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Advancement Test Tips and Tricks


  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    edited August 29, 2017
    ShouK wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    I've decided to get up to Dan 3 before trying for the master title.
    Mostly because this event is ending in a day or two, and it'd be easier to get Dan 3 NOW and wait til another 2x training event to actually work towards the master title.
    But if you get Dan 3 now, you would have to re-do all the 85 exp you have already did to get the master title. Isn't it better to master at Dan 2 first and then ranking up to Dan 3?

    getting to 100 only requires like 7000 hillwen ores and 500 zinc and 500 nickel (on 8x training).... while getting to master requires tons of emerald cores and hillwen alloys and stuff which takes much longer to gather. Getting to dan 3 now and then using the time until next 2x life event to gather the needed mats for master sounds like a good plan if I were in their shoes -- especially since they only have a couple days left
  • HarukariHarukari
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,470
    Posts: 836
    Anyone know a tactic for shuriken charge?

    I can only get 8-9k points
    Is it just something I highly have to rely on critting or what?
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    How to get SS rank for Dan 3 Magic Craft?? I finished with around 3 minutes and 15 seconds left and barely got S rank let alone SS..And that's after restarting 4 times...that 120k wasted..
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    This is officially a new gold sink.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,543
    ShouK wrote: »
    How to get SS rank for Dan 3 Magic Craft?? I finished with around 3 minutes and 15 seconds left and barely got S rank let alone SS..And that's after restarting 4 times...that 120k wasted..

    If you're having to make something in high amounts (like for Engineering Hex Bolts/Nuts x 80), unclick the Queue Items button and you'll make then of them in the span you make one with the box checked. You'll save a lot of time that way.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    edited August 30, 2017
    Leinei wrote: »
    ShouK wrote: »
    How to get SS rank for Dan 3 Magic Craft?? I finished with around 3 minutes and 15 seconds left and barely got S rank let alone SS..And that's after restarting 4 times...that 120k wasted..

    If you're having to make something in high amounts (like for Engineering Hex Bolts/Nuts x 80), unclick the Queue Items button and you'll make then of them in the span you make one with the box checked. You'll save a lot of time that way.

    that unfortunately doesn't work for magic craft and engineering, and I'm trying to be the least rude as possible when I ask you to please not spread that misinformation. it works for potion making and stuff, but has never worked for engineering and magic craft since the initial release of those skills

    Also I found this video for potion making. Hopefully it can help for people trying to do the test:

  • BerylBeryl
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,750
    Posts: 104
    From what I've tried, it does work but only for Nuts/Bolts.
  • OriaOria
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,910
    Posts: 56
    Arjune wrote: »
    Leinei wrote: »
    ShouK wrote: »
    How to get SS rank for Dan 3 Magic Craft?? I finished with around 3 minutes and 15 seconds left and barely got S rank let alone SS..And that's after restarting 4 times...that 120k wasted..

    If you're having to make something in high amounts (like for Engineering Hex Bolts/Nuts x 80), unclick the Queue Items button and you'll make then of them in the span you make one with the box checked. You'll save a lot of time that way.

    that unfortunately doesn't work for magic craft and engineering, and I'm trying to be the least rude as possible when I ask you to please not spread that misinformation. it works for potion making and stuff, but has never worked for engineering and magic craft since the initial release of those skills

    Also I found this video for potion making. Hopefully it can help for people trying to do the test:

    So many potions made and not used too..
    But at least I know I could just spam click the ok button and it still counts...I haven't been doing that thinking it wouldn't count.
  • MarithMarith
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,005
    Posts: 122
    edited August 30, 2017
    Arjune wrote: »
    Leinei wrote: »
    ShouK wrote: »
    How to get SS rank for Dan 3 Magic Craft?? I finished with around 3 minutes and 15 seconds left and barely got S rank let alone SS..And that's after restarting 4 times...that 120k wasted..

    If you're having to make something in high amounts (like for Engineering Hex Bolts/Nuts x 80), unclick the Queue Items button and you'll make then of them in the span you make one with the box checked. You'll save a lot of time that way.

    that unfortunately doesn't work for magic craft and engineering, and I'm trying to be the least rude as possible when I ask you to please not spread that misinformation. it works for potion making and stuff, but has never worked for engineering and magic craft since the initial release of those skills

    As has been stated, it does work for nuts and bolts specifically, it produces 10 at a time. However that's only useful in the hillwen test, not magic craft.
  • HeleoHeleo
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 15
    edited August 30, 2017
    I've found the secret to getting SS in healing dan 3,

    SS = 12 000 Points

    100 points for healing upto 50 damage
    50 points for emergency healing (20% below)

    The trick is to keep the chick at 70% hp, and start healing at 30% hp, the last of the 3 hits the bear does usually kills the chick, so if you heal at 30 the last hit will drop him under 20% giving you the additional points from the emergency heal. This rince and repeat, this should get you to 9 000 points average if done right, you get the last 3 000 from the bear kill gets you to 12 000 which is SS. Figured this out today while I was spamming and leaving the dan to figure out what I was doing wrong.

