 2017
    Xiokun wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    I mean seriously, we work hard and/or invest into the game to make FH make dungeon runs efficient as possible and save dura - thus GOLD. And all these want to do is basically take that away from us. I'm getting real sick if hearing this suggestion.

    Gaea, calm down. It's not nice to call everyone else with that suggestion names, it's their opinion. Try and look at it from their point of view. These are people tired of others final hitting in every possible situation to the point where it makes their presence pointless. Yes, for speeding dungeons, it is efficient. Though realize some of the people that have this suggestion may like to take pride in their combat and how they run or enjoy themselves with others without having to groan when someone just final hits the entire room before they even get a chance to charge their skill. It really kills the mood. One can argue, "well no one said you had to run with me, this is how I play mabi", but it just shouldn't be like that. A single overpowered skill shouldn't be a divide between two kinds of groups of people to the point where it creates anger between one another. And not everyone wanted to take it away from you, just a simple nerf so it evens the playing field.

    Sorry if my post was a little biased, but this is coming from a giant who has to sit through a lot of final hit spam every time I run a shadow mission with a group of people when my intent was to have fun with it and not run it as fast as I can.

    No nerfs. You mess with the damage, duration, durability loss, or the cool downs...devcat would be ripping us off after everything we invested for YEARS after reforges were released.

    Anyway I am confident a nerf like this would never happen. As you can see there would be significant rage, not only from me I can assure you. It would be a nightmare.

    I guess what needs to happen is that all races should have access to FH. Instead of nerfing it, that would balance everything out and would eliminate the jelly.

    I like being able to blast through dungeons, rinse and repeat. To get the gold and materials you need for stuff, it's almost necessary with the dismal drop rates. Sorry. But that's why we do it. So we can obtain the gear we want faster than snail pace. We enjoy adventure like you do, we just like it way more faster. I also like the fact I don't have to wait eons to build a party. I can just go in myself if I want to, especially if I have a pass that is about to expire.

    This isn't the first time I have encountered this with a giant. Just let everyone have FH and be done with this. :|
    Twelie wrote: »
    Zeo wrote: »
    4. Make seal stones in Uladh continent a weekly reset thingy so everyone can get a chance to break them for titles and journal achievement once a week. No more people trying to break it so it's there permanently just for the attention.

    But I kind of like that they're permanent. Not because I have one, but because I think it's cool that people have left their marks. Almost like it's part of the game's history. I don't know. They feel like heroes of old, or something. I don't like that I'll never get the achievement though.

    I had a suggestion earlier involving server merges, where there could be the original or the first seal breaker titles. We could have it kind of like how Iria is set up when you discover something and it lists your name, but it could also indicate who originally broke it first. This would allow others to gain the journal achievement and would not take away the legacy of previous players.

  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited May 8, 2017
    Siodhan wrote: »
    Honestly, what would I want fixed?
    Their attitude towards their own game.

    Yeah and some players should too lol. (This is not meant to any of you guys, just pointing out this problem too). I lately saw many players who take this game way too seriously...
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited May 8, 2017
    Greta wrote: »
    Siodhan wrote: »
    Honestly, what would I want fixed?
    Their attitude towards their own game.

    Yeah and some players should too lol. (This is not meant to any of you guys, just pointing out this problem too). I lately saw many players who take this game way too seriously...

    Not meant of any of us.


  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887

    There seems to be significant rage with anything now a days in Mabi, be it events, a new skill, or what have you. Everyone has been reacting so strongly to everything lately. But that's enough from me, because if I keep going on a tangent about how over powered I feel final hit is, this thread is going to get derailed, and I don't want that.

    Though on one final note, about what you were saying about speeding through dungeons just for gold and gear, you can play how you want, but I just feel Mabinogi shouldn't be like that. There comes a point when the gear people have clears rooms and mobs so fast that combat isn't combat anymore. It's pressing a button and waiting for gold to pop out to get even better gear that makes the process even faster than before. But for what? It just becomes accumulating gold and gear to fight more increasingly stale combat. This process has been happening with everyone getting near end-game recently, just doing the same thing over and over again for no real main goal. And then, when Mabinogi releases something 'new and hard', the dungeon gets squashed within a weak and it's deemed easy. Just like Peaca Abyss, and now just like Rabbie Phanstam.

    I think that's the true thing we should really fix in Mabinogi next; figuring out how to break that cycle and keep hard things hard. Not just by adding insta-death skill monsters and omega HP.
    GreaHiroki05AlmostNotsuperRadiant DawnHumiliating
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    nomigid15 wrote: »
    Another thing, I'd overhaul the Elf and Giant versions of G2 so that they make more sense and feel less shoehorned in (ex: instead of Aer giving them the "Mythril Armor with the Spirit's Blessing" item, they'd receive an item thematically tailored to their respective transformations). Also, maybe bring back a rebalanced version of the old Falcon/Beast plotline quests (probably as a post-G3 questline, parallel to the Dark Knight quest for humans).

