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What Would You Want Fix In Mabi


  • HinotamaHinotama
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,420
    Posts: 290
    I would want a fix to stop people from complaining about everything.
    GretaNekoLilyRadiant DawnHumiliating
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Hinotama wrote: »
    I would want a fix to stop people from complaining about everything.

    I concur.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Hinotama wrote: »
    I would want a fix to stop people from complaining about everything.

    Literally my thought after i saw this thread coming up.
  • TwelieTwelie
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,850
    Posts: 272
    Gaea wrote: »
    Look, you play how you want to, and I will play how I want to. Nuff said.
    I mean, yeah, I think we can all agree on that. Problem is when you don't really have the option to do so because you're pigeonholed into a small number of choices. But I won't comment further.
    SherriXiokunRadiant DawnHiroki05
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited May 9, 2017
    Twelie wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Look, you play how you want to, and I will play how I want to. Nuff said.
    I mean, yeah, I think we can all agree on that. Problem is when you don't really have the option to do so because you're pigeonholed into a small number of choices. But I won't comment further.

    Elf problems.


    Believe me I do feel for you guys, there are a lot of things about elves that make no sense. I tried elf and giant, ultimately and quickly ended up going back to human because the skill sets and builds are pretty limited.

    Go humans.

  • AlmostNotsuperAlmostNotsuper
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,240
    Posts: 288
    Twelie wrote: »
    Zeo wrote: »
    4. Make seal stones in Uladh continent a weekly reset thingy so everyone can get a chance to break them for titles and journal achievement once a week. No more people trying to break it so it's there permanently just for the attention.

    But I kind of like that they're permanent. Not because I have one, but because I think it's cool that people have left their marks. Almost like it's part of the game's history. I don't know. They feel like heroes of old, or something. I don't like that I'll never get the achievement though.

    I agree with you, but the community's stance generally seems to be "I Everyone should be able to have everything!". As neat as it is to have a few exclusive things like that (provided it's nothing that actually matters), it's not worth defending here.
    Xiokun wrote: »
    I think that's the true thing we should really fix in Mabinogi next; figuring out how to break that cycle and keep hard things hard. Not just by adding insta-death skill monsters and omega HP.

    So do I. There are two parts to this problem: limiting players, and making sure that content can always pose some challenge, even if you can kill enemies in two hits. Overall, neither part has been handled well; players keep getting handed more power creep, often for no reason, and monsters in general have been too slow to pose much of a threat to us ever since g16 (which is why they resorted to making everything a wall). Recently, however, they've started getting more creative with boss fights and raids, making it so they can only be killed under certain circumstances or with certain skills. This is good, but I'd still like to see them get more creative with the existing combat system in general. There's a lot there that's just gone unused and ignored.
    Hinotama wrote: »
    I would want a fix to stop people from complaining about everything.

    I want a fix to stop people from trying to stifle and/or derail the conversation. Comments like these are some of the most childish I see around here, which is funny since the intent appears to be to belittle others.

    People are not merely complaining; they're giving feedback by telling (or attempting to tell) the devs what they'd like the game to be like, and in some cases even offering solutions to get there. Now, unless you think the game is perfect as it is, I don't see why you would want to stop that, and if you do think the game is perfect, then you should defend it. Go ahead and shoot down these suggestions if you have any good reasons why they shouldn't be done. Making a jab at no one in particular without making a point isn't contributing anything, though.

    Keep in mind, a lot of the people who complain about people complaining, tend to complain a lot themselves. They just happen to be enjoying the way some things currently are, but they'll complain twice as hard if anything is ever changed in a way they don't like. For example, look at how vehemently some people defend FH in this thread, their only reasons being "But I liek FH being broken". How do you think they'll react if it ever does get nerfed? I wish the old forums were still around so I could check their old posts; I'd be willing to bet they're some of the same people who used to complain about giants being OP and stuff like that. Pretty hypocritical. Then again, maybe they weren't even around to see what this game was like before half the features were rendered moot by new updates, which would explain why they're willing to settle for just anything.
    Gaea wrote: »
    Elf problems.

    Once again, this isn't even about races, it's about balance in general. As I mentioned in another thread, not all humans want to be stuck spamming FH and bash all the time to be useful, but everyone who doesn't do this is at a comparative disadvantage, which matters because we're all competing for the same resources. Giving FH to elves and giants, as you proposed somewhere, would not even solve this problem entirely, though it would even the playing field a little. If you insist on FH remaining the way it is, a more fitting solution would be to make a 'final ______' version of every skill, have their damage multiplied by 5, all without durability loss.
  • VeterinarianVeterinarian
    Mabinogi Rep: 410
    Posts: 2
    I don't know if it's already been posted, but I think the re-entry time limit for dungeons should be extended to 10 minutes.
    I just got d/ced from ciar hardmode that my friend and I were running in hopes of getting colin armor for her.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited May 10, 2017
    I don't know if it's already been posted, but I think the re-entry time limit for dungeons should be extended to 10 minutes.
    I just got d/ced from ciar hardmode that my friend and I were running in hopes of getting colin armor for her.

