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Server Merge


  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664

    It's so hopeless to explain anything to you, you always hear what you want to hear instead of what's really being said.

    You've also been warned, what? 8 times now to stop focusing all of your posts on drama?

    You purposely derail threads by playing victim: woe-is-me.

    "You're harassing me because you disagree and are trying to disprove my beliefs."

    What we've been TRYING SO DESPERATELY TO TELL YOU IS Nexon does not approve of a server merge. Until Nexon replies: You'll never see that day. Come get me when you do, but until then, quit acting like Nexon will magically answer you just because you want them too. Go send an email for Christ's sake, only VFMs check the threads with the CMs and those are for bans and things to go on social media. Before you start with it, VFMs are not Nexon workers. VFMs are people who VOLUNTEERED to clean the forums of spam and lock threads like yours.

    Good lord have mercy why can't you open your eyes to the point we're trying to make already.
    Sherri[Deleted User]GretaPlatinaKoki
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    Ataraxiz wrote: »
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    Hm? Again you are presuming to know how nexon works and how their economy works when you are not an employee or staff member. Im sure everyone can learn the economy of other counties with a google search but that has nothing to do with the subject other than you once again forcing your opinions onto others.

    Isnt that post is kind of trolling? Like I said folks ignore these spammers and their negativity towards this because its not what they want so hopefully the people who do want to express their opinions and support can do so without them being attacked or harassed for it. I will await nexons final word on this and hope this gains enough support for consideration.

    Since you continue to assume nexons position that this will not happen let me ask again why did you even post here in the first place? Why continue to post if you know your going to get your way and have this denied despite the other people showing support of it for quite a long time btw. Seems like you feel this will get approved so you want to spread negativity so it doesnt otherwise you would let it go and let it fail on its own like you claim it will.

    The part I bolded; there, you're saying that people who disagree with a server merge aren't allowed to post here.

    Pot calling the kettle black, and all.

    Tacking on to their post here:

    - Opinions are welcomed. However, we do expect you to respect the opinions of others, even if you do not agree with them.

    Maybe you all should stop attacking me over my opinion which differs for yours. I specifically said to ignore spam and focus of the subject but again I have to be literal so you understand. All these negative attacks towards me benefit the ones doing it and do not contribute to the subject which is server merge. You expressed you dont want it which is fine but dont attack me because I do want it and have been suggesting things that could help if the merger is done like picking server, changing names, having a way to keep gold (maybe checks I dont know because I got attacked again after that). We have heard your position loud and clear and know you are 100% against any positive thing said to this subject. Let others post now so we can see what the community wants not just want you want. I am just,one vote out of all of them and since you are gainst me with,your friends does my vote really mean anything? In the grand scheme of things you ganging up on me has already assured my posts mean nothing so harassing me over them is kind of foolish after you already claimed this wont be done so your side won. Only thing I can think of is your thinking there will be more supporting than against so this might get considered someday. Im done with all your negativity. If you dont have something relative to say Ill be ignoring it from now on so you can verbally abuse me all you like now. Go crazy and have fun if thats how you show your disagreements with threads by attacking others who support it.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    Its not really up to you and the ones who decide if it is possible or not is Nexon so I have been asking them to come and confirm or deny this which they dont. As far as Im concerned this is an open descussion until an admin can come and tell us their reasons why this wont happen despite the support this had before you all started targeting me over my comment to move to another server as part of the merge which is the real reason behind the attacks. I no longer want to be on the server I am harassed and defamed consantly and if merger happens I could possibly pick a new better server that such hostility does not happen and you would think someone would support that but Im being bullied over it instead.

    Okay, i'll try to explain you some things this one last time:
    1. If server merge happens, there's no such thing as ability to choose what server you want to be in. I think you are mixing up words of Server Merge and Server Transfer there.
    2. Also fun fact: harassment and defame can happen in any other server. You just got in a wrong group of people, which means it's your fault, not servers.
    3. You are literally defaming the whole Mari server with things you say here right now. If you met few people who harassed you it doesn't mean that everyone in Mari are like that.
    4. I also heard about your drama and other dark things you did... Even from Alexina players. Can you believe that? It means that you can spread drama so bad that even other servers are aware of it.
    5. Try to read better because we try to explain you one thing and you reply us totally different things or you just ignore what we say on purpose. You talk like a disc who lagged and plays same song over, over and over again. If you got nothing better to say, just stop posting.
    [Deleted User]SherriAtaraxiz
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    edited August 23, 2017
    Repeats slamming her head on the desk

    Crucial fact of all of this: We aren't "attacking" you. We simply provided a statement to your opinion and challenged it, but you considered it 'harassment'. (Wow, you're one to talk.)