    I would LOVE this! It makes for a more unique experience as a different race than the copy-paste G2, but with different transformations. I mean for goodness' sake, the Giant and Elf transformations were from Iria! I know we still have to do G2 to earn ourselves our red-haired adversary.
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    Leinei wrote: »
    nomigid15 wrote: »
    Another thing, I'd overhaul the Elf and Giant versions of G2 so that they make more sense and feel less shoehorned in (ex: instead of Aer giving them the "Mythril Armor with the Spirit's Blessing" item, they'd receive an item thematically tailored to their respective transformations). Also, maybe bring back a rebalanced version of the old Falcon/Beast plotline quests (probably as a post-G3 questline, parallel to the Dark Knight quest for humans).

    I would LOVE this! It makes for a more unique experience as a different race than the copy-paste G2, but with different transformations. I mean for goodness' sake, the Giant and Elf transformations were from Iria! I know we still have to do G2 to earn ourselves our red-haired adversary.

    I think that would be a good idea too! Maybe start including Neamhain for some roles in G2 if you play as an elf/giant? As she is one who granted them the transformation in first place...
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    edited May 9, 2017
    Daktaro wrote: »


    Xiokun wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    I mean seriously, we work hard and/or invest into the game to make FH make dungeon runs efficient as possible and save dura - thus GOLD. And all these want to do is basically take that away from us. I'm getting real sick if hearing this suggestion.

    Gaea, calm down. It's not nice to call everyone else with that suggestion names, it's their opinion. Try and look at it from their point of view. These are people tired of others final hitting in every possible situation to the point where it makes their presence pointless. Yes, for speeding dungeons, it is efficient. Though realize some of the people that have this suggestion may like to take pride in their combat and how they run or enjoy themselves with others without having to groan when someone just final hits the entire room before they even get a chance to charge their skill. It really kills the mood. One can argue, "well no one said you had to run with me, this is how I play mabi", but it just shouldn't be like that. A single overpowered skill shouldn't be a divide between two kinds of groups of people to the point where it creates anger between one another. And not everyone wanted to take it away from you, just a simple nerf so it evens the playing field.

    Sorry if my post was a little biased, but this is coming from a giant who has to sit through a lot of final hit spam every time I run a shadow mission with a group of people when my intent was to have fun with it and not run it as fast as I can.

  • MarithMarith
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,005
    Posts: 122
    Well, everyone hits the big things.

    I'd like to be able to expand dungeon minimaps to see the whole thing at once. Fix the enthrall bug where mobs instantly aggro ranged attackers after they or their predecessors had been enthralled even once since a maint. Doll bag lag >.>

    Status effect icons for bash enhance, dura loss enhance, etc. Nix the minimum player requirement on weekly jousting tournament. Remove dura usage on weapons when singing buffs.

    Take a look at rebalancing the commerce system to be more appealing to people just starting it (Never release something like the trustworthy trader accessories ever again, please.)

    And this one's a bit facetious, but I'd like to see something that wasn't a pure white dust from adv hm dungeons sometimes.
  • ikoreanikorean
    Mabinogi Rep: 620
    Posts: 6

    maybe do something to bring back the old feeling of mabinogi back. Like make a brand new fresh server with no cash shop items allowed. Or make new dungeons that doesn't allow pets and reforges so we can ACTUALLY PLAY HOW THE GAME IS SUPPOSED TO BE PLAYED. Or anything along those lines.

    My main issue is that this game doesnt feel like mabinogi anymore. the combat is dull and boring, the cash shop ruined the game, everyone just afk's now, the economy is inflating like crazy.
    Xiokun[Deleted User]
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    ikorean wrote: »
    maybe do something to bring back the old feeling of mabinogi back. Like make a brand new fresh server with no cash shop items allowed.

    Sounds like a good plan for company to go bankrupt.

  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Xiokun wrote: »

    There seems to be significant rage with anything now a days in Mabi, be it events, a new skill, or what have you. Everyone has been reacting so strongly to everything lately. But that's enough from me, because if I keep going on a tangent about how over powered I feel final hit is, this thread is going to get derailed, and I don't want that.

    Though on one final note, about what you were saying about speeding through dungeons just for gold and gear, you can play how you want, but I just feel Mabinogi shouldn't be like that. There comes a point when the gear people have clears rooms and mobs so fast that combat isn't combat anymore. It's pressing a button and waiting for gold to pop out to get even better gear that makes the process even faster than before. But for what? It just becomes accumulating gold and gear to fight more increasingly stale combat. This process has been happening with everyone getting near end-game recently, just doing the same thing over and over again for no real main goal. And then, when Mabinogi releases something 'new and hard', the dungeon gets squashed within a weak and it's deemed easy. Just like Peaca Abyss, and now just like Rabbie Phanstam.

    I think that's the true thing we should really fix in Mabinogi next; figuring out how to break that cycle and keep hard things hard. Not just by adding insta-death skill monsters and omega HP.

    Look, you play how you want to, and I will play how I want to. Nuff said.