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Rebirth Potions not expiring on the 28th

Mabinogi Rep: 410
Posts: 5
edited December 31, 2016 in General Chat
As the subject suggests, this is a complaint regarding the stated expiration of the Rebirth Potions from the event

It clearly states on the Rebirth Potions that it will expire when the event ends, and that was not the case. Many players expected the rebirth pots to expire on December 28th as Nexon made clear. So the players that used their pots on the 27th/28th due to the expected impending removal of the Rebirth Potions are now lacking those 12~16 pots for the Double Rainbow.

I just feel that there's some form of acknowledgement, or apology for not giving the community any warning, or notice is in order.

>Pots "expire on the 28th"
>People spam their pots on last day
>Doesn't expire as intended
>Double rainbow
  1. Should we be offered compensation for the neglected notices? (RB pots and/or extended DR)69 votes
    1. Yes
       28% (19 votes)
    2. No
       72% (50 votes)


  • BerryswirlBerryswirl
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,340
    Posts: 798
    Well, rip ppl who used their pots.
  • CatbarkCatbark
    Mabinogi Rep: 410
    Posts: 5
    It's not our fault they made the pots "expire when the event ended" and then the event ended. It's hardly fair that we didn't have the notice to take advantage of the RB pots.
  • Powermoves69Powermoves69
    Mabinogi Rep: 520
    Posts: 7
    Its not like its our faults, we were trying to get the most out of our Rebirth Potions, thinking that they would disappear I used mine like most. I think we should get compensation, since holding them until the Double Rainbow would have been the most efficient way to use them.
  • MinekoMineko
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Post: 1
    Well, since they were supposed to expire, it was better to use them than to let them disappear. If you read the description, it says they expire when the event is over -> 28th.
  • DivineSlayerDivineSlayer
    Mabinogi Rep: 500
    Posts: 25
    Most people had to use their pots in a rush since they thought they were going to expire, I myself would've held onto the pots also if it was made clear that they weren't going to on the date that they were set to, I think this is deserving of compensation of some form.
  • CatbarkCatbark
    Mabinogi Rep: 410
    Posts: 5
    I'm honestly surprised at all the downvotes, they are 100% at fault for this situation and neglecting to inform their community of the pots not doing what it actually says they're meant to do on the pot.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    edited December 31, 2016
    12-16 pots is a major exaggeration. you only got 1 pot per 3 days irl so the max you could have gotten was like 9. it is kinda annoying since I had to rush a bunch of rebirths, but since I don't need ap anymore I'm not as annoyed as I normally would have been. I only care about total levels now due to the upcoming ladeca/eweca powers
  • CatbarkCatbark
    Mabinogi Rep: 410
    Posts: 5
    Arjune it's 1 pot every 36 hours... That's 2 pots every 3 days...
  • MissFortuneMissFortune
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,530
    Posts: 349
    The double rainbow stuff was posted on the 20th. And since people knew the RB pots were being removed at the end of the event(supposedly) tons of people were explaining how to get the most of the RB potions.

    Rebirth, use RB potion to make RB available, so you would be level 1 with a rb available as well by the time DR comes around.

    Aside from that, we got a free RB potion with the Caravan Joe/Taun package iirc that had 30 days on it. If nothing else, people had that one available.

    No one is out anything at all. No compensations are necessary in my opinion.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    oh I don't know why I was thinking it was every 72 hours.... either way that would have been a lot of rebirths to spam in 1 weekend :O
  • BerryswirlBerryswirl
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,340
    Posts: 798
    I agree with Fortune,

    I get that having pots available for DR would be most desirable, but you still got free rb pots, you still got to use them, still got to lv....not like you lost anything.

    Sure you might not be able to rebirth for DR, but you can still grind levels.
  • Powermoves69Powermoves69
    Mabinogi Rep: 520
    Posts: 7
    1 rebirth potion from caravan joe doesn't make up for losing a bunch in my opinion. the AP difference is a lot.
  • BerryswirlBerryswirl
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,340
    Posts: 798

    If you used them and leveled with them then you didn't lose them.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Sort of like rather to be safe than sorry.