    We also provided details as to why it will not happen, giving you facts so you know not to be so urgently expecting something that is probably never going to come. We even told you were to look to find this evidence (the past streams) because Nexon usually leaves threads alone and let's the VFMs (who are not Nexon staff, they do not get paid) handle threads like these.

    This thread is to please public eye.

    Not to mention this was never about you, this was why this won't happen (as per official statements from Nexon that you refuse to oblige or even acknowledge).

    The world is not spinning around you. Just because WE challenge your opinion (without disrespecting it, by the way. We never called you or your commentary stupid or any other bland expression) does not mean we are automatically harassing you. We would say the same things to others with the same exact commentary. It's not possible. It's not happening. This thread is to please public eye. For discussion, it is no official statement, Nexon KR is more worried about how they're going to use the money in their pockets, and how this game like many others are going to put that money there. There will not be a change in opinion to Nexon, simply because the opinion does not exist. The reason they are not doing a merge is for financial reasons, amongst others.
    Sherri[Deleted User]Greta
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    Dont blame me because you are bullying me and attack people who have different opinions that you do. You are the ones who start drama on purpose especially against me in multiple places. Here I thought you would actually stay on subject and participate in the conversation about server merger but your too wrapped up in negativity you cant focus on anything else. Alls you can do is spam this thread attacking me over and over. How about removing negativity and ignoring everything else except the topic you should be discussing by posting here. I am willing to ignore all the malicious and spiteful things you are doing to get actual feedback in this thread so how about you do the same and focus on what this is really about. Since you already said you dont support it why keep posting here? I actually do want this to happen and have been presenting ideas about it. You have been attacking me over those ideas. See the difference? Lets focus on the real topic and if you have nothing else to add about it then anything you post here is just spam to attack me because of my support. Its pretty bad that people cant even show their support for things without harassment following by the opposition. I really hope I can be on a different server if and possibly when this happens. I will be ignoring spammers now unless they make personal attacks on me again which Im sure they will right after this message.
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    Dont blame me because you are bullying me and attack people who have different opinions that you do. You are the ones who start drama on purpose especially against me in multiple places. Here I thought you would actually stay on subject and participate in the conversation about server merger but your too wrapped up in negativity you cant focus on anything else. Alls you can do is spam this thread attacking me over and over. How about removing negativity and ignoring everything else except the topic you should be discussing by posting here. I am willing to ignore all the malicious and spiteful things you are doing to get actual feedback in this thread so how about you do the same and focus on what this is really about. Since you already said you dont support it why keep posting here? I actually do want this to happen and have been presenting ideas about it. You have been attacking me over those ideas. See the difference? Lets focus on the real topic and if you have nothing else to add about it then anything you post here is just spam to attack me because of my support. Its pretty bad that people cant even show their support for things without harassment following by the opposition. I really hope I can be on a different server if and possibly when this happens. I will be ignoring spammers now unless they make personal attacks on me again which Im sure they will right after this message.

    As Koki would say, pot calling the kettle black?

    You really should reflect back on what you just said. You say stuff like this all of the time, but you have to have the last post.

    We are on topic, Sam. We've been discussing the server merge, you just don't like what you're hearing, so you have to bring back up the past and point out irrelevant things that really have nothing to do with this discussion. It's you who really should reflect on what you've been talking about, not us. We're just pointing you out as much as you are to us. It's really honestly sad we have to keep coming back to this point because you believe what you want about us because of some past issues that we're over a year ago.
    [Deleted User]SherriPlatinaKoki
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited August 23, 2017
    I lost faith in this guy... *Joins Ataraxiz to the head slamming on desk party*
    He tells us to stop negativity, but himself posts his "dramatic" life in Mari server. His guild recruitment page looks like a freaking diary... He tries to be such a top notch leader that he literally makes a story of it on how he's doing everything in his guild and i bet that no one even cares about it. And now he tries to include his story in every post he makes in any other thread.

