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100% Repair Is Virtually Useless
Clickbait title ^
Because it cost far too much. Nearly 35,000 gold per point for my CRKs, nearly 18k/point for my savage fire wand, etc. It will put me in the red for any shadow mission I run, and running dungeons with that repair fee will break my bank in no time. As it stands, 100% repair is basically only for clothes, armor and wings purely due to the cost not being conducive to the frequency at which weapons must be repaired. This is definitely an improvement, but those items rarely lost durability anyways because they get repaired so infrequently. Unless you want to start farming and pawning off your rare drops to pay for repair fees. I'd suggest that the repair fee for 100% be moved to around 125% of the 98% repair fee, rather than around 200%. That's my opinion and my suggestion, how do you feel about it?
Though if the repair rate cost really becomes a problem for my wallet I can keep doing what I have been; using a 99% rate repair with Grantes on blessed items. :-)
Also, according to the Wiki, these are the rates for CRKS:
90% = 774 G
93% = 2,904 G
95% = 6,906 G
96% = 9,553 G
97% = 13,490 G
98% = 17,428 G
Thats missing the brand new 100% repair that came out yesterday, which is, in fact, roughly 35k per point for CRK's. I agree with this completely, Nexon has a strange definition of "slightly more expensive". I assure you, twice the price is exactly zero peoples definition of "slightly more expensive".
Also, whats the point in having an awesome, powerful, expensive weapon if you have to use other weapons on everything you fight just to avoid going broke?
Idk about that, I'm pretty sure if you were to do some only very slightly fancy math, counting the number of total points repaired on a CRK in the time it takes to degrade to uselessness from using only 98% repairs, then multiply that number by the difference between the 98% and 100% repairs to get the amount of gold you would have paid above the standard repair fee had you used 100% the entire time, you would get WAY more then the 20-30mil it takes to buy and upgrade a new CRK. In fact, I'm curious, so I'll check that real fast before I hit post...
17,428 is the 98% rate, so since its 2x for 100% that means each point at 100 costs u an extra 17,428 gold.
Their base durability is 15, so lets use 15 for this hypothetical example CRK.
Since CRK's have dura loss reduction, Lets call 5 max dura the throw away point, meaning 10 points of loss until uselessness.
At a fail rate of 2%, 2 fails in 100 points or 1 in 50, in order to lose 10 points requires, statistically, 500 points worth of repairs to reach uselessness.
If you were to break your CRK with 98% repairs across 500 points worth of repairs the total cost of 500 points worth of CRK use costs you 25mil for a new CRK and its upgrades plus 17,428 multiplied by the 500 points of repairs (8,714,000) for a total use cost of 33,714,000 to use and replace a CRK as a result of using 98% repairs only.
If you were to use 100% repairs you would take that number, subtract the cost of a new CRK and its upgrades, since you wouldn't be getting a new one, and add another 17,428 times 500 (8,714,000) for the 2x increase in repair cost making a total of 17,428,000 gold for 500 points worth of use of a CRK at 100%.
well... crap. Since I don't feel like going back and editing my post after calculating that I'll just say I was totally wrong. Nice job on the accurate estimation in the face of what seemed like the complete opposite to everyone else, including me. I would much rather pay 17mil across 500 points of use then 34mil across the same because I broke my super expensive sword. 9mil extra to repair it better is, in fact, much better then 25mil extra to replace it because I repaired it cheaply.
At the end of the day, I barely have enough time in my life to grind up enough gold to even get a single, not-even-popular item from a gacha with gold because everything here is gacha-only, let alone pay for this too. This is why I always loved 100% repair events. Doubt we'll ever be getting one ever again now.
EDIT: Specifically I am talking about the latest content where everything is a stupid hp sponge, where the gap in durability saving between racial skills and weapon types stands out way too damn much. Of course you can go low budget on lower content and I do, but on high end content, things just add up way too fast with passes, repair costs, etc. Also, platinum hammer supply isn't infinite. Always keep that in mind when you use that argument. It's FAR from infinite.
Ya, many very good points, my numbers ARE from 1 spesific weapon. I also wasnt looking, in the slightest, for any sort of playtime or hit count figures, I was doing durability use based on raw number of points repaired, so the time it takes to chug through 500 points of repairs on a crk is absolutely going to differ from the time it takes to chug through the same on something like a giant hammer or a staff, I have a similar topic under the opposite name in general (more apropriate place for the topic I think) with the same math and I wrote a huge thing when some guy brought up the multiplied repair fee enchants, his example applied freaking x15 between 2 enchants and the result totally changed, with that added into the numbers it came out that if u had really good r1 reforges, they were about the same cost, but anything short of that and 98% becomes cheaper hands down, it is absolutely always important to remember cost per day as well as cost per point or cost per replacement like I did, it would be possible for sure to come up with figures for average repair cost per day, accounting for eventual replacement at 98%, but something like that would require gathering information like how many bashes it takes to drop a point with each weapon as well as that compared to final hit and pretty much every other useful skill in the game, exactly how race and stuff like that bard buff for reduced dura loss play into it, how long it takes to clear a given piece of content and how many bashes or whatever skill per given time interval you use during said content, I would need to reteach myself way more algebra then im willing to relearn in order to figure that out accurately, any physicists here wanna help us out?
sry bout the crap structure suddenly btw, getting typing fatigue and no longer have enough left to give any to spelling or grammar anymore
Since you can already clear most Shadow Missiosn with some mid-tier weapons.
Just a thought.
You pretty much have to regardless, now you just have the option of not being eventually forced to remake your fancy weapon.
I usually have business weapons (the really costly ones) and the run-around weapons (the ones I don't really care get a point knocked off or not). Also, the reason I didn't include that ~35k rate was because it wasn't officially declared on the Wiki, and it was already stated in the first comment of the thread. Also, look at 96% and 98%, that's almost double in price too. =T