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How is the gacha this time?


  • NamiriNamiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,700
    Posts: 112
    Nichee wrote: »
    I spent $200 and the only decent item was Eluned Afternoon Tea Wig with Bonnet(M), and it was from my very last box as well.

    I haven't seen anyone with good results. A friend spent $300 and was literred with Chilling Urban.

    I just want the Eluned wig without bonnet, and it doesn't seem anyone on Ruairi has gotten it yet, especially since I'm paying heft for it.

    Imagine all the player's spending pooled together, and one item still hasn't appeared. Counting me and a few acquintances alone, we already spent 3000$ +, and none of us got that wig.

    Remember those days when poor gach like these were 1k nx each? I'd like they to stop watering down gach that's worth 1.5k each with all these fillers~_~ useless enchants, -cp gears, things that you can buy from NPC even. We spend real money, man, and it's not even cheap.

    I've noticed the same thing. Certain outfits like the Chilling Urban have been way too common from this gacha. Meanwhile things like the Eluned Afternoon Tea Dress (M) or worse yet the Eluned Afternoon Tea Wig (M) without the bonnet have been hard as heck to find anyone selling. Honestly it would be nicer if the various new outfits had more equal rates instead of just select ones being so beyond obscenely hard to get even with spending literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on the gacha.

    Though the worst part of all is how the gacha just primarily gives a load of junk nobody even cares about or wants anymore. It's the main reason I stopped bothering with buying gachas. Got sick of just getting worthless garbage almost all the time even with spending hundreds of dollars on the gacha.
  • LenariLenari
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,820
    Posts: 89
    I did a lot of gacha this time around ($200 or so) because I've been wanting the wings since they came out in KR. The only noteworthy thing I pulled was an Eluned Mortello Wig.

    I expected the Eluned Tea Party/Mortello outfits to be as common as the previous batch, but they are extremely rare from what I've seen. You can also tell just how low the rates are when the more "common" bloom wings are nowhere to be found. It's a lot worse than the tail and recent beauty coupon gacha.

    I supported Nexon this time around and numerous times before, but it's tiring to "support" a company that blatantly ignores its playerbase with rates like these. They're getting worse with each gacha because they're struggling even more to be profitable. This isn't how a company makes money. You need to give players an incentive to buy gacha. Their idea of it is having you pay $15 for a Hamlet 2nd coupon and a Charging Strike training potion.

    I don't believe much will change on their end, though. The bulk of gacha sales comes from the same people who quit, come back every time a new one drops, spend hundreds, then leave again. Hopefully more people will gradually stop spending altogether. That way, Nexon has to take a look at their low sales to understand the problem. Reading our feedback every patch surely doesn't work.

    TL;DR: Don't buy it. The rates are even more terrible than the beauty coupon and tail gachapon.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Lenari wrote: »
    I did a lot of gacha this time around ($200 or so) because I've been wanting the wings since they came out in KR. The only noteworthy thing I pulled was an Eluned Mortello Wig.

    I expected the Eluned Tea Party/Mortello outfits to be as common as the previous batch, but they are extremely rare from what I've seen. You can also tell just how low the rates are when the more "common" bloom wings are nowhere to be found. It's a lot worse than the tail and recent beauty coupon gacha.

    I supported Nexon this time around and numerous times before, but it's tiring to "support" a company that blatantly ignores its playerbase with rates like these. They're getting worse with each gacha because they're struggling even more to be profitable. This isn't how a company makes money. You need to give players an incentive to buy gacha. Their idea of it is having you pay $15 for a Hamlet 2nd coupon and a Charging Strike training potion.

    I don't believe much will change on their end, though. The bulk of gacha sales comes from the same people who quit, come back every time a new one drops, spend hundreds, then leave again. Hopefully more people will gradually stop spending altogether. That way, Nexon has to take a look at their low sales to understand the problem. Reading our feedback every patch surely doesn't work.

    TL;DR: Don't buy it. The rates are even more terrible than the beauty coupon and tail gachapon.

    That's what I am saying, just stop buying. I won't implore you, it's just a suggestion to bring change.
  • NamiriNamiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,700
    Posts: 112
    Nichee wrote: »
    Ruairi still doesn't have a Eluned Afternoon Wavy Wig(M) -.- been 3-4 days.

    Seems like we might not even get to see one on our server. Given that a lot of people already have all the other far more common stuff from the gacha by now. That and the fact that the rate of pulling that wig out of the gacha is quite clearly beyond abysmally low. Well that and since people are realizing how awful the rates for this gacha are more people might just stop rolling...
    Lenari wrote: »
    Reading our feedback every patch surely doesn't work.