    I'm out, i give up. I only see problems here.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Now he's just asking for something to ban him. > 3 >
    Honestly, I hope something does supposedly 'happen', it'll give you some cold reality, my sweet prince.
    [Deleted User]AtaraxizGreta
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664

    Oh boy here we go.. .
    [Deleted User]Sherri
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    Greta wrote: »
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    Its not really up to you and the ones who decide if it is possible or not is Nexon so I have been asking them to come and confirm or deny this which they dont. As far as Im concerned this is an open descussion until an admin can come and tell us their reasons why this wont happen despite the support this had before you all started targeting me over my comment to move to another server as part of the merge which is the real reason behind the attacks. I no longer want to be on the server I am harassed and defamed consantly and if merger happens I could possibly pick a new better server that such hostility does not happen and you would think someone would support that but Im being bullied over it instead.

    Okay, i'll try to explain you some things this one last time:
    1. If server merge happens, there's no such thing as ability to choose what server you want to be in. I think you are mixing up words of Server Merge and Server Transfer there.
    2. Also fun fact: harassment and defame can happen in any other server. You just got in a wrong group of people, which means it's your fault, not servers.
    3. You are literally defaming the whole Mari server with things you say here right now. If you met few people who harassed you it doesn't mean that everyone in Mari are like that.
    4. I also heard about your drama and other dark things you did... Even from Alexina players. Can you believe that? It means that you can spread drama so bad that even other servers are aware of it.
    5. Try to read better because we try to explain you one thing and you reply us totally different things or you just ignore what we say on purpose. You talk like a disc who lagged and plays same song over, over and over again. If you got nothing better to say, just stop posting.

    No one has said the rules for the merger is that you cant pick a server. People have made that statment in response to me suggesting that it be possible to pick a server. If servers are merged you should be able to decide which of the remaining you are sent to. The ones who dont want people to pick are the ones harassing me so I will be forced to stay on the server they are. Again nothing is set in stone and things can be changed.

    That point is made really clear by all of this. I chose to trust the wrong person and am paying for it big time now.

    Nope I am saying I have been harassed on Mari and want to transfer which is true. Stop turning things on me because you want to make me the bad guy to cover up your harassing me. To clarify again not all of them are bad but I know a good number who constantly attack me in game and stalk me even though they claim otherwise. Why not allow me to pick a new server these people are not in? Knowing I am being harassed you want to keep me on the same server anyways for it to continue otherwise you wouldnt be so against the option to pick a different server.

    Yes I am well aware where those lies and rumors came from. It is one sided to defame me and benefit the one attacking me. Thanks for confirming defamation has stretched across servers. Sounds kind of like harassment by someone contacting other servers to bad mouth another player hm?

    I have read well enough and you are the ones constantly derailing this to attack me instead of talking about server merge. Since you dont want it why are you here arguing over it when it has already been claimed to have been denied unless that was a lie? Keep up the good work harassing people instead of talking about the server merge.
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    Spamming again I see? Guess alls you can do is be stuck in your ways and not listen to anyone else. We shall see what happens.
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    Kek. Wow.

    Because I would totally contact other servers members just to talk about you. You're not always on my mind, Sam.
    Also, Greta knew about this way before I met her. Sounds to me you have a leak or you told the wrong person. I've kept my mouth shut :3
    [Deleted User]Sherri
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    There will be no server merge. Nexon has said there will be no server merge.

    Thanks for ruining and potentially locking the thread, Sam.
    I bet your mom would be proud.
    Ataraxiz[Deleted User]
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    Ataraxiz wrote: »
    Kek. Wow.

