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Sound of Spring Event still active!
If you are awake right now...you can get more hs stuff from the Sound of Spring Event. But I suggest you act quickly because we could end up with maintenance very soon. (Hopefully).
Change channels, you'll get the event quest again.
I was really hoping for something new this week... Sigh...
It is nice that we have extra time, I wonder if this will last the day.
Well, as every week we better or rip servers. But because there doesn't seem to be anything new going on...servers seem stable. But that's probably because there isn't anything new and there are less people online.
That's not a good thing.
Is the staff on vacation or something? O_o
Mabi has skipped some weeks before so I can't say a maintenance is certain, I agree that most of the time skipping is a bad idea though.
Whatever happened to just playing the game? There doesn't need to always be an event.
Yeah...I cringe every time it's christmas vacation. I keep screenshots of everything around those times.
Well it's a nice diversion aside from the constant grinding and blowing up weapons.
First wood for the day got me another garden workbench, still holding out hope for a tool shelf to complete the collection.
This is true. I like events but I'd rather have less events but greater quality than loads of events and poor quality. Quality over quantity!
You can but chances are you missed out already since it requires the quest from the day before.
You can submit up to 10 (12 on weekends) pieces of wood a day.
Its called doing the previous day's quest. Turning in the wood today before 7:00 AM is the same as turning in wood yesterday after 7:00 AM. There is nothing extra about it! 0 + 10 is the same as 5 + 5!
No it is 5 + 10 or 10 + 10 if you are that behind since you are counting both days.
Meaning on Tuesday I turned in 5 after getting the new quest reset, on Wednesday I turned in 10 after reset.
You have to follow specific steps. You must not complete the quest the day before, change channel, submit extra wood, complete the quest, and then relog for the new quest.
I can confirm it has worked.
Don't worry. It's just the usual "OMG THE GAME'S GONNA DIE!" FUD that happens every now and then. Which is silly IMO, because Devcat and Nexon seem to be putting a lot of work into it lately.
As far as woods go, I've turned in 5 on one day and 6 on the next. (This was in the middle of the week.) It works. I think the game resets the number of woods you've turned in, but restarting the quest resets it again.
Yeah, that is all I log in for, updates and events.
Nexon knows this applies to a great deal of the players and always has an event going on.
And you cannot simply bulldoze through most of them, limited entries and whatnot.
I need two more wood..
Hopefully we get this until atleast tomorrow (after reset of course) ..
Edit: I only need one. And now I'm more sad.
Especially the CHEAP ONES!~ *sarcasm*
I really hope for your sake it's not gone until after the reset