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Mabinogi "Meme"nto Contest [ SUBMISSION]
Ign: Chocopepero
when you finally learn the truth about the mini-boss dragons....
ign: Hinamiki
IGN: Neryon
Server: Ruairi
IGN: Opalthira
Server: Alexina
Enjoy my failed memeGotta love running right into fish in deadly thinking it's dead.
seasaltcake of Mari
IGN: Historiaa
Sever: Ruairi
IGN: Astralblue
Server: Ruairi
Terrible editing I know
Them some REALLY BIG Alphabet Blocks!
server: Alexina
my entry hope it still makes it
reasons for editing:
had to resize and change image hosting site because the one i first uploaded was resized and became unreadable
lyk if u cri evrytiem
Poor Enn. People complete her story, leave her, and never return. (people like me, oops)
Meybe I should visit her once agEnn.
IGN: Meyki
Server: Mari
*Sobs* I tried ok?
Server: Ruairi
IGN: Angelhappy43
Time to hide in shame -b-b-b-b-b-b.
Shout out to all the creepy guys on Mabi who have done this to me.
lol hope I put the image in right
IGN: Starrysight
Server: Mari
Server: Alexina
I got so bored, I originally wanted to end it with praying at a corpse but they disappear faster than I can have my partner in position to use the pray action and no friends who want to help me make it XD
Update: I don't expect to win (I was hoping too at least try to also...
finally a good use for the bug catching gesture
IGN: Darvy
Server: Mari
IGN: Nettorin
Server: Tarlach
no edits. just shining hero title lol
I don't care, I always wanted to post this.
IGN: Skyshooter1
Server: Alexina