    Yeah, i agree. Would be also nice if they could let us have 8 player dungeon passes again. That dungeon update was a huge fail in my opinion. All they did was buff monster HP and damage, but they forgot to actually give them higher CP. It's really confusing now because when i get my butt kicked by Skeleton Pirates and Flying Swords in Rundal Dungeon, but i still see them as "weakest"... I actually avoid doing dungeons... It takes too much time to be able to solo speed run now. Rabbie Phantasm is a bit of let down too. Players need to have OP end game gear to actually do something there... Not even worth it to run any Hard Mode dungeons too. You need to run countless Basic, Intermediate and Advanced dungeon runs for a chance to finally get Mangled pass AND THEN go buy potion that costs 50k each. Kinda pricey if you want to make A SINGLE Rabbie Phantasm pass or just many Hard Mode passes like Alby. After clearing Hard Mode you usually end up with around 35k gold in end chest with usually nothing else worthwhile...
    TwelieZeoShadoeSherriBehelitRadiant Dawn
  • ShadoeShadoe
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,090
    Posts: 241
    Bring back direct login.
    Bring back logging in with an ID.
    Stop messing with logins. (Stop doing the types of things I listed.) Stop making it a pain to try to log in and some of us might play again.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Greta wrote: »
    I don't know if it's already been posted, but I think the re-entry time limit for dungeons should be extended to 10 minutes.
    I just got d/ced from ciar hardmode that my friend and I were running in hopes of getting colin armor for her.

    Yeah, i agree. Would be also nice if they could let us have 8 player dungeon passes again. That dungeon update was a huge fail in my opinion. All they did was buff monster HP and damage, but they forgot to actually give them higher CP. It's really confusing now because when i get my butt kicked by Skeleton Pirates and Flying Swords in Rundal Dungeon, but i still see them as "weakest"... I actually avoid doing dungeons... It takes too much time to be able to solo speed run now. Rabbie Phantasm is a bit of let down too. Players need to have OP end game gear to actually do something there... Not even worth it to run any Hard Mode dungeons too. You need to run countless Basic, Intermediate and Advanced dungeon runs for a chance to finally get Mangled pass AND THEN go buy potion that costs 50k each. Kinda pricey if you want to make A SINGLE Rabbie Phantasm pass or just many Hard Mode passes like Alby. After clearing Hard Mode you usually end up with around 35k gold in end chest with usually nothing else worthwhile...

    I definitely agree. That dungeon update was bleh.
    At least it doesn't cost 50k and an arm to run Peaca Abyss. (Coill Abyss too but that is solo. :P)
  • TwelieTwelie
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,850
    Posts: 272
    edited May 11, 2017
    Gaea wrote: »

    Go humans.

    I don't want to level that far again and try to re obtain my master titles/skills. It's too much time to invest, all things considered.
    There's also the sentimental stuff, too. I've had my character for a while now. I'm pretty attached.
    And then there's personalized items which I don't want to pay to unlock. And bags. All the bags.
    Humans also don't have my eyeballs. :^( (this one isn't as important but still it does bother me)
    I'll just wait for the day I don't suck anymore. If it comes.
  • Angelhappy43Angelhappy43
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,025
    Posts: 42
    Fix the lag in certain places of Iria that have been around since the beginning of it's release. T_T
  • FoxgirlkatieFoxgirlkatie
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,055
    Posts: 156
    what i want fixed?

    THE ECONOMY. God the economy is so busted right now. items selling for 100's of mil. because people are cheating and using Bots to gain millions per hour.
    GretaRadiant DawnBehelitSherri
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited May 11, 2017
    what i want fixed?

    THE ECONOMY. God the economy is so busted right now. items selling for 100's of mil. because people are cheating and using Bots to gain millions per hour.

    Yeah and also there are players who buy gold with NX and vise versa... :/
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Let's be fair, nerfing one thing is not an exact buff to another. There needs to be a certain level of player effectiveness, and to nerf us back to the stone age does not quite help. Equality is important, yes, but we should be considering more than just easily but not well thought out nerfs, but we should be buffing characters to an acceptable standard in PVE, not just PVP.

    I think humans are a bit too OP for older content, and almost necessary for newer content, at least for me, who does not want to do 2 hour dungeons. At all. It may be just a lack of effective level scaling that does not rely on HP or Defenses. However, the spam nature of this game is reminiscent of a Anime styled Runescape. Gross.

