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Any rules against these cretins? You know the ones I'm talking about, they create a character with same name with a number and there will be like 5 or 10 all grouped together in Tir by Duncan

i don't use bots but i do use my own alts on the same account as my main to get more of the rewards. They just collect dust anyway, so i just afk on them while i do my summer research work, pays off well for me.
Anyone remember when hebonas first came out and everyone exploited the event for it? :^)
You can't be logged into more than 1 character at a time, these are clearly multiple accounts to exploit AFK events.
I don't remember that happening while I was around, but a number of people are already experiencing this with the conflict nerf. This only hurts the legitimate players, not the botters. All the botters have to do is slap down some code and make more bots to compensate for the nerf. :I If the events were nerfed, this same thing would happen. More bots to compensate for the loss.
I wasn't saying that. You can be logged into different characters separately, and the counter will apparently reward the first set of awards, then allowing the usage of bank trading to transfer things like seals to the main account, which apparently is possible, especially since this event does not requiring a registration at an event NPC.
Not sure of the veracity of this information, but if it is true, I cannot see if anything should be done against the players. If Nexon did not intend this, it seems it would be their responsibility to fix things.
This! If you suspect anyone for violating the Code of Conduct, your best bet would be to file a ticket or contact a live support and they'll investigate and deem whatever those users actually broke the Code of Conduct or not.
Artificial server traffic increase serves little purpose for the host when it generates no new income for them.
I don't see much of a problem if someone is using their alts on their one account, but bots are an issue since you know there's a lot of them. I also heard there's a glitch from a few people to cut the wait time on the bar down, so this would further help the botters.
It no longer seems to mean "Characters that aren't my main, on my one and only account", but instead means "alternate account(s)".
Someone with multiple accounts, and the ability to log on to them simultaneously, effectively gets X times as many rewards as an ordinary player.
Not just for events like this, either.
Really, just report suspected abusers.
Don't fall victim to the apathetic mindset of "It's been going on for so long, why bother trying to stop it".
Then after we have a beer or two we'll get drunk and find more things to complain about here!
[I was joking.]
Says the one who got salty on wing items and sold them just because they got too flashy all of sudden and everyone has them now. Rofl.