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Dark Skintone Options for Elves!

Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
Posts: 521
edited July 7, 2017 in Feedback and Suggestions
Hello! I am Zeo from Alexina server!

I am making this thread again because well... many of the elf players have been asking Mabinogi to give us elves the dark skintones for more than four years now and it's TIME we get the dark skintone options for us to use too. It can be NA-exclusive thing if it is absolutely necessary! Giving this thing which should be very simple to do so would make LOT of us happy and it allow us to be more diverse too along with the humans and giants.

Basically, as of right now... our skintone options look like this.

And we want devCat to make elves's skintone option look like this.

We even have three known elf NPCs in Mabinogi (including one that existed when Connous was introduced) and they all have tan/dark skintones yet we can't have those skintone options? :(

Elf NPC #1... from the Samhain event.

Elf NPC #2... one of the lost elves in Connous.

Elf NPC #3... one of the elven Cheer Squads from the jousting arena. I also included a second picture of myself with the darkest skintone available to us right now so you can compare the skintone of the female Cheer Squad elf!

Elf NPC #4... another elven Cheer Squad from the jousting arena. I included myself (pink and red outfit) while using the darkest skintone we could use as an elf to compare to the male Cheer Squad elf so you can see some difference.

Note: Don't try to bring the 'Mabinogi /Celtic lore' in here for going against elves having dark skintones until you provide actual in-game screenshots where it was stated that elves are not supposed to have dark skintones plus it was already thrown out of the window MANY times for various of parts.

Anyway... thank you for taking your time to read the thread! :)
KagamochibiSphyra21yuuwiTheLordofNyrinAmesenpaiAlaiaKadalynLuminetteQaliand 20 others.
  1. Should elves have the options to use tan/dark skintones?169 votes
    1. Yes
       93% (158 votes)
    2. No
       7% (11 votes)


  • KagaKaga
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,170
    Posts: 617
    Of course they should.

    I don't even know why Nexon didn't give us this yet (they already gave us black hair too)
    P.S before this gets derailed by some "lore" BS, i am pretty sure that is definitely NOT the reason why Nexon didn't give us this yet.
  • nomigid15nomigid15
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,990
    Posts: 250
    edited May 16, 2017
    As far as lore goes, the only thing mentioned is dark hair, so that's not really a reason not to have this anyway.
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    Kaga wrote: »
    Of course they should.

    I don't even know why Nexon didn't give us this yet (they already gave us black hair too)
    P.S before this gets derailed by some "lore" BS, i am pretty sure that is definitely NOT the reason why Nexon didn't give us this yet.

    Been waiting 8 years for DevCat to finally give us the dark skintones... I'm not going to just give up. They gave us black hair and having black hair were against Mabinogi lore because elves having them were considered as the omen... so where's the outrage by then?! LMAO
    nomigid15 wrote: »
    As far as lore goes, the only thing mentioned is dark hair, so that's not really a reason not to have this anyway.

    Pretty much, one guy who was against this idea kept on insisting that elves having dark skintones goes against the Mabinogi lore and refuses to provide any source... which is why I added a 'note' in my original post asking to provide an in-game screenshot where it was stated if people are going to be against that idea because of 'lore'.
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    If there is any elf lore, its gone since the "elves and giants can now do G1-G3" update. The transformation questline had some important lore on the races including the memory tower, the lost elves and the desert ghosts. I'm really bummed out that the beast transformation quests are now gone.
  • SirRyuSirRyu
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,690
    Posts: 107
    Elves already are tanned, they just became so tanned they got sun bleached.
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    Aeolys wrote: »
    If there is any elf lore, its gone since the "elves and giants can now do G1-G3" update. The transformation questline had some important lore on the races including the memory tower, the lost elves and the desert ghosts. I'm really bummed out that the beast transformation quests are now gone.

    Ah yeah, I remember that part because I did it back in 2009... G7 also explained a bit about the lore relating to the elves but I only remember black/dark hair being mentioned to be part of the omen for elves yet we got the black hair option... nothing about tan/dark skintones.
    SirRyu wrote: »
    Elves already are tanned, they just became so tanned they got sun bleached.

    Haha maybe! I remember the SpongeBob meme you shared. :^) But I'd like to actually have that brown-grayish skintone humans/giants have and I know some elves would like to be actually tan/dark though.
  • TheLordofNyrinTheLordofNyrin
    Mabinogi Rep: 800
    Posts: 14
    edited May 30, 2017
    This is the 7th suggestion thread i've seen for this. i'm here to 100% support this. no dark skintones for elves was one of the many reasons i've pretty much left mabi. that and a F-ton of glitches and lag issues. bringing this into the game is something that *Needs* to happen. like, now. when other MMOs that have been around for 5+ years let you pick your skintone from a color GRADIENT (not swatches) like what you find in Photoshop! its insulting that more options for customization don't exist that arn't some BS from a gachapon, a wig or clothing dyes...

    This game is dying b/c its developers don't seem to give 2 <Text removed> about their player base and what they really want. and instead are focusing on carnival style goofy events and RNG events. thats only cool for like a day or so then it gets boring. what happened to the fantasy life thing this game promoted? apparently went down the toilet. i can get more of a fantasy life out of Aion or WoW or Dota2 or Tera or Guild Wars or ESO or even LoL. all of which have better customization than you nexon. get with the game or get left behind. all we want is just a few stinkin' skin colors that be programmed into the game in an afternoon coffee break! Don't believe me its that easy? I mod games for fun and i can tell you unlocking some options in a menu and changing textures/colors around is what first time baby-skill modders do, so even a 3 year old could do it in 2 hours no problem. I mean come on!

