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No event this maintenance, only gachapon sale.
I read your opinions. (rages)
...oh wait literally 90% of them end this maint.
...At least we still got attendance?
It wouldn't kill us to go a week without a new event.
Stamp is afk event, that doesn't count
Because that's totally what we want...
Nah we don't want an event that requires us to actually do something..
Once, long ago, in the before times. There were actually periods where the event tag wasn't perpetually on every channel of every server. They say if you listen carefully, you can still hear the sounds of people playing without being dragged this way and that by a convoluted series of events or AFKing for points.
That said, I tend to prefer a nice, non-afk, but at your own pace sort of event to be around, something I can ignore if I want, but still do if I'm inclined, and not feel like I was left out or cheated either way.
Hmm... what event was like this in the past?
On your own pace and something you can ignore but still do if you felt inclined to...
Like the Samhain event?
Or... hmm...
What doesn't count as being left out or cheated if you ignore the event?
At least my friend will be happy to get a break from all these events.
Though I'm upset cuz', well..
Because many of the events we had wanted us to do something that would either;
- Have us stay on for a large amount of time, grinding nonstop. (Giant Renewal Event)
- Do an event very late at night. (CTW Event)
- Have us do something incredibly difficult/tedious. (Dan Event. Is that ending too though?)
Though I'm glad I was able to train some skills up. I'm still sad that I'm not capable of getting a Treasure Hunter Transformation Medal, only because they expected me to grind my way up on a giant with a character over the daily RB perk.
Wouldn't mind if we won't get any events for a month. I got plenty of other content to do (Renown, Advancement Test, Grandmaster, some skill training, etc.). Events just make players forget about actual permanent content that can be offered in this game...
Plus we still have the new in-game content to do. Get your dans and grandmasters, no events to distract you from doing so! Plus there is new accessories to craft if you get your magic craft dans up.
Last few weeks have been chaos. I'm just gonna sit around and gaze at my new Starlet outfit and rolling watermelon stalkers.
@Gaea Wait there's new accessories to craft now? what?
Ancient Four-Leaf Clover Ornament
Ancient Horned Ring
Ancient Sun Yeti Heart
They're basically the rabbits foot, drosera, and purple heart, but with the possible chance to roll 1 extra prot or something.
They need Suntouched Shyllien Crystal too.
I can finally streamlined my schedule so I can put more effort toward perma contents now instead of spending most of my allotted time 2 do events.
"Seriously?! What's wrong with you Nexus?!"
Two new events this week
"Seriously?! What's wrong with you Nexus?!"
"Eh whatevs"
There's no winning