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I just used a Blacksmith Repair Coupon and it appears they've changed the UI. YOU CAN DO 100% REPAIR IN IT! It also tallies up how much it would be to fix all the items listed in the window. You have to click to repair at the initial rate before it shows the 100% repair option though! =D
It's not. The altar of restoration has nothing to do with the 100% repair option NPCs offer.
Yeah separate critter, and according to their post http://mabinogi.nexon.net/News/Announcements/1/00J5q they know that altar thing is broken and are fixing it.
I don't think that's the case whatsoever. No matter who you go to in order to repair, the 100% repair fee remains the same across all. I did a test with a focused rainbow beam sword and a celtic tribolt wand.
Focused Rainbow Beam (per point):
Elen (90%) - Base: 950 gold <+> 100%: 44,385 gold
Edern (98%) - Base: 22,360 gold <+> 100%: 44,385 gold
Celtic Tribolt Wand (per point):
Lassar (90%) - Base: 670 gold <+> 100%: 3,689 gold
Stewart (95%) - Base: 1,341 gold <+> 100%: 3,689 gold
Weiss (98%) - Base: 2,012 gold <+> 100%: 3,689 gold
he'll be forever known for being 'weapon breaker'