    Yes this is pretty ranty, but I've been a member since 2011! 6 years and you still can't even do what other MMOs can do for customization or when MMOs with crappy character customization can do. like, it's bad when DCUO has better customization than you, and they use unreal tournament 4 for their engine and only have 6 or so color options FOR YOUR WHOLE CHARACTER in the ENTIRE GAME, but they let you pick them as whatever you want to be using hexacode coloring, same thing you do actually. so why can't you give us this tiny little thing considering they are preset colors hmm?

    P.S. I'm not apologizing for the rant and this will be my only post on this topic.
  • FimuFimu
    Mabinogi Rep: 460
    Posts: 2
    I would really like to see this, I've been playing this game for years and seen this request multiple times and feel that we should have already been given the update for it when we got the update for black hair. That did throw lore out the window and there isn't really any reason i'd see elves not having dark skin when they live in the desert.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    I would like this to happen. =D
  • KagaKaga
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,170
    Posts: 617
    nomigid15 wrote: »
    As far as lore goes, the only thing mentioned is dark hair, so that's not really a reason not to have this anyway.

    Yeah well,
    Some people believe elves are supposed to be some white/blond haired creatures even though that's not even MABINOGI's lore.
  • TabariTabari
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,590
    Posts: 58
    Not even an Elf main (Human), but have a main Elf alt I chose the darkest available skin tone for and I agree it's too light for desert dwelling people.
  • CradlesongCradlesong
    Mabinogi Rep: 740
    Posts: 18
    I'm tired of elves coming in two tones: white as a sheet and pumpkin colored orange. It really is about time they make this a thing. :( I dunno how long we're gonna have to push before this becomes a thing, but don't let this die until we get what we want!
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    Cradlesong wrote: »
    I'm tired of elves coming in two tones: white as a sheet and pumpkin colored orange. It really is about time they make this a thing. :( I dunno how long we're gonna have to push before this becomes a thing, but don't let this die until we get what we want!

    Yup! Most of us have been trying to push this for several years now and we are not going to stop til we actually get what we want. I'm pretty sure this just require some simple coding to add in the rest of skintones so I'm not sure why this is taking too long.

    And I noticed two people voted for no (at this time) on elves getting dark skintones... obviously I had to add in "No" to avoid making it biased obviously but I am rather curious on why they voted no because there's not really any reasons to say no to elves getting dark skintones, to be honest... lol.
  • Sphyra21Sphyra21
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,555
    Posts: 504
    Yeah I'm curious as to why anyone would vote against this too.
  • FalskullFalskull
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,385
    Posts: 30
    SO everyone wants a "Dark Elf" which is a different type of race in the Elven race line when "Elf" are all fair skinned. another stupid idea
  • FalskullFalskull
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,385
    Posts: 30
    Hell why not have a "Dwarf" race while your at it
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    edited May 18, 2017
    Falskull wrote: »
    SO everyone wants a "Dark Elf" which is a different type of race in the Elven race line when "Elf" are all fair skinned. another stupid idea
    Falskull wrote: »
    Hell why not have a "Dwarf" race while your at it

    Oh boy, someone who actually don't know something about Mabinogi lore! Please read my original post more carefully and ACTUALLY provide a proof where it was stated that elves are not supposed to have dark skintones? I'll also quote what someone said in another thread.
    Inb4 someone mentions lore, without a real knowledge of said lore. Which never explicitly mentioned dark skinned elves, but rather the nonexistence of elven NPCs who are dark skinned throughout Iria and Uladh. Yet we never knew the existence of the first milletian AKA Shakespeare, the centuries old Alban Knights, Rabbie Phantasm, Pounalbroune, etc, till their updates, despite them having origins predating generation 1. That being said, just because you have not seen it, does mean they do not exist, or should not exist. This is called updating, and sticking to a fundamentalist interpretation is completely nonsensical.

    Even so, consider the issue of player convenience versus lore, and tell me, which is more important for the game in general?
  • FalskullFalskull
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,385
    Posts: 30
    Why even care about skin color honestly why not except the game as it is. Mabinogi Elves race is way more inline with a -High Elf- then a -Dark Elf- You already have Black haried elves isnt that enough. why are you trying to make the races the same as each other there different for a reason.
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    edited May 19, 2017
    Falskull wrote: »
    Why even care about skin color honestly why not except the game as it is. Mabinogi Elves race is way more inline with a -High Elf- then a -Dark Elf- You already have Black haried elves isnt that enough. why are you trying to make the races the same as each other there different for a reason.

    In Mabinogi, there are no such thing as High Elves and Dark Elves. The lore is much much different than... err... the Elder Scrolls. Mabinogi is not some messed up cross-over between World of Warcraft and the Elder Scrolls.

    This discussion is about the skin tone of the elves, which had no connotation with any piece of Mabinogi lore and why it is so limited. The lore only suggests that black haired elves to be an omen of disaster. Ever since certain updates, black haired elves are no longer a thought in elven society and added the option to character creation. This discussion is about the skin tone of the elves, which is never mentioned in any piece of lore.

    The races aren't the same as each other and I am pretty sure there are more obvious features that differentiate humans, elves and giants than skin tone. Do you seriously are unable to differentiate the three races because of skin tone?
  • MontjulentMontjulent
    Mabinogi Rep: 665
    Posts: 14
    Guys it's 2017 you can already be a dark Elf if you truly believe

This discussion has been closed.