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Spirit weapons revamp, PLEASE!

Mabinogi Rep: 2,490
Posts: 251
edited January 20, 2017 in Feedback and Suggestions
As most people are aware, the vast majority of spirit weapons are completely useless compared to modern gear, while at the same time being similarly expensive and 10x as difficult to maintain. Most peoples spirit weapons nowadays just rot in their inventory forever. Pretty much everything about spirit weapons is in serious need of some rebalancing.

The answer could be as simple as uncapping them and lessening the massively sharp exp curve they have on their stats.
Another possible solution would be to just buff them as they are or allow some newer weapons to be spirit weapons.
Ideally, it would be amazing to see something new done with them, maybe expand upon the awakening skill a bit or add entire new types of weapons or something like that. I know I sure would love to see spirit guns, or to get a spirit savage wand. I loved using a spirit combat wand until they made them worthless, savage wands could be a spirit weapon for blaze that actually gets a magic attack bonus instead of the useless and relatively tiny physical damage bonus from the combat wand Spirit.


  • XeekTheMightyXeekTheMighty
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,505
    Posts: 77
    I think Spirit weapons should be the best type of the weapon. As you can only hold one. They should definitively add more weapons.. including instruments!
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    Spirit weapons are not expensive to maintain nor are they no where close to 10x what you are saying. You get millons of gems during fishing events, so there is the ego food and buying the weapons to repair are cheap. I think the only thing that needs to be done is uncapping ego's for those who have a capped or near capped ego.
  • XeekTheMightyXeekTheMighty
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,505
    Posts: 77
    Not everyone had a chance to take advantage of the fishing event, nor have the inventory space to keep a giant stock.

    But either way, that's not the problem. They are an old mechanic that they haven't thought about for years.
  • BlortadBlortad
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,490
    Posts: 251
    edited December 30, 2016
    Ya, like xeek said, if you aren't a proverbial god with endless inventory space who has gotten truckloads of gems from every event ever, lvling your spirit weapon DOES take a lot of gold as well as an insanely large amount of time in waiting to feed, and even at max level, as they are, the vast majority are still useless compared to any even remotely modern gear. Spirit weapons are supposed to be your best weapon by a good margin, balanced by the fact that they are much more difficult to maintain, making you think twice about using it on every little thing you want to kill. As it stands right now, spirit weapons are a huge ordeal to obtain and power up, but give you so little return on your massive investment that my advice to any new player thinking about making a spirit weapon would be, don't waste your time and money. They are supposed to be super powerful, one of a kind weapons that each player only gets 1 of, weapons that are supposed to be your go to weapon for fighting powerful opponents. Instead, as they are now, spirit weapons are just a cruel joke that *** Tarlach likes to play on newbies who know no better. Gold cost aside, the massive amount of time waiting for feedings alone makes them way harder to get lvld then it is to get ahold of a modern weapon and get it upgraded, yet the modern weapons dramatically outclass spirit weapons for no reason other then Nexon has apparently forgotten spirit weapons even exist.
  • KttyKtty
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,515
    Posts: 901
    edited December 30, 2016
    I do remember back when the new Dev's took over, I remember them saying that they would look at revamping Egos as a possibility of one of things they would do. Makes me wonder if they've had a chance to look at the code yet and see if it's truly a possibility. Wish I knew where the video of that particular interview was. I too wish they would revamp them and make them relevant again.
  • BerryswirlBerryswirl
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,340
    Posts: 798
    I could use an ego revamp, atm it just sits in my inv and collects dust.
  • KttyKtty
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,515
    Posts: 901

    ... atm it just sits in my inv and collects dust.
    Need to get yourself a maid partner then to clean that virtual dust.