    But this is like being safe AND sorry!
    Oh, man. :T

    Spamming 10 rebirth potions there in the "last minutes" of the rebirth event to get SOMETHING out of it does feel like a bit of a missed opportunity when you can realize now that you could've gotten at least twice as much more AP out of that culmination of time(or electricity lol) spent on earning the potions.

    I'd probably be more upset if the character I'd used for the event wasn't already capped.
    Now I can just feel bad for everyone who could've got more than they got had they known the potions wouldn't actually expire the moment the event ended.

    Just better not hear anyone who didn't use their potions, and therefore still has them for this DR, tell others not to complain.
  • DaktaroDaktaro
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,335
    Posts: 282
    edited December 31, 2016
    i haven't had much motivation to grind on mabi lately and idled a lot instead so i had few RB pots left and just was never bothered to use them.
    but if not for that would still have had 2 rebirths ready for double rainbow using methods missfortune said.

    it's kind of sad nothing got said about it, and the lack of transparency from staff for this game is something that bothers me, but this kind of thing has been happening A LOT recently. definitely not justifying it, some notice should have been put up and fair enough to complain. but it shouldn't be surprising either.
    at the end of the day everyone should have been able to easily plan 2 rebirths in double rainbow at the very least regardless of what happened with the "expiring" potions - so it's not toooooo bad of a loss.

    the only thing i can speculate that may have happened is, the potions were really supposed to expire but the fact that they didn't was a mistake? like it somehow broke unintentionally? and since nexon staffs are on holiday maybe they didn't have the people available to properly address the situation and fix it? so the potions just got left and those who still have some can use them. after a mistake like that, "fixing it" and taking away the potions JUST before double rainbow happens would have made majority of players rage more than just leaving them. idk if that's actually what happened but yeah.
  • XeekTheMightyXeekTheMighty
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,505
    Posts: 77
    edited January 1, 2017
    You know it says a lot when a poll is asking if people want free stuff and the majority is voting no.

    We do not need compensation for what happen. We did not receive less than what we were told we were going to receive. We were told two things. Rebirth potions would be available until the 28th. We would have a DR in the 31st. Both of those things came true.

    Instead of viewing it as you got screwed up, view it as others got lucky. Beside, if you planned correctly you should have been coming in to the DR with 2 rebirth, and starting at level 1.

    Instead of being sad for yourself, be happy for those who got it.

    As for what happened, many things could have. I doubt they weren't meant to expire since it was stated everywhere. Maybe a glitch or an employee thought it would be nice to give some of us a treat. Whatever the reason, even if the potions were not meant to expire, we got what we were told we were going to get.

    Some just got a little more.
  • LidrsterLidrster
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,830
    Posts: 98
    edited January 1, 2017
    Being super busy during holidays, I ended being afk most of the time, which allowed me to gather 5 or 6 rebirth potion.
    I had to use them all in a rush (making about 50 level per rebirth) before the 28th.

    If I had know the notice was wrong (or that they'd forgot to remove the pots), I would have kept them for the Double Rainbow, but there was no way of knowing that, so I don't really regret using them, I still got many levels/AP out of them.
    And as others already stated, you could have prepared your double rainbow to get the most out of it, which I did. I rebirthed the 27, didn't level then I used another rb pot (and I still have caravan joe's rb pot). That's 3 whole rebirths.

    And finally, @Catbark , that thread probably only exists because YOU didn't get to use your rebirth potions during double rainbow, I'm sure you wouldn't have complained if you still had them, even if the "unfairness" is still the same.
  • CquilesCquiles
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,455
    Posts: 25
    i play mabi while expecting none of the events to work as intended and expecting none of the cash shop items to do what the item description says because this is the new norm now.

    *holds up cane* back in my 2011 days our events and items were released seamlessly!

    although in this particular case i dont think compensation is viable since the pots were "supposedly" never meant to be used for this DR; having both at the same time is merely a convenience, not the players' right. i voted no to compensation.
  • HarukariHarukari
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,570
    Posts: 836
    We don't need compensation.
  • KagaKaga
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,170
    Posts: 617
    We have been given so many DR/Rebirth events in 2016 to the point I don't even see why we would get ANY compensation regarding the rebirth event.