    Bonus- If you are fast enough and spammy enough you can switch to bare hands instead of the wand so you can get more heals in there (the wand adds 5 more heal to each use).

    BTW- No need to get sad if the chick dies, it revives itself and keeps fighting like a brave little chick
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    edited August 30, 2017
    Marith wrote: »

    As has been stated, it does work for nuts and bolts specifically, it produces 10 at a time. However that's only useful in the hillwen test, not magic craft.

    LOL wow figures it wold work for the 1 thing I never thought to try. it never worked for anything else. well now I know I guess D: sorry
  • OriaOria
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,910
    Posts: 56
    Heleo wrote: »
    I've found the secret to getting SS in healing dan 3,

    SS = 12 000 Points

    100 points for healing upto 50 damage
    50 points for emergency healing (20% below)

    The trick is to keep the chick at 70% hp, and start healing at 30% hp, the last of the 3 hits the bear does usually kills the chick, so if you heal at 30 the last hit will drop him under 20% giving you the additional points from the emergency heal. This rince and repeat, this should get you to 9 000 points average if done right, you get the last 3 000 from the bear kill gets you to 12 000 which is SS. Figured this out today while I was spamming and leaving the dan to figure out what I was doing wrong.

    Bonus- If you are fast enough and spammy enough you can switch to bare hands instead of the wand so you can get more heals in there (the wand adds 5 more heal to each use).

    BTW- No need to get sad if the chick dies, it revives itself and keeps fighting like a brave little chick

    I figured the bonus points yesterday and the wand bit last week..
    Also if the chick falls, that's -1000 points..
    If you attack the bear, that's -3000 points and the test ends..
    My issue is from the 20 times I tried yesterday and throughout the week, I would either gain the 9k point needed and the chick doesn't finish the bear, or the chick will defeat the bear with about a min and thirty seconds left due to all the critical hits before I can reach around 6k..
    My luck with RNG is terrible..
  • HeleoHeleo
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 15
    Oria wrote: »
    Heleo wrote: »
    I've found the secret to getting SS in healing dan 3,

    SS = 12 000 Points

    100 points for healing upto 50 damage
    50 points for emergency healing (20% below)

    The trick is to keep the chick at 70% hp, and start healing at 30% hp, the last of the 3 hits the bear does usually kills the chick, so if you heal at 30 the last hit will drop him under 20% giving you the additional points from the emergency heal. This rince and repeat, this should get you to 9 000 points average if done right, you get the last 3 000 from the bear kill gets you to 12 000 which is SS. Figured this out today while I was spamming and leaving the dan to figure out what I was doing wrong.

    Bonus- If you are fast enough and spammy enough you can switch to bare hands instead of the wand so you can get more heals in there (the wand adds 5 more heal to each use).

    BTW- No need to get sad if the chick dies, it revives itself and keeps fighting like a brave little chick

    I figured the bonus points yesterday and the wand bit last week..
    Also if the chick falls, that's -1000 points..
    If you attack the bear, that's -3000 points and the test ends..
    My issue is from the 20 times I tried yesterday and throughout the week, I would either gain the 9k point needed and the chick doesn't finish the bear, or the chick will defeat the bear with about a min and thirty seconds left due to all the critical hits before I can reach around 6k..
    My luck with RNG is terrible..

    Lol little chick ends up destroying the big bad bear all the time for me, usually around the last min too
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    No really, I failed to get SS for the 6th time for Magic Craft Dan 3 test now. Is there some specific items that have to be crafted in order to get SS? I only know that you have to get languhiris chaser for the 3rd item no matter what.

    I crafted 15 enchanted firewood/30 training mana bullet, and 6 salvation bow/3 savage wands, and after which point I already pass the 4 minute mark so I just exit after that. I know the second stage is the problem here, because all the items I got in the first stage requires in total 30 times to craft.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    ShouK wrote: »
    No really, I failed to get SS for the 6th time for Magic Craft Dan 3 test now. Is there some specific items that have to be crafted in order to get SS? I only know that you have to get languhiris chaser for the 3rd item no matter what.

    I crafted 15 enchanted firewood/30 training mana bullet, and 6 salvation bow/3 savage wands, and after which point I already pass the 4 minute mark so I just exit after that. I know the second stage is the problem here, because all the items I got in the first stage requires in total 30 times to craft.

    You need to have 4:51 or more remaining.
    4:51 gives the bare minimum of 12,000 points.
    4:50 gives 11,750 I think.

