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Ruairi Server - First 1 Hit VHM Girgashiy
Although, I could have sworn this was already done a long time ago(Alexina), and I would have already hazarded it would have happened quite some time ago in Ruairi. Is it really the first?
Ah nice, didn't think about smithing bonus.
There's currently no records of one happened before our attempt in Ruairi; and I haven't heard of Alexina pulling it off either. I'm more than happy to acknowledge when the records are presented.
I'm fully aware that the foreign servers have pulled it off way before us; was just referring to NA servers, apologies for the misunderstanding.
Sure, being humble is admirable, but we worked towards something, achieved it, and wanted to save it and share it. Is it bragging? Yes. Should/do I feel bad about it? No, because I felt like I achieved something worthwhile and made myself and my server proud. I don't mind backing down at all if we weren't the first NA server to pull it off.
The same way ele has no effect on blade.
You look silly now :^)