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over priced repairs fix it
I pretty much only use them when playing as my other characters who don't have any good normal gear or lots of strength.
And I try not to Bash with them.
But yeah, at 98% and 100% the costs are way too not worth it.
Or this ^ You can buy them out of player shops for like 100k
Not utilizing a certain mechanic or such does not excuse the "obsolete" nature of it. Whether or not it is considered truly "obsolete" (Like grinding for most demonic weapons) is subject to debate, but I do not think this logic is sound, anymore than saying that VIP should not be revamped, or Magic Missile. The logic can apply to not playing the game if dissatisfaction is deemed too much, but it doesn't solve the problem that the game may be flawed.
That is what I am contesting. I use a variety of weaker weapons in lower level content, but as weapons that seem perfect for this, the repair cost kills it. They're not cost efficient compared to the damage I could get with any other weapon like CRKs, despite being far less relevant in later difficulties, and I find this to be bollocks.
Frankly, this leaves me with a feeling that I refuse to run most content even in parties, because it makes pre-programmed bad luck even more unbearable than the feeling of defeat and insane loss of time you already feel in the first place. It is not very engaging.
Just imagine running 300+ of said dungeons to assemble a single celtic royal xbow (and I legitly doubt you will get even 2 radiant strings during those 300 runs) and you're forced to destroy it down to 0 dura permanently in 4, just because there's no feasible way you can afford the repairs long-term, even though this weapon is basically necessary for quite a lot of content. That goes doubly for archery if you don'T have combo cards and a mag reforge.
Buzz buzz. : 3
-Nightmare Black Fog r5 Celtics
-Nightmare Black Fog r6 Celtics
-Enchanted Rainbow Beams
Now this doesn't account for r7, but I'd never r7 my celtics without a prot stone anyway...and I'm never paying $80 a stone from the cash shop.
This is why I've never made celtics, not only would I spend quite a bit on enchant protections, the swords, and even more money on repairs, but the final hit damage difference just isn't there. I don't use bash with my beams and I don't think I'd bash with celtics, it's just too expensive.
2. no need to enchant or special upgrade
3. Final hit is op. No durability loss
4. Beams weren't made with bash in mind
5. Melody step