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Your thoughts on Cross-Server Town and Dungeon?

Mabinogi Rep: 2,025
Posts: 42
edited July 31, 2017 in Feedback and Suggestions
So I was thinking of saying this so far:

Lately, I have been seeing many fellow mabi players bring up the concept of a server merge due to current population in Ruairi, Mari, Alexina, and Tarlach. Many wish for a combination of all the servers so there are more players to do dungeon runs and shadow missions, so on and so forth. On the other hand, many wish not to see such a change made due to the current lag and other faulty parts that the game has. Many wish for the lag to be adjusted before a merge can be even talked about since combining everyone together at Mabi's current state will just be lag city. Thus, making it hard for many people to properly play.

However, Mabi is getting pretty old and such merge is unlikely. It's more than just a simple button being pressed. There is a lot of factors to consider and the pros/cons of doing such a game-wide merge.

On the flip side, it does seem like a plausible goal to have a cross-server town and dungeon.

Based on discussion in the Unofficial Official Mabinogi Discord, these are what some players suggested if a cross-server town and dungeon was implemented:

Summary of trading/market:

- At first markets may be a bit unbalanced, but players will figure out how to balance the system and adjust prices and such.
-When items are traded, they are then bound to the person it's traded with. This can allow Nexon(or whoever has administrative rights to release/create new content). In that case, unlock an item for server trading(This could be a NX-based item. Could be named something along the lines of "[Insert name for Cross-Server here] Trade unlock item".
-Once a item is traded, ** it's bound**. Trade at your own discretion.
-Shops/kiosks can be placed here. Could be a special license created for cross-server.

Summary of town/dungeon:
-Area similar to housing in a sense or to Tir Chonail/Dunbarton.
-Dungeon can be like a castle dungeon that people can farm for mats and such. Fun events can be released for a smooth transition to new dungeon. Possibly a storyline of a NPC that we always pass by and haven't talked to since our beginner player years?The possibilities are endless.

Any other thoughts,comments,suggestions? Open to any. I feel like this could really work out and be a legitimate thing if people can consider that the original idea was a good step, but it would be difficult. Whereas this cross-server town and dungeon(we could have more than one town or dungeon?Who knows) definitely falls into the realm of possibility.

Lol, ;-; I rarely make forum posts so hopefully this can be received well. So yeah, hi.

TaffytaDanievictriaSherriErlachZeo[Deleted User]
  1. Would you like to see a Cross-Server Town and Dungeon implemented?31 votes
    1. Yes
       68% (21 votes)
    2. No
       13% (4 votes)
    3. Unsure
       19% (6 votes)


  • DanievictriaDanievictria
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,695
    Posts: 313
    That sounds like an interesting idea. Some techie witchcraft is definitely going to be involved in making it possible for two or my players with the exact same ID number or character name to exist in that realm at the same time without things going screwie, sure, but to be able to have an area where we could buy rare materials or cash shop items from players from other servers and a dungeon that we could run with players who normally hang out on another server would be cool.
    [Deleted User]
  • RaistlanRaistlan
    Mabinogi Rep: 510
    Posts: 3
    This might actually give us enough players to realistically get a sabina blade or any of the other destruction items xD

    Only issues I can see is how this will effect markets/economy. I think it can only do good things though, might actually bring a lot of people back too.
    [Deleted User]
  • SiodhanSiodhan
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,825
    Posts: 315
    It honestly sounds harder to implement than an actual merge. Plus an actual merger would populate all areas. So I'll still remain in favor of an actual merge. Voting "unsure" regardless.
    [Deleted User]
  • KadalynKadalyn
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,900
    Posts: 60
    edited August 1, 2017
    That sounds like an interesting idea. Some techie witchcraft is definitely going to be involved in making it possible for two or my players with the exact same ID number or character name to exist in that realm at the same time without things going screwie, sure, but to be able to have an area where we could buy rare materials or cash shop items from players from other servers and a dungeon that we could run with players who normally hang out on another server would be cool.

    Player IDs are unique across servers already.