    Implying that they ever do actually read any feedback from the NA server. Because it sure feels like they don't read feedback or care.

  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    No wonder my Eluned Afternoon Tea Dress cost me an arm an a leg. By the looks of it not many people are doing this gacha. If it wasn't for the eluned stuff I would say this would be a pretty mediocre gacha... (Even though it still is for the people who are uninterested in the Eluned fad.)

    I recommend buying some pon or Ewcea orb instead. Ewcea orb never lets you down, especially because you can get dominion wings, and if not, angel wings or juicy enchant scrolls. Even if you get all those commerce guarentees, hey, at least you get exploration exp artifacts! Free AP! Then you can use that AP to train those skills you hate! ;)
  • FeliceFelice
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,790
    Posts: 98
    I tried $30 on this gacha. What I got surprised me a little, but was expected at the same time.

    Very First Box: Tintable Blooming Wings Special Box
    Very Last Box: Eluned Afternoon Tea Bonnet and Wig (M)

    Everything else in-between was 2nd Titles, Training potions, or overall crap. The only other thing even worth note, was a -CP Boots with -CP Prefix and Suffix Enchants already on it, so while that was nice, the Wing Special Box was the only thing i got that made the $30 worth it to any degree.
  • NicheeNichee
    Mabinogi Rep: 915
    Posts: 62
    edited May 29, 2017
    Day 5~ still no wig in existent on Ruairi
    ~ an acquintance of my dropped 500$ yesterday hoping for wings, and got nothing but urban chilling, and a few metador/flameco shoes.
    I'd reckon I've come across over people who spent 6000$ pooled together now, and STILL NO ELUNED TEA WIG!

    And you know what's unfair to the max, the only way they can try to compensate is by adding these "New" items in another gach with better rates, which basically screws those of us who already bought gach over.
  • NamiriNamiri
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,700
    Posts: 112
    edited May 29, 2017
    Felice wrote: »
    I tried $30 on this gacha. What I got surprised me a little, but was expected at the same time.

    Very First Box: Tintable Blooming Wings Special Box
    Very Last Box: Eluned Afternoon Tea Bonnet and Wig (M)

    Everything else in-between was 2nd Titles, Training potions, or overall crap. The only other thing even worth note, was a -CP Boots with -CP Prefix and Suffix Enchants already on it, so while that was nice, the Wing Special Box was the only thing i got that made the $30 worth it to any degree.

    The Eluned Afternoon Tea Bonnet and Wig (M) you got is most likely very worth it even if you aren't interested in it or able to use it yourself. Given that it seems to be a pretty popular item right now along with the other Eluned Afternoon Tea stuff. So at the very least you could probably get a nice amount of gold from selling it. So overall I would say you got pretty lucky from only spending $30 on the gacha. Given many others spend a lot more and get just entirely worthless junk.

    Of course this doesn't at all change the fact that the rates of this gacha are without a doubt absolutely god awful and not worth rolling on.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    edited May 29, 2017
    why did people think SAO gachapon was good? like... you got potions from it and it wasn't even stacks of potions. you'd get like ONE POTION for a dollar. that was beyond ripoff
  • LenariLenari
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,820
    Posts: 89
    edited May 29, 2017
    Namiri wrote: »
    Felice wrote: »
    I tried $30 on this gacha. What I got surprised me a little, but was expected at the same time.

    Very First Box: Tintable Blooming Wings Special Box
    Very Last Box: Eluned Afternoon Tea Bonnet and Wig (M)

    Everything else in-between was 2nd Titles, Training potions, or overall crap. The only other thing even worth note, was a -CP Boots with -CP Prefix and Suffix Enchants already on it, so while that was nice, the Wing Special Box was the only thing i got that made the $30 worth it to any degree.

    The Eluned Afternoon Tea Bonnet and Wig (M) you got is most likely very worth it even if you aren't interested in it or able to use it yourself. Given that it seems to be a pretty popular item right now along with the other Eluned Afternoon Tea stuff. So at the very least you could probably get a nice amount of gold from selling it. So overall I would say you got pretty lucky from only spending $30 on the gacha. Given many others spend a lot more and get just entirely worthless junk.

    Of course this doesn't at all change the fact that the rates of this gacha are without a doubt absolutely god awful and not worth rolling on.