    I think people can easily dish out nerf suggestions for races and skills they do not use in a Coop game, but I think from experience it would be effective to suggest how to buff our races as well.

    Perhaps make Combo cards craftable and such? It is one way to encourage different skill usage, other than making said skills viable.
  • MarithMarith
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,005
    Posts: 122
    edited May 11, 2017

    Gonna add this here, since they just broke it. Unless this was intentional, in which case, terrible decision.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Marith wrote: »

    Gonna add this here, since they just broke it. Unless this was intentional, in which case, terrible decision.

    Noticed this too. Looks REALLY bad. I don't like this.
  • OpalthiraOpalthira
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 943
    edited May 11, 2017
    Let's be fair, nerfing one thing is not an exact buff to another. There needs to be a certain level of player effectiveness, and to nerf us back to the stone age does not quite help. Equality is important, yes, but we should be considering more than just easily but not well thought out nerfs, but we should be buffing characters to an acceptable standard in PVE, not just PVP.

    I think humans are a bit too OP for older content, and almost necessary for newer content, at least for me, who does not want to do 2 hour dungeons. At all. It may be just a lack of effective level scaling that does not rely on HP or Defenses. However, the spam nature of this game is reminiscent of a Anime styled Runescape. Gross.

    I think people can easily dish out nerf suggestions for races and skills they do not use in a Coop game, but I think from experience it would be effective to suggest how to buff our races as well.

    Perhaps make Combo cards craftable and such? It is one way to encourage different skill usage, other than making said skills viable.

    Think this what most people want. They want to play the mabi they started playing. Not the "reforges are p2w, spam one skill (FH,Bash,Firebolt) to win simulator" that it has become. They want the more "complex gameplay" the game started out with not this super casual play candy crush while i click a button sim.
    (And i never played old mabi that long so i'm not experienced in the ways of the old. just typing what others have been saying around forum while being redundant)
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Opalthira wrote: »
    Let's be fair, nerfing one thing is not an exact buff to another. There needs to be a certain level of player effectiveness, and to nerf us back to the stone age does not quite help. Equality is important, yes, but we should be considering more than just easily but not well thought out nerfs, but we should be buffing characters to an acceptable standard in PVE, not just PVP.

    I think humans are a bit too OP for older content, and almost necessary for newer content, at least for me, who does not want to do 2 hour dungeons. At all. It may be just a lack of effective level scaling that does not rely on HP or Defenses. However, the spam nature of this game is reminiscent of a Anime styled Runescape. Gross.

    I think people can easily dish out nerf suggestions for races and skills they do not use in a Coop game, but I think from experience it would be effective to suggest how to buff our races as well.

    Perhaps make Combo cards craftable and such? It is one way to encourage different skill usage, other than making said skills viable.

    Think this what most people want. They want to play the mabi they started playing. Not the "reforges are p2w, spam one skill (FH,Bash,Firebolt) to win simulator" that it has become. They want the more "complex gameplay" the game started out with not this super casual play candy crush while i click a button sim.
    (And i never played old mabi that long so i'm not experienced in the ways of the old. just typing what others have been saying around forum while being redundant)

    Well, yeah. I lamented the spam nature in the very same post. However, you cannot simply nerf just the player, or players, with how things are. One would need to nerf monsters in general, and considering the difficulty of the scope of attempting to rebalance the numbers game brought on by certain skills to maintain an acceptable PVE standard is far too unwieldy to implement. My main criticism is levied at those who are suggesting to nerf skills they do not use, for races they do not play, with just secondhand experience, some who are unwilling to nerf themselves.

    This applies to people who refuse to acknowledge racial imbalances for their own virtual paycheck.

    Nerfing everyone to equality just lessens player effectiveness, and I have to say, that PVE effectiveness is equally important in the same way PVP effectiveness works in First Person Shooters. Hence, why I suggested certain buffing.
  • OpalthiraOpalthira
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 943
    edited May 11, 2017
    How would they buff pve though? The enemies already hit like trucks and have tons of health. I think the only thing hold the game back is enemies might be doing too much damage and players shouldn't be able to stun lock monsters. Then maybe the game *might feel* more balanced. If they removed the stuns i think the game might be better. I mean watch a video of one guy spam firebolt in a whole room of like 20 mobs until everything dies shouldn't really be a thing.

    I'd be happy if they made the enemies *maybe* do less damage
    Players cant just stunlock everything
    Support some kind of group play like the bandit world boss or the runaway gingerbread man.

    (Then again pretty sure its up to korea to makes these changes and based on videos of new content don't think this is likely ever goin to change. Probably because korea makes all the decisions and is made for casual gaming?)