    Because I would totally contact other servers members just to talk about you. You're not always on my mind, Sam.
    Also, Greta knew about this way before I met her. Sounds to me you have a leak or you told the wrong person. I've kept my mouth shut :3

    Funny thing is you think Im implying its you when I didnt say your name just said I know the source of the rumors. Looks like you are falsely accusing me of things to make you look good and me look bad when its not about you. Leads to to ask who would benefit most from defaming me across servers I wonder? Like I said I trusted the wrong person and who that is you can infer for yourself. Stop putting words in my mouth that aren't true because that is defamation.
  • xExogenesisxExogenesis
    Mabinogi Rep: 790
    Posts: 3
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    Dont blame me because you are bullying me and attack people who have different opinions that you do. You are the ones who start drama on purpose especially against me in multiple places. Here I thought you would actually stay on subject and participate in the conversation about server merger but your too wrapped up in negativity you cant focus on anything else. Alls you can do is spam this thread attacking me over and over. How about removing negativity and ignoring everything else except the topic you should be discussing by posting here. I am willing to ignore all the malicious and spiteful things you are doing to get actual feedback in this thread so how about you do the same and focus on what this is really about. Since you already said you dont support it why keep posting here? I actually do want this to happen and have been presenting ideas about it. You have been attacking me over those ideas. See the difference? Lets focus on the real topic and if you have nothing else to add about it then anything you post here is just spam to attack me because of my support. Its pretty bad that people cant even show their support for things without harassment following by the opposition. I really hope I can be on a different server if and possibly when this happens. I will be ignoring spammers now unless they make personal attacks on me again which Im sure they will right after this message.

    >.> sam ignore everyone else for a sec and read what you have been saying over god knows how long this has been going on i dont care who has done what to you i dont care who has lied or defamed you or harassed or whatever else if these people are such godless monsters and they keep harassing you and hunting your threads down and whatever else then there is a little trick i would like to share with you in regards to stopping them from causing you so much bother o: this special trick you see its called ignoring them and moving on. now i know this may be a hard thing for you to grasp considering you feel the need to defend yourself every time anybody says anything that you feel is against you. but trust me here ignoring things and moving on is something that not only benifits you by giving you less stress and generally more freedom to do as you want in or out of the game but it also keeps these threads like this one here clean of whatever the heck this nonsense between you and everyone you have been having this weird debate thing with. you want a server merge that is your stance other people dont want a server merge that is their stance there is nothing here to be so worked up about that you need to get into these stupid fights in every thread you make and or post in. hence why you for your own sake and for the sake of those like me who dont really care much for the forums but will casually check things now and again and end up seeing nothing but you having these dumb little arguments with people or trying to backhandedly talk about people do everyone a favor take my advice and IGNORE IT AND MOVE ON but to steal some lines from you i know me saying all this is just gonna result in you defaming me and grouping me along with everyone else who dares even disagree with you or even somewhat exist near those you have issues with because as you know we are all a massive hive mind the entire server is really one person gives you problems the whole groups prolly terrible yup >.> so yeah do whatever ya want feel free to defame me or group me up with everyone else i really do not care. i expect some form of long rambling reply to this bout how im taking the thread off topic like the rest of em and how im terrible as well or whatever thats cool dont care this is the only post im gonna bother making in reguards to this nonsense and to you so apologies for how long this is. BUUUT to keep this like somewhat on topic i think a server merge would be a bleh idea unless it was thought out super well ide be more interested in a server transfer that way issues like this one with sam and such could be avoided hopefully. NOW LETS GET BACK ON TOPIC FRIENDS GIMMIE REASONS WHY A SERVER MERGE WOULD BE GOOD AND REASONS WHY IT WOULD BE BAD HOW WOULD A SERVER MERGE EFFECT YOU? WOULD YOU BE MORE INTERESTED IN THE GAME IF THERE WAS A SERVER MERGE? OR LESS INTERESTED? TAKE IT AWAYYY~~~
    Ataraxiz[Deleted User]PlatinaKoki
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    Reply to Sam: We all know who you're talking about, you've harassed me about this publicly before, so just please stop acting like it's not already obvious.

    Reply to Exo: You're totally right, if had ignored us and moved on or replied appropriately like everyone else here, this would have never gotten so far derailed.

    If we were really such awful people, he should just have blacklisted us or whatever and moved on. Seriously, over a year is far too long for this to be going on.

    Server merge question reply: Server merge would be bad because loss of items, pets, dressing room, and so much more. All of those things like RKA and others that we worked hard for: Poof.

