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Player Moderators

Mabinogi Rep: 880
Posts: 31
in Feedback and Suggestions
One thing I was really surprised about in Mabinogi is the lack of Player Moderators(PMod) which other games use.

The system for them would be fairly simple. The players meet a few criteria designed by the GM such as being helpful or never having a negative strike on their account.

The powers of the Pmods would be really simple. Muting.
Why muting? Pmods would finally be able to put a stop to gold sellers. If a Pmod walks through Dunbarton and see three bots advertising Gold to sell they can simply mute the bot for x many hours making it harder for the gold sellers to sell their gold. After a while if this method is kept up enough the bots would start feeling a dent in their profits.

But there are other things Pmods should be able to do as well.
The power of mute is much more powerful than preventing selling of gold. If a Pmod is running around the game doing their quests or commerce and they stumble upon harassment going on they can put a stop to the harassment as well with another well placed mute for x many hours.

Of course becoming a PMod would be entirely voluntarily with a GM contacting a player in game through pm.

Does anyone have any ideas that a PMod could do? Modify their powers down below in the comments? Modify requirements? Make a better argument for needing PMods than I made?
  1. Should we have Player Moderators in Mabi?15 votes
    1. Yes
       20% (3 votes)
    2. Maybe, but not the one Dcat described
       20% (3 votes)
    3. Undecided
       20% (3 votes)
    4. No
       40% (6 votes)


  • FalcondaeFalcondae
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,555
    Posts: 158
    I have not heard of other games using PMods before; only official GMs.

    The only gripe I have with this idea is the thought of abuse and favoritism undermining the said system. The only thing I can think of is that PMods cannot interact with players directly or have it be known that they are PMods. This would limit the possibility of attacks on said person, especially those of the hacking variety.

    This sounds like more of a thing for a contracted GM instead of player-based monitoring.
  • Dcat682Dcat682
    Mabinogi Rep: 880
    Posts: 31
    An example of how PMods are used in other games can be found on PMods have a silver identifier and while all their mutes are effective immediately I believe a notification is sent to the game's GM (JMod in Runescape's example) and they quickly skim over the reports and decide if they're just or not.

    I didn't mention any specifics because I feel like the system needs to be modified heavily by Mabi's GMs to end up helping them in the best way possible for their individual circumstances.
  • BerryswirlBerryswirl
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,340
    Posts: 798
    I'm going to have to disagree with this, I can see this leading to a highly abused function. The GMs could keep the PM secret, but word always finds a way to get out. And the Player Mod would be biased to friends and people who they personally dislike. Also- how is the player suppose to judge what is a mutable offence? People fight all the time, people have conflicts of opinions, that doesn't necessarily require being muted.

    As for the player not being able to communicate with others....that's just silly. That literally defeats the purpose of the social aspect of the game. Also, just because they wouldn't be allowed to converse with others, does not protect them from being harassed themselves, which just leads to more abuse of the power, muting people who harass them.

    Sure, according to OP, the people who qualify would have to have zero offenses and be obligated to follow rules, but there will always be at least one person who lets it go to their head, acts too emotionally, or just disregards the original purpose of the Player Moderator program.

    Having player moderators is a hard no, and you can just report people for harassment via tickets. The GMs do look at and solve tickets, despite popular belief that they don't.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    Nope. Not with a community this toxic.

    The NUAs are good enough, and they don't have any permissions that a normal user doesn't. The only thing that they have that we don't is a statless title and some pink wings.
  • SylekSylek
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,100
    Posts: 166
    Berryswirl wrote: »
    I'm going to have to disagree with this, I can see this leading to a highly abused function. The GMs could keep the PM secret, but word always finds a way to get out. And the Player Mod would be biased to friends and people who they personally dislike. Also- how is the player suppose to judge what is a mutable offence? People fight all the time, people have conflicts of opinions, that doesn't necessarily require being muted.

    As for the player not being able to communicate with others....that's just silly. That literally defeats the purpose of the social aspect of the game. Also, just because they wouldn't be allowed to converse with others, does not protect them from being harassed themselves, which just leads to more abuse of the power, muting people who harass them.

    Sure, according to OP, the people who qualify would have to have zero offenses and be obligated to follow rules, but there will always be at least one person who lets it go to their head, acts too emotionally, or just disregards the original purpose of the Player Moderator program.

    Having player moderators is a hard no, and you can just report people for harassment via tickets. The GMs do look at and solve tickets, despite popular belief that they don't.

    Yet at the same time, you find bots spamming the normal chat with their ads in Dunbarton or Tir anyway. Even though it's supposed to be against the rules (I'm pretty sure).
    As for your (very valid) concerns of abuse, the GM's should be able to review the incidents and if abuse is occurring, then the player that was promoted to a PMod can just be demoted back to a regular player. Fights and mistakes will likely happen. We're all humans (or elves or giants).
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    You guys remember the bot bombs?

    Good times.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,543
    Yeah, no, I don't support this one, sorry. =(
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Let's be fair, there are probably good people capable of handling this power, in all honesty. If one person abuses it, kick them. Not that I support, but it is not an end of the world scenario.
  • SylekSylek
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,100
    Posts: 166
    edited June 5, 2017
    TNinja wrote: »
    You guys remember the bot bombs?

    Good times.

    Didn't those not work on the gold spam bots due to them having to be in combat mode or something to actually work? I think back in Rejuvenogi or whatever it was, when they encouraged players to use them, I just bombed my friends, then they bombed me, and we were all perfectly fine because we answered the questions. Trying to bomb the bot gave some sort of error.
    Let's be fair, there are probably good people capable of handling this power, in all honesty. If one person abuses it, kick them. Not that I support, but it is not an end of the world scenario.

    Finding good people to do this would be an issue, but the solution for abuse is simple: demotion, never considered again. Maybe put a limit on how quickly the player mods can mute others, or how many until they can be reviewed by employees to prevent a player from just becoming god and silence everyone until Nexon fixes it. I think it could work, but obviously it has to be done carefully to try to deter abuse.