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I also know, Nexon Korea had to approve anything we do. NA does not make decisions on their own. They always ask Korea, whether you like it or not. NA is not separate from Korea. The money comes from both sets of servers and goes directly to Korea. They own the company, they decide what NA does and does not get to do.
Making the public happy isn't always the best route. Making is 'happy' with this merge will cause Nexon KR to pay thousands of dollars to replace and build new servers. Thousands of dollars they do not have, and simply do not have the support for it.
Your argument is invalid. Multiple people here have said the exact same thing, it's interesting to see how you haven't picked up that you're the odd ball out.
Companies do not exist for the public. They exist for self-interest. As stated by John Adams, a founder for Market Economic Idealisms.
South Korean Economics: http://www.heritage.org/index/country/southkorea
John Adams Market Economy Idealisms: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/invisiblehand.asp
I've said my piece, I've proven my point. I've given you evidence. I'm going to walk away proud of my statement and not let you deter my self-esteem like you always try to do.
Isnt that post is kind of trolling? Like I said folks ignore these spammers and their negativity towards this because its not what they want so hopefully the people who do want to express their opinions and support can do so without them being attacked or harassed for it. I will await nexons final word on this and hope this gains enough support for consideration.
Since you continue to assume nexons position that this will not happen let me ask again why did you even post here in the first place? Why continue to post if you know your going to get your way and have this denied despite the other people showing support of it for quite a long time btw. Seems like you feel this will get approved so you want to spread negativity so it doesnt otherwise you would let it go and let it fail on its own like you claim it will.
By the way, that's also harassment. Saying such is very hypocritical and very unjust. People have the right to post opinions, it is America after all.
Also, yes I know a lot about Economics. You should know by your previous interactions with me, I'm heavily obsessed with South Korea. I find them.. especially interesting.
It actually does prove my point. Nexon is from Korea, Korea has a heavy market/family-owned economy. Meaning, what they own, the money goes to them and they dictate what we are to do. Again, Nexon Employees are hired and approved by Nexon Korea. Therefore, if they disobey their orders, their job is at risk. Of course the NA government expects funds to keep the company on the ground. They have to pay land and building fees if it already hasn't been payed off. Why do you think McDonald's is so rich from opening stores in so many other countries? Exactly. Point proven. Money goes to the people who own the company.
Okay I'm done. I've proven my point, once again, and am going to go do something better than arguing with a brick wall.
Very good idea. I support this.
Actually there's another option on how to clean out inactive accounts. I have experienced Server Transfer before in another game and they asked players to log in within month at least once before the transfer happens and also asked us to provide an email and such in our accounts so they could see who's active and who's not. Accounts who weren't touched at least once for a whole month were erased and gone forever.
If names can be the same over each of the server I guess older account could keep it and younger account would have to pick new name since names are usually first come first serve. Could people pick a new name when they merge the servers or would that make everyone upset with me to?
If a player was given a serial number in the same way it could allow for same names but might be confusing trying to contact people. Hm maybe one name could have a capital letter added to make it different? Might complicate the system to have to search for duplicate names and try to modify one of them so its not the exact same. This would be something to consider how to deal with duplicate character names so its a good topic to get some ideas on.
Hm.. okay.. uh huh.. alrighty.. Hm skip those replies.. ah.
No server merge for you.
For gold and ducats maybe issue people checks to make the id process easier. Once merge is done is checks can go back into bank... But fees would be a problem for that too. Guess they would have to ask if people wanted to do checks or try to find some other method.
Another think Im wondering about is homesteads if we could keep it as is or have to redo it. I have all the expansions and would like to keep my homestead size. I could always empty my stead and replace everything if it came down to that, but hopefully everyone can keep their homestead size.
YOU are the one pushing your opinions on others. What Hardmuscle, myself, and all the other people who disagree with you have been saying, is that Nexon has already given their answer. YOU don't want to accept that, so you act like the victim.
Who knows? Maybe YOU'RE the one causing harassment on your server. Your behavior here would attest to that.
So are all the other people who posted before me pushing their opinions too? Like I said there is no post here from admins saying this is rejected so its an open discussion for people to post their ideas. I would think if they were against this they would have said so in the beginning and closed the thread instead of letting it be open so long. Suggestions are simply that but I am attacked because I am on the supporting side while others here seem against it. Now I am being attacked 4 on 1 for supporting merging servers and suggesting things that could help along the way. Makes me feel like I will always be attacked for my ideas now. If you really think its going to fail then wait and see if it does instead of focusing on negativity.
Like many others has said, there will be no server merge.
This thread is not officially supported or confirmed by Nexon NA or Nexon KR.
It is merely a thread for people to post opinions on the matter and facts behind the business/technical issues facing a hypothetical server merge, as well as it being there so others do not make the same 'Server Merge' thread every other day.
If you have nothing to comment actually pertaining to the conversation, then you should stop commenting.
>You post.
>We try to explain why it's not possible.
>You point out we've also disagreed with you in other places, but you mis-evaluate that we have also agreed with you on other posts.
>You claim we're harassing you because we disagree and try to prove our point and instead of reacting appropriately you make out-of-the-blue assumptions without trying to prove why you believe otherwise. (Not counting your posts about how this thread would be closed if Nexon really disagreed. They have closed threads and made statements via stream. This thread is specifically to please public eye.)
> We challenge you more and you tell us to leave, and claim we're trying to be moderators.
>We point out you are also at fault, and you basically panic and claim HARASSMENT again. (Like you've never done anything wrong. You've never even apologized for how you've made people feel.
We only treat you with the same treatment you give us, but of course Sam is always in the right about everything. Bless him.)So fed up e,e It's a wonder why you're so eager to keep things up.
The part I bolded; there, you're saying that people who disagree with a server merge aren't allowed to post here.
Pot calling the kettle black, and all.
Tacking on to their post here:
The thread would be closed because of people attacking me over my opinion and forcing theirs on me. Basically because you dont want it no one else can and you tell people its automatic no which is what you want. If they didnt want to hear the players opinions (including yours since you posted here too) this thread and all the others you claim are opened and closed everyday would not exist. If it was an automatic no why not close thread immediatly and tell people so? This is a suggestion not a mandate so stop treating it like its the most horrible thing that could ever happen. Hopefully they listen to the suggestions at least before shooting something down because of negativity by people who dont want it.
Stop starting up drama to derail the thread. You were doing so good and actually participating in realtive conversation but now its back to the personal attacks. This time you cant say its my fault because I said something positive to encourage discussion and it was viewed negatively to attack me.
Back on topic because Id rather not go round and round with negative attacks again. It wasnt fun the first time and wont be now.
We have already heard negative comments about this never happening according to players but not yet confirmed by Nexon Staff in this thread, but as this is a very popular subject I hope that Nexon will work with the community to at least consider the possiblities that this can have to positively influance the game and its players. This subject is to try and make the game better for everyone which is the purpose of suggestions in the first place. Anyways Im done feeding the bullies and will be responding to actual ideas and comments not attacks and harassment. Im sure they will keep spamming to get their way though.
You sound like a broken record. Just stop embarrassing yourself and actually contribute to the topic, thanks.
No, at this point, we are forcing facts.