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Is Mabinogi Dead/ Quickly Dying?
I have played mabinogi on and off for many years and this game has the potential to live on for many years more until it eventually dies. However I haven't been playing recently because I have been noticing a lack of content being added to the game. Alot of the events and new "content" seems to just be reused events or updates on grinding ( more exp events, double rainbow, more frequent rebirths, etc) . What happened to adding new skills sets or adding to previous ones? I believe the newest skills to be added were some generic buffs skills for races but that's hardly new content. I haven't even seen new upcoming content from foreign servers other than gimmicky events and spending money.
Perhaps I haven't been looking in the right places so does anyone know the current state of the game, if they will eventually add new skills sets and content such as new locations to explore?
Uh giant update a day ago.
Phastasm a year ago
Festia A year ago
100% repair less than a month ago.
Music q like 6 months ago.
Memento like a month or two ago
This game totally hasn't gotten any updates recentlyAs older players get their time devoured by more and more real-life responsibilities like work, romantic relationships, and raising a family, a game like this needs to continuously be attracting new, younger players with the free time to stay active in the game and community. Nexon NA doesn't seem to be doing a great job of attracting new players with the mindset to be able to enjoy such an intense game and stick around to keep things lively. If they don't step up their ad game, figure out where their best potential player/customers are, and advertise there, then the game could be in trouble. I mean, the people who started playing this game when it came to the U.S. when they were in high school and college are in their 20's and 30's now, and the MMORPG scene is more competitive than ever now. Between an aging player base with more real-life obligations and so many different MMORPG's with their own style and features around now (You have WoW-style Theme Park MMO's, Open World Sandbox MMO's, MMO's with constantly evolving worlds like Guild Wars 2, even a game that's like a hybrid of a traditional MMORPG and Minecraft!), it's no surprise that this game isn't as populated as it was in its heyday. With the right advertising strategy, though, we could get a nice infusion of new blood that will stick around for years to come.
TL;DR: Mabi's not dying, just limping.
Careful, you might get "wrecked" with comments like that.
I missed my chance to defend my elf rights and people hating on Treasure Hunter. qq
Don't forget Memento!
Whoops! Didn't see it on the end, sorry ^ ^;
The problem is that most people now, this late in the game's lifespan are just too old to enjoy it.
The game simply wasn't tailored to people in our age group. It's our problem, not Mabinogi's
- - - - -
But it is undeniable that instead of every server having 1 full and 1 busy channel with shops reaching dunby gate on the secondary channel, now every channel feels empty except market channel(which is populated with players ASLEEP not actually playing the game). Still reaches full, oddly
No it's not.
Technically that would be a success especially after 10 years.
Erm....the new chainslash talent has been out of testing and live on KR's servers since July 20th...
For reference, people were hoping for a global release because they showed "Aug. 20/21" as a large ominous date in the Korean conference video, which coincides with the last two weeks of the Master Plan event. Which are "coming soon".
However this can very easily get boring and samey thus it feels like there isn't really anything to do after awhile when in reality there is tons of stuff you have just done all of it so much that you have burned out on it or you get tunnel vision on grinding and getting to the point you can do the stronger content you forget the rest of the content mabi has to offer.
That's why things like the giant update and the events going on right now don't really feel like new content to you as it doesn't offer anything "new" to take you away from the daily grind that you have most likely become burned out on.
I call it mid level boredom but it can happen at any level really it is just most common at the mid ish level point.
for anyone wondering i am referring to I haven't been playing recently because I have been noticing a lack of content being added to the game with this.
Every time someone makes a thread about the game being on life support when they don't play it, I get a new pair of wings :VQuality ovet quantity. The game is doing quite fine, and the updates of late have been pretty good, especially on the QoL front.