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You have to complete 3 bingo boards to get the bag. Which is about 4 days AFK.
EDIT: Nvm, it won't let me give the 2nd boxes, meaning it will take ages to use up all the boxes..gdi
According to Liesha's video, you summon the Detective Squirrel and drag and drop the Bento on to the Detective Squirrel like you'd gift an NPC.
This gives you a buff called "Let's go nuts and have an adventure!".
This buff gives no bonus on its own, except to give you the Empty Bento Box when the buff expires.
I'm guessing the buff expires after 10 minutes or something? (Not sure, since Hardmuscle somehow got it to expire and give him the empty box faster)
And you can't feed the Detective Squirrel while you have the buff.
But at least, since the buff exists on your character, instead of on the Detective Squirrel, you can desummon it between feedings to save on its summon time.
You can, in fact, let the buff expire and receive the empty box with the Detective Squirrel still unsummoned.
Yeah, but they must have insane luck. All I've gotten are Jewels and foodstuffs.