    EDIT: APPARENTLY NOT whoops. They'd always seem to be but we just found some IDs reused on multiple servers.
    Danievictria[Deleted User]
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    I only worry about the economics part of it. Other than that, sounds really good.
    [Deleted User]
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,030
    Posts: 521
    I think this would be a really good idea and may be a better solution compared to the server merge, perhaps?
    [Deleted User]
  • DanievictriaDanievictria
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,695
    Posts: 313
    edited July 31, 2017
    Kadalyn wrote: »
    That sounds like an interesting idea. Some techie witchcraft is definitely going to be involved in making it possible for two or my players with the exact same ID number or character name to exist in that realm at the same time without things going screwie, sure, but to be able to have an area where we could buy rare materials or cash shop items from players from other servers and a dungeon that we could run with players who normally hang out on another server would be cool.

    Player IDs are unique across servers already.

    Good to know. I wasn't sure about that, since different games have different ways of identifying players and their characters in the game code. Sometimes it's by ID number, sometimes it's by character name, some even use both under different circumstances. With there being different servers and the fact that no two characters on the same server can have the exact same name too to factor in, I wasn't quite sure whether they used unique randomized player ID numbers, gave ID numbers out based solely on order of character creation (I've played games that do that), or used character names as the main identifier in their game code. Depending on how a game doles out ID numbers and identifies player characters in its coding, things like server merges and cross-server content can either be relatively simple to implement, a digital nightmare, or down-right impossible.
    [Deleted User]
  • DanievictriaDanievictria
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,695
    Posts: 313
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    Kadalyn wrote: »
    That sounds like an interesting idea. Some techie witchcraft is definitely going to be involved in making it possible for two or my players with the exact same ID number or character name to exist in that realm at the same time without things going screwie, sure, but to be able to have an area where we could buy rare materials or cash shop items from players from other servers and a dungeon that we could run with players who normally hang out on another server would be cool.

    Player IDs are unique across servers already.

    Good to know. I wasn't sure about that, since different games have different ways of identifying players and their characters in the game code. Sometimes it's by ID number, sometimes it's by character name, some even use both under different circumstances. With there being different servers and the fact that no two characters on the same server can have the exact same name too to factor in, I wasn't quite sure whether they used unique randomized player ID numbers, gave ID numbers out based solely on order of character creation (I've played games that do that), or used character names as the main identifier in their game code. Depending on how a game doles out ID numbers and identifies player characters in its coding, things like server merges and cross-server content can either be relatively simple to implement, a digital nightmare, or down-right impossible.

    As stated; player IDs are unique across servers. This means players with the same name can co-exist on the same server. The principle is not much different than that of an item, nor is it any more or less complicated to apply the principle in a scenario where such IDs are not in use.

    If, for example, player IDs were not unique across servers; it would be a piece of cake to assign a unique ID to each player (even if they didn't have an id). ~ Example: Despite having the same name and different stats; there are thousands of Battle Swords on each server in the game.

    Those games you've played (where names are made to be an obstacle) are developed by morons (obviously). When they merge servers and use a stinky old asterisk to separate matching names;.. that's not a requirement, but instead an act of sheer laziness or non-concern for the player. B)

    Thanks for clearing the behind the scenes details up for me some. I'm only speaking from my experience with other online games, namely virtual pet sites, and my knowledge that Mabi stops you at the naming screen if your character name is taken on that particular server. On virtual pet sites pet and user ID's tend to be given out on an "order of creation" basis and, although user and pet names can be changed, it's fairly common that no two users or pets can have the same name (which is why the pound on any virtual pet site will often be full of names like xX_Fluffy_Xx and Pikachu999). This is because these sites (often created as passion projects by less experienced programmers) will often use names for some things and ID numbers for others. For instance, these games' private messaging system often uses user names exclusively to direct the right message to the right recipient.

    I do think that requiring unique character names when unique ID's exist is sort of redundant, though. It probably mostly exists here to prevent cases of mistaken identity among players (and, hopefully, not because the game's mail and PM systems are stuck in character name mode), but it's sort of antiquated. If this idea were to be implemented, I'm sure the cross-server areas could display player names like "Barry of Tarlach" and "Dina of Mari" to avoid confusion. Heck, maybe the whole update could come with some feature that gives us the ability to give our characters a last name (instead of just "Calhoon", a character can now be known as "Calhoon Tonberry"). That would be fun...but now you probably think I'm being totally foolish, so I'll hush my mouth.
    [Deleted User]