    Those wings are also extremely rare and I haven't seen any pop up on my server yet. Casually shrugging at getting those two items in $30 is laughable because people have spent thousands without ever seeing them.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited May 29, 2017
    Lenari wrote: »
    Namiri wrote: »
    Felice wrote: »
    I tried $30 on this gacha. What I got surprised me a little, but was expected at the same time.

    Very First Box: Tintable Blooming Wings Special Box
    Very Last Box: Eluned Afternoon Tea Bonnet and Wig (M)

    Everything else in-between was 2nd Titles, Training potions, or overall crap. The only other thing even worth note, was a -CP Boots with -CP Prefix and Suffix Enchants already on it, so while that was nice, the Wing Special Box was the only thing i got that made the $30 worth it to any degree.

    The Eluned Afternoon Tea Bonnet and Wig (M) you got is most likely very worth it even if you aren't interested in it or able to use it yourself. Given that it seems to be a pretty popular item right now along with the other Eluned Afternoon Tea stuff. So at the very least you could probably get a nice amount of gold from selling it. So overall I would say you got pretty lucky from only spending $30 on the gacha. Given many others spend a lot more and get just entirely worthless junk.

    Of course this doesn't at all change the fact that the rates of this gacha are without a doubt absolutely god awful and not worth rolling on.

    Those wings are also extremely rare and I haven't seen any pop up on my server yet. Casually shrugging at getting those two items in $30 is laughable because people have spent thousands without ever seeing them.

    They may not be shrugging at them, especially when you just backed up their point that they are extremely rare. A trial that just ended with one result is not a sufficient number of trials.

    I say may, as "pretty lucky" is subjective.
  • PolicromaPolicroma
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,730
    Posts: 564
    edited May 30, 2017
    Aeolys wrote: »

    "Special" as in "it also cures poison". You also only get ONE; in perspective it was 1500nx spent on a single potion. In my eyes, its a disgusting piece of padding. Not so long before the SOA event, we had a potion fishing event where I got hundreds of 300s and 500s potions which makes the padding even more vile.

    "Special" as in, you get the amusement of using an SAO themed item. I kept at least one of each for the sake of collecting. (Well, more because some silly part of me hopes housing or homesteads get a decent expansion someday that lets us decorate with items in our inventories, and they actually looked like SAO crystals when dropped...)

    The fact was though that the *good* drops were frequent and numerous, and most had no trouble getting what they wanted out of it without spending an arm and a leg. That's why people liked it. That's why they still speak favorably of it.

    This is how gachas *should* be. Instead of trying to go after the big whales who will eventually give up in frustration if they don't get what they want after $1000, they should be aiming at getting each player (of which there are thousands) to spend a bit. There's a lot of players who don't indulge in gacha because they figure they can just buy it from other players with gold. But the less people buy, the less there is to go around.

    I think the big problem with this new gacha (and what I've noticed with a few other gachas) is the obsession with having a "jackpot" item for the whales to chase. If you think about it, this gacha isn't terrible. I always maintain that training potions are at the very least useful... far more useful than the junk NPC bought weapons we used to see as gacha filler. The drop rate on the eluned urban wear is downright fantastic, and the Shakespeare outfits are getting reintroduced for new players to enjoy (I still wear mine!). Problem is, they hold this ONE SHINY ITEM over players' heads as that impossible thing to get, hoping somebody gets tempted to spend thousands... I think they're just frustrating the whales they depend so heavily on, and satisfying the low-spenders too quickly. I wouldn't have minded getting a mortello wig or flamenco dress, but I wasn't about to withdraw from my savings over it. I got a good drop or two then I was done.

    I noticed the same thing on the Argenta outfits/wigs. People are still trying to charge 50 mil for the WIG. Not only that, I still think the drop rates for the male outfit was way over the female. Despite this, the other gacha drops were profitable and decent.

    Honestly, I think they'd make more money overall if they could get the people who avoid gachas because of this crap to indulge. And the only way they're going to do that is by giving decent odds to the "featured" item of an individual gacha.
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    edited May 31, 2017
    Alexina being the most populated server... I'm still the only one (known one, that is) with Tintable Blooming Wings and I know there's about... 3 (myself included) known Tintable Flowerless Wings so far... you know it's bad when the week of gacha is up and you barely see any Tintable wings... especially on the most populated server.