  • FoxieeFoxiee
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,375
    Posts: 71
    I agree, I do have a fire wand ego so its kinda useful? But Id prefer it to be stronger otherwise it kinda just sits..
  • Giantqueen_ofTarlachGiantqueen_ofTarlach
    Mabinogi Rep: 620
    Posts: 10
    edited January 1, 2017
    ya we've been complaining about ego revamps for years. Even ego firewands have been made irrelevant with the introduction of step 7 upgrades. Many of the egos have a big problem in their high exp requirements and the heavy maintenance costs. It is very hard to repair many of the egos and unless you pay NX, it is impossible to bless them. Oh and you can lose your blessing that u paid nx for if u died. Well ****. On initialt release, the egos were very strong and relevant with ego leather long bows reigning as king. Eventually the egos all became irrelevant with ego firewand being the last with a rival in R6 tribolt wands. RIP egos you need a revamp now but Nexon hates egos. Getting shafted like elves and giants SMH. They deserve so much better.
  • FalskullFalskull
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,385
    Posts: 30
    Egos do need a boost to what they are and lowering the exp to lvl them when they get uncapped can be useful but for now its not suggested with how many people who have capped their egos already it would be unfair to them. Now if stats were added to make egos stronger as they are that would be good such as bows getting piercing Lvls based on how high socials they have or making lances ego able or special stats like mana reduction stam reduction like that that doesn't activate till like lvl 50 social or something would be useful.
  • XeekTheMightyXeekTheMighty
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,505
    Posts: 77
    I'd personally like to see a fuel based system for them.
    Increase their power, but make them use some sort of fuel(could be gems too) so that keeping it at top notch is expensive, but it will still be good normally.
  • TsumikkiTsumikki
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,200
    Posts: 102
    According to different reviews, Mabinogi is rebirths and talents + spirit weaponry. Does that mean it's kind of one-legged right now?
    I play just for 1,5 years, and as a newbie I'm really sad I'm too late to enjoy this amazing feature of the game. ;_;
  • SirRyuSirRyu
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,690
    Posts: 107
    Would be kinda cool if they added more weapon types/added in a subskill menu with subskills for the spirit weapon.
  • FalmostaFalmosta
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,590
    Posts: 68
    Well Magic attack stats on weapons is something that did not exist when this item was first made. I'ld like to see that included in the revamp of this feature. I'd like to see a damage buff in the power of spirit weapon awakening because Judgement blade out classes it is so many ways. Heck If there was a quest line that was repeatable to get a spirit weapon repair vessel once harded to make items became spirit weapons I would be all for that. The NX cash item that gives your spirit weapon a blessing is SUCH a joke because there is no other way to bless the weapon if you get ko'd. So what it needs is
    1. New Weapons choices
    2. New weapon Type choices
    3. Revamped Awakening Damage Tables per rank
    4. Magic Damage for Wands Instead
    5. An second way to get spirit weapon blessings (that doesn't fix the item) that you can make or quest for in game
    6. Revamped Damage/stats Charts for Spirit Weapons.
    7. A reduced spirit weapon awakening cool down.
    8. A means to make gem powder in game with normal gems to get better items to give it.
    9. A Buff or rebalance to how exp is gain based on the item resale value
    10. A way to make a spirit weapon repair vessel in game for spirit weapons that would be hard to acquire or craft in normal ways.
    11. Maybe a quest line/story line that provides a buff to Spirit weapons or adds and extra power.
    12. Allow for ways to add extra powers to a spirit weapon with a rune system sort that works some what like echo stones but for spirit weapons.

    And based on how spirit weapon awakening works..... I had a Random Thought. Do you guys think that spirit weapons feed off Dorcha to increase the awakening gauge.... because it would make so much sense because of the methods used to charge it.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    How about a retcon where your chosen ego is actually how you see your inner sluagh creature/spirit. It ties into what you said about egos feeding off dorcha.
  • MultiteraMultitera
    Mabinogi Rep: 400
    Posts: 4
    I like the idea of spirit weapons and wish they would get a boost as right now they are very lack luster. I hear people say that it's unlikely though since nexon would make more off enchant protection pots so it's better that non spirit weapons are better. To which I say why not just also let spirit weapons be enchanted. I doubt anyone would mind if spirit weapons could be enchanted, upgraded, and special upgraded. Also think of how much of a killing they would make if you could just buy fine gem powder from the cash shop. Sure some people have maxed out their spirit weapon already from the fishing events, but think of all the players who haven't bothered with a spirit weapon yet. You just know people would pay for the convenience. Not to mention if your best weapon is a spirit weapon think of all the players who will buy Spirit Liqueur of Blessings.