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▇~Monochrome Arts~▇ [Alexina+Ruairi]
♥Human Scathach dress
♥Figureskating outfit(F)
♥any wings*
♥Oversized shirt
♥Succubus outfit
♥Portia Items
♥Female Wigs*
♥Chillin' Urban Outfit(F)
❤Witch Scathach received by Athena W. <33
Server: I'm on tarlach, but I have gold on Ruairi for this.
Payment: (2 chibis) 1m gold
Reference: http://puu.sh/t5URl/db645c829f.jpg and http://puu.sh/t55DS/d7bf1a3135.jpg
Other notes: Do you want/need a pose ref?
Thank you for ordering^u^
This is the pose I was hoping for
Omg! that's so cute!! I can definitely try~^u^
Would you like a sketch/wip later down the line :> to see if you like/would like to add^^
Sure if it's not too much trouble
It looks great!
Thank you very much!! Glad you liked it^^
Oh hello! and I can definitely draw males^^ just haven't gotten any male commissions hehe~
and if you could do me a big favor, could you check out http://forums.mabinogi.nexon.net/discussion/158/commissioning-art-stuck-on-another-server to pay me on Ruairi, but if they can't do it, you can pay me on my alt^^!
but before that! What would you like me to draw :>?
you can fill this out to make it simpler^^
Payment: Gold or NX
Optional Pose Reference:
Other notes:
IGN: Asxina
Server: Alexina
Payment: Gold
Reference: http://asxina.tumblr.com/image/154617828672 (quote thing not working on the forum for me)
Optional Pose Reference: Bust
Other notes: I would love him to have some sort of sharp image / expression (smirking lips) around those expressions!
If you are comfortable and accepts, i will apply for gold transfer
Let me know if you need anything else!
Aaaah~ Thank you so much for doing the gold transfer<3 That'll be 1.5M~
I'll start working on the commission now!^^
I will send you the final project through a imgur link later