    If this could be done without this, sure. But honestly a server transfer would be great, but we'd still have to deal with stuff like this on the forums everyday.
    [Deleted User]Sherri
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    edited August 23, 2017
    Still trying to make it about you when its not lol Thats how you are attacking me with lies to benefit you and defame me. False accusations are a common form of bullying and harassment which you have displayed publicially now by making assumptions. Kind of like your friend turning my positive statement into a negative one earlier. You always make things bad for me to cover up you are actually doing something wrong (falsely accusing me of this and who knows what else now that I think of it.) Thank you for proof of that btw. Stop acting like you are justified attacking me with your friends and focus on the subject of server merge.

    I wonder where the sources are saying with will 100% without a doubt lose all our equipment if the merger happens. Did it happen before and this resulted? Is there no way to suggest people keep their equipment ect. Im sure if this does happen Nexon would want to do what is best for the community. Im sure many people would perfer to keep their things and not lose them. If your going to lose everything it would probably upset people and make them quit so I hope Nexon would consider options to keep what you have maybe just change the server these things are instanced at.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    edited August 23, 2017
    Why It Would Be Good:
    It would allow people to more easily make friends or find people do do certain things (SM, dungeon,..).
    It would stabilize the economy (Or ruin it, more in my "Why it would be bad" response.)

    Why It Would Be Bad:
    Depending on the type of merge, it could be where there are too many players. Some people don't like others constantly around them. If it gets crowded, I get annoyed really quickly and go to a less busier place.
    Also depending on the merge, the economy could just tank, not the good kind either.
    People with less powerful computers will have an issue playing.
    There will be less available space for shopping, unless more channels are provided.
    There will be less Ancients around, unless more channels are provided.
    There will be many issues pertaining to lag and crashing by players.
    There will most certainly be a lot of technical and financial issues if Nexon NA were to proceed doing so.

    Personally, it would e(a?)ffect me greatly;
    I'm the kind of person to stay on the least populated channels of Mari and hang out with my friend.
    I dislike too much interaction and like to choose when I go and communicate with the larger population.
    My computer isn't as good as most peoples. I lag just going to Belvast on Ch. 2 (Mari's shopping channel).
    Our economy is stressful enough for me to deal with right now lol

    Overall, I'm against a merge of any kind. No thank you, none for me.
    [Deleted User]Ataraxiz
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    edited August 23, 2017
    Samuelalex wrote: »
    Still tying to make it about you when its not lol Thats how you are attacking me with lies to benefit you and defame me. Thank you for proof of that btw. Stop acting like you are justified attacking me with your friends and focus on the subject of server merge.

    Guess what?

    A server merge ain't happening. You can beg and wish and plead and dream and cry all you want, but it won't come.

    Oh, and the thread derailed only once you started posting, so, yeah.

    Also, say you DO transfer servers; if the people that you claim are harassing you are really after you, then they'd simply follow you and continue their treatment of you. If someone is harassing you, why not do something that you KNOW will get a response, and submit a Customer Service ticket.


    On topic: I've said it before, and I'll say it again; a server merge is, in my opinion, a sign that the game is on its last leg.

    Oh, and one more word, Samalex; when you make a topic, you're supposed to put your name and server. If you don't want those people from your server finding you, then use an alt's name.
    [Deleted User]AtaraxizSherri
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    edited August 23, 2017
    For your information there are other people defaming me (i know who they are) but I wont name who specifically but you can keep lying and saying its you after I already said its not. You are in fact harassing me though with that personal attack based on your assumption which isnt the truth. Stop making things about you because its clearly not and you want to attack me over false information. Having your friends coming here to attack me over your false assumption is harassment as well so best you stop now. So I have also confirmed people are attacking me based on lies now not just my opinions in the suggestion forums.

    Anyways done with these peoples drama and going to ignore these clear lies about me so this thread can get back on topic i stead of being derailed to attack me all the time. Watch them attack me though even though I want to focus on the real topic not them.

    Lol you act like I dont know how to report people. Thats kind of amusing but believe me I know already XD

    Naa id rather my alts not get attacked also. Good try through.

    Derailed because of people attacking me over the opinion I posted on the subject which differed from theirs actually. Want that part clear because people have misunderstood me a lot in this thread by jumping to conclusions and making assumptions.

    If they do follow me wouldn't that be stalking which Im sure is a violation of the TOS especially if they follow me for malicious reasons. I hope they wouldn't be that obsessed with me to go that far.

    Going to ignore all the drama now and respond to subject material unless people continue to attack me directly.