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Came back from a pretty big hiatus (3+ years) and i was wondering if they added some item or feature that would give elves darker skin. Would love to play that perfect caramel elf ^-^
Elves were tan all along.
C'mon DevCat though, I have been waiting for 8 years to finally get our dark skintone options... it's triggering enough that we finally get the black hair (while humans and giants got our ice blue hair color option) in 2014 but nothing for the dark skintones and it's 2017.
Its always been odd for me seeing all my human and giant characters dark skinned (black) then in the middle of them is my light skinned elf who is actually my main character.
Tho since Iv been playing my elf since elves and giants first came out suddenly making my character black would be kinda odd so cant say Id do it the second the option came out but its still feel great to at least have that option.
Even so, consider the issue of player convenience versus lore, and tell me, which is more important for the game in general?
Omg how...
I want to be able to get that brown-grayish skintone that humans and giants have then I'd be really happy.
...-sneak in a suggestion thread asking to have those skintone options-
Dark skinned elves are a gift from god and they're denying it to us.
You want, not need, huge difference.
No need to be so pedantic. In this context it is probably a hyperbole.
some of us are dark skinned irl and would like our characters to reflect that, all the while being able to use the race (elves) we would like to use....at least thats my reason lol
I wonder if the reason they're none are because Nexon originally wanted the characters to be seperated by race for emersion. Though geographically elves should be the darker skinned race because they are from a harsher desert like environment.
You know... I think I'm overthinking this now.
Edit: Oops, just realized how racist that sounded. Without expanding on my topic xD