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I guess I'll have to get into the habit of rereading notices now.
BUT worthless without rebirth potions.
It's only for 2 days, how many rebirth pots do you use in 2 days?
No, but seriously, I'm marking my calendar for that one. ^_^
Sadly... for someone like me, it's useless as I already have everything ranked and I have quite a lot of APs stocked up so far... nothing to use it on except for Echo Stone awakening, brionac repair, and the upcoming DAN revamp and Chainslash skillset...
Yeah, I can only imagine what having a lot of excess AP will be like when the skill comes out too...
Maxed Out Player: Finally! Something to spend all of my AP on!
Several hours of skill training later...
Maxed Out Player: O.K., I've got most of my new skills up to rank A now. Do I need to rebirth or level for some more AP...Nope. Still got, like...12,001 AP left...
Several MORE hours of skill training later...
Maxed Out Player: *rocking back and forth in the corner* OMG! I got everything up to Rank 1 and I still have a crap ton of AP and nothing to do with it! What am I doing WRONG!! I miss those newbie days when I would run out of AP all the time. I want those days BACK!!! I...I...I'll build a time machine so I can go back an be AP broke again!! YES!! *insane laughter*
Random Player Passing By: Dude, just make an alt and start from scratch...
Maxed Out Player: You say nothing unless you have a Flux Capacitor!!!
And, now that I've probably ticked 9999 people off...*fades away like a ghost*
You can always switch around between GM unique effects 1,000 times if you want
too bad the event isnt until august 10th and the potential rb's expire after 6 days
You know... this mentality is why most of the games content is dead. Its already literally 2x better then normal, but because its not even better then that its somehow worthless? That makes zero sense. Everyone does that with everything too, "Whats that? Best exp/hour in the game? Lets do it all day long!" while at the same time, "Whats that? 95% as good as the best exp/hour in the game? What a waste of time, why did you even bother inviting me?" Its so dumb, just because something is not 100% meta does not make it worthless people. Things can still be good without being the absolute best. 2x ap is not worthless just because you dont happen to also have rebirth potions to exploit it with. With that logic you might as well say its not worth your time unless its 1,000,000x ap with free rebirths every 5 seconds.
Hey, the rebirth potions came. Is it worth now?
Probably not, they probably expected an "Instant Master of Everything" event and wouldn't be satisfied with anything else.