    At this point... why not make everything have the equal drop rate instead of making certain stuffs have stupidly rare drop rate like the Eluned Afternoon Tea stuffs for male, Eluned Mortello/Pitch Black stuffs for female, and all wings? That way buying the gachapons would actually be worthwhile and the items won't be rarer than others.
  • OpalthiraOpalthira
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,595
    Posts: 943
    Nexon be like "What are the things people want from this gacha?"
    • The Wings
    • The Mortello outfits
    • Long trap hair for males
    Better make sure these things have the lowest drop rate.
    Zeo[Deleted User]
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    Opalthira wrote: »
    Nexon be like "What are the things people want from this gacha?"
    • The Wings
    • The Mortello outfits
    • Long trap hair for males
    Better make sure these things have the lowest drop rate.

    Pretty much... lmao. I don't think any people would have complaints if they directly sell the stuffs in cash shop for more NX like a whole set of specific outfit would probably be 8k to 12k while the tintable blooming/flowerless wings would maybe be 30k-40k NX...

    Or like what I said in the previous post, make all items have an equal drop rate so no item is more common than other yet no item is rarer than other if you know what I mean? I don't think anyone would have a complaint with that as well.
  • TsumikkiTsumikki
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,200
    Posts: 102
    RNGesus is a single non-soloable thing in the game, i could see why it's in every nook and cranny, since it's still a MMORPG. At least people actively trading things with each other. But these rates is another story...
  • ChibisaiChibisai
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,470
    Posts: 285
    I thought the rate was decent... I did about $75 and got the Eluned Mortello Wig F, Eluned Afternoon Tea Jacket F, Eluned Afternoon Tea Dress M x.x

    Maybe I just got lucky this gacha round...
  • lidiyalidiya
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 335
    edited May 31, 2017
    Zeo wrote: »
    Alexina being the most populated server... I'm still the only one (known one, that is) with Tintable Blooming Wings and I know there's about... 3 (myself included) known Tintable Flowerless Wings so far... you know it's bad when the week of gacha is up and you barely see any Tintable wings... especially on the most populated server.

    At this point... why not make everything have the equal drop rate instead of making certain stuffs have stupidly rare drop rate like the Eluned Afternoon Tea stuffs for male, Eluned Mortello/Pitch Black stuffs for female, and all wings? That way buying the gachapons would actually be worthwhile and the items won't be rarer than others.

    EASY answer
    it is in the following quote
    Nichee wrote: »
    Day 5~ still no wig in existent on Ruairi
    ~ an acquintance of my dropped 500$ yesterday hoping for wings, and got nothing but urban chilling, and a few metador/flameco shoes.
    I'd reckon I've come across over people who spent 6000$ pooled together now, and STILL NO ELUNED TEA WIG!

    And you know what's unfair to the max, the only way they can try to compensate is by adding these "New" items in another gach with better rates, which basically screws those of us who already bought gach over.

    That is the reason pure, and simple. They do it cause people will keep feeding it. I wish they would put up the drop rate tables(as I think they are lower the Korea's). If they made it a fair drop rate, or as others have said put the stuff in outfit bags I figured it out you would need 1000+ players to buy $5 outfit bags to equal what maybe 10 people do per server. So in all truth there is absolutely no incentive for them to do it, and there is all the incentive to make the odds worst to skim more money off the few players who are addicted to gachas.

    I've honestly gave up on the crapchas in the past 3 months I think I spent $3 total on them(outside that pet one last month as that was a decent deal)
  • FloristFlorist
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,235
    Posts: 89
    This gacha is absolutely terrible. I buy a stack of every new gacha just for giggles with no real need for any of the items within; but this gacha.. I really wanted the Eluned Mortello's Suit. I did 65$ (with my fingers crossed for the suit) just to get mostly titles/enchants! The most "Expensive thing" I pulled was a Synthesis training pot (valued around 1.5m on Rua).
    There's been some horrible gachas, but c'mon. I've hardly seen any of the new items on Ruairi. You'd think being genderbender, they'd be pretty common.. :#

    To be honest, with all this "Stop supporting them" "Don't buy nx" etc etc. The only reason I do support them, is because I love playing Mabi. It might not "help" or "send a message to them" about certain things that we see needs fixing. But I will always support a game I love, good or bad. I've been playing Mabi since '11. Pretty sure I've spent an entire college tuition on Gacha. :p
  • NearlyNearly
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,355
    Posts: 104
    edited May 31, 2017
    Did one bundle of em. Noteworthy items were Scathach dress, Eluned Afternoon Tea Wavy Wig (M) (No bonnet) and Tintable Flowerless Wing box over on Tarlach.

    Recently just sold the wings + 2 dyes (Used 3 of em) for 50m (o'u')b