    For this, the first request can be anything.
    No matter what the helper asks of you, you're crafting 30 separate times.
    15 purified feet = 30 (15 for shyllien, 15 for actual feet)
    15 enchanted firewood = 30 (15 for shyllien, 15 for actual wood)
    300 training bullets = 30 (10 bullets per time)

    So there's nothing to be done about stage 1, it's always the longest, with 30 crafts. (cant bulk craft anything)

    Stage 2 you NEED to be sure it's Divine Weapons.
    If you get asked to make Savage wands, restart, you don't have the time to make all the enchanted firewood.
    3 wands would be 9 shyllien (for the firewood), then the 9 firewood itself, then 3 wands, for 21 crafts.
    As opposed to 6 divine weapons = 6 crafts
    When you get divine weapons, load UP on materials, especially shining and hardened, just go crazy.
    No time to count exactly how much you need, your money gets reset every round anyways.
    The time spent not running back and forth from the shop to the cauldron is key.

    Finally stage 3 shouldn't have to matter, but it does, because of a bug atm.
    If you get asked to make Bhafel Huntress arrows, you have to quit and retry as the recipe is broken at the moment (both in-test and out)
    So you have to hope that stage 3 asks you to make Languhiris Chaser knuckles.

    If you don't fail at all, you should be able to get everything done before the time remaining hits less than 4:51.
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Stage 2 you NEED to be sure it's Divine Weapons.
    If you get asked to make Savage wands, restart, you don't have the time to make all the enchanted firewood.
    3 wands would be 9 shyllien (for the firewood), then the 9 firewood itself, then 3 wands, for 21 crafts.
    As opposed to 6 divine weapons = 6 crafts
    When you get divine weapons, load UP on materials, especially shining and hardened, just go crazy.
    No time to count exactly how much you need, your money gets reset every round anyways.
    The time spent not running back and forth from the shop to the cauldron is key.
    This now sounds impossible. I can't even manage to finish before 4 minutes, let alone 4:51 minutes?! Okay I must be doing something wrong here, because I only got divine weapons today and yet failed all times. After the first stage, time remaining is 6 mins 40 secs-ish and I spent a long time buying the girg mats because it only stacks up to 5, so need to open lots of bag, and plus the inventory bag position is a mess, so I had to rearrange certain bag's window so I can actually put the material in there. For the 6th craft, I also need to open inv to stack all items because the game can craft it. And I didn't bought an excessive amount of the mats either, because I actually counted how many stacks I need before the test.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    edited August 31, 2017
    ShouK wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Stage 2 you NEED to be sure it's Divine Weapons.
    If you get asked to make Savage wands, restart, you don't have the time to make all the enchanted firewood.
    3 wands would be 9 shyllien (for the firewood), then the 9 firewood itself, then 3 wands, for 21 crafts.
    As opposed to 6 divine weapons = 6 crafts
    When you get divine weapons, load UP on materials, especially shining and hardened, just go crazy.
    No time to count exactly how much you need, your money gets reset every round anyways.
    The time spent not running back and forth from the shop to the cauldron is key.
    This now sounds impossible. I can't even manage to finish before 4 minutes, let alone 4:51 minutes?! Okay I must be doing something wrong here, because I only got divine weapons today and yet failed all times. After the first stage, time remaining is 6 mins 40 secs-ish and I spent a long time buying the girg mats because it only stacks up to 5, so need to open lots of bag, and plus the inventory bag position is a mess, so I had to rearrange certain bag's window so I can actually put the material in there. For the 6th craft, I also need to open inv to stack all items because the game can craft it. And I didn't bought an excessive amount of the mats either, because I actually counted how many stacks I need before the test.

    Open bags?

    Aren't you Ctrl-Clicking the shop's items to instantly buy them?
    It instantly buys them and automatically opens whatever bag they get plopped into.

    Also, if you want to stack items, try clicking the Magnet button, instead of doing it manually.

    And don't manually place items into the crafting window, just use the button that puts them in for you.
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Open bags?

    Aren't you Ctrl-Clicking the shop's items to instantly buy them?
    It instantly buys them and automatically opens whatever bag they get plopped into.
    ....and that's what I have been doing wrong. Gawd, I feel so stupid. I have no idea there's a shortcut for that, I have been manually placing them in the bags. Thanks, you're a lifesaver!
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    ShouK wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Open bags?

    Aren't you Ctrl-Clicking the shop's items to instantly buy them?
    It instantly buys them and automatically opens whatever bag they get plopped into.
    ....and that's what I have been doing wrong. Gawd, I feel so stupid. I have no idea there's a shortcut for that, I have been manually placing them in the bags. Thanks, you're a lifesaver!

    Don't worry :D a lot of people don't know about that shortcut. I remember the first time Torchlight Bazaar came around I thought people were hacking because the mats would sell so fast lol. Once I figured out the ctrl-click shotcut I got all the materials I needed eventually. it's great!
  • PolicromaPolicroma
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,730
    Posts: 564
    edited August 31, 2017
    Nomnomnoms wrote: »
    I didnt have to pick up any potions during the test. The second time I passed, I just sat there for 15 seconds because I was out of stamina but over 12k points, so I guess consider picking up stam pots, haha

    Oddly I couldn't get through dan 2 for the life of me until I started ignoring the potion drops. Then I passed at SS rank.

    Crazy! Too bad I have to wait until tomorrow to do it again.
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