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Moist Art Shop (*≧∀≦*) New Examples!!!
I love them both
If it isn't a hassle, would you be able to make Rayne's hair completely cover her right eye, and add her barbell piercing to her left ear (the one with two gauges)?
Ki'ana looks so great in your style
I can pay now if you're around. Feel free to mail me a junk item for 1.5mil and I will get the gold sent to ya as soon as I see it
@ Nyaa I hope this is better!
I'd be happy to make you another but unfortunately I'd have to charge again because I need
the gold if you're up for it. If not I really am sorry and I hope you're not upset with me.
let me know!
:O She looks amazing! No changes needed imo ^_^ I'll contact you ingame with payment
for taking so long, some things came up but I will be finishing it tonight
or tomorrow :] Thank you for being patient with me.
I find the art style quite unique and charming ^_^ I caution you about wording. You might just come off as meaning disrespect.
I can definitely draw skinnier if that's what you prefer, the eyes in my opinion aren't that big
But I usually try to draw as natural bodies as possible, so super skinny people aren't really that
realistic to me. I rarely ever see people looking like sticks, haha.
Update WIP for SylviaWolfe!
@SylviaWolfe All Done! I really hope you like it, I worked hard on it
It shows!! I absolutely love it! Thank you so very much ^_^