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"Enchant Success Rate +10%" event another dud.
Don't get your hopes up, they literally just turned on Thursday's success rate bonus. Literally the most pointless special event we get, since we already get it every week. First the Dungeon Revamp thing, now this. SMH
It's always after thursday. Which ends before the next thursday.
I'm used to it.
We're disappointed because its just the thursday enchant rate boost. Which is about 2-3% not the proclaimed 10%.
No kirby, you give Nexon too much faith. Oblivion with ancient powder is still 73%.
I see you fixed your post xD but you're still off. We are getting the lucky blue stones just fine, or at least everyone I know got theirs including myself. You only get it on the first character you login on and you may need to cc if you idled overnight
Not Thursday bonus lmao. This is genuinely a new low. I know quite a few people that were waiting to enchants r3>r5s for this exact buff. What a bust. Nexon you should be ashamed for failing to specify that it wasn't an actual 10% event because majority of the players assumed the 10% event we got awhile back. Acknowledge your errors and apologize. This is genuinely a borderline false advertisement scam.
and how exactly did they "argue" with you?