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Fix Capture Watermelon Event
I've seen many events in this game. Some were great, some not so much. But this one is probably the worst one so far. Even Caravan Joe Town was way better than this.
If so on market channel we can just all agree to join one team to get a guaranteed win box.
I know what I want from the event
yes you can join one team as you choose, but I think it can only go 4 over the other team like for the 1st no one joined the red team only 4 ppl could join the blue one as someone said the game said the team was full when they tried. So we thought it was 4V4 only and next game 3 ppl joined the red team, and 7 were able to join the blue.
Now that is what needs to be fixed.
On another 'Fix CTW' thread I posted my story of how my friend and I did on a dead channel at 1 in the morning. At first it was 4 (Blue) Vs. 0 (Red), but the last ten minutes, two people joined red and rage quit over us playing 'unfairly'. Those idiots shouldn't of even joined tbh. They knew that they wouldn't win and yet they still raged like children. Sheesh, it's just a game anyway.
But all of this would of been avoided if there was a better limit of people per team. Maybe delay the game a bit until both teams get an even amount of players? After a while the game would either automatically start anyway? It would give people a better chance to get to the event.
Or just cancel that CTW round if team amounts aren't (close to being?) even, which I think is the worst approach.
I rather have Whack-A-Watermelon event.
I had to wait like two weeks just to do that event.
cause there were people on every channel with boost mounts and i didn't have any boost mounts.
Why I hate First Come, First Served style events. Often people camped the beaches for stuff, just to throw it all out.
And the fact that the outfits weren't in the dressing room or allowed on pets.. aND THEY STILL ARE LIKE THIS TODAY
Its just like the autumn field hats. They were from a really old event and were selling for 15mil the day before the fishing event came out.
I wonder why.
Get 15 points gets box
Lost both times.
Honestly its just an event to waste time and hope you get a box.
They should have made it everyone gets a box regardless theres no point in doing this event.
Plus everybody keeps camping or hitting me but everyone on my team just lets them runs past :L
This is actually the "fix" for this event - if you can't beat em, join em.
I only wish they'd hold it throughout the whole day so I can play Blue Team Wins during the weekdays too.
And people whining about elf speed is kind of annoyin'. There's an event goin' on right now that's Giant only, it's nice havin' an event where bein' an elf has the advantage. Besides you can just play the event on your elf if you're so salty about unfair speeds. Also things like Wave Sweeper and Fleet Feet make the speed argument invalid anyway. I myself have neither.
But I do agree that this event wasn't very well thought out. I'd like it if the following changes were made:
- Only team members who have scored 5 or more points for their team can receive a prize box.
- At 10 min to match end, no new players may join.
- Style Tab should be disabled (not that I really care about this part but so many people are whining about it. I have no problem tellin' what team people are on)
- As far as speed goes just disable March Song, Wave Sweeper and Fleet Feet. I see no real reason to reduce elf/giant speed other than to appease salty humans lol
- And let the event go on all day for cryin' in a bucket! this narrow time window is really silly
Yes, yes I realize I've stepped on some elf-basher toes, but oh well an elf can only take so much ;P
they think its fun on paper but when you really get into action? its just....blasphemy to the name of "Event"
I should look at every "Event" as a battlefield between Nexon and You.
they should just strict everyone of buffs, pets, clothing, and only force characters to use basic skills.
I don't care about the race benefits, be an elf if you want speed for what i care. Making it a "Complete" unfair event is no event at all but a spit to our face saying "Here is your event my money tree, enjoy." The event speaks for it self.