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New Event Coming With Tomorrow's Maint
I wonder what event's coming up.
I mean, the fact that they're removing leftover event fishing bait from the Sleeping With The Fishes event from last year could be totally unrelated.
I wonder what they mean by "Broken books".
Like books that lead to 404 errors?
Also don't have enough AP to re-rank my fishing skill.also if you check your transformation mastery journal there are new transformations added to the list. they might be the same transformations mentioned on the Korean site in the link I posted.
jokes aside though, I hope it'll be a nice event with decent rewards. or a potion fishing event... I'm in dire need of 300/500 mp pots
Wouldn't even worth the effort to argue with you.
But back on topic: At first I thought it would be the lantern event, but I doubt it since that wasn't mentioned on the live steam. I agree with Negumiko, probably the carrot event. Is that an AFK event or a hot time attendance event? Or will it actually be... y'know... fun. Logging on and off once a day isn't much fun.
I'm pretty sure that's what it is too, I don't believe they mentioned us getting any other events for the rest of the month after that.
@jjeremy I think you just log on once a day for a carrot and then after you have... 12? You get the pony.
During the livestream they actually said it was a login event: you login, get your one carrot and you can just log off for the day. You need 12 carrots to have the pony balloon pet, meaning 12 days.
So @badnewsbarrett got it right
What kind of event it could be? I vote another afk.
Almost forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me about more log in events....
Hopefully them removing fishing event bait also means they're bringing that back. I need potions again.
I wouldn't mind a fishing event for potions or clothes even tbh. I'm pretty sure that's the mafia fishing bait though they're taking out so I'm not sure.
I'm not sure about that but pretty sure the Larry bait was for the mafia fishing event, if that helps any lol.
Oh, I remember now. Mistook that bait for that one support puppet bait.
I can't wait to potentially only use it for inventory space or AOE summon if it has one.
Or throw it in the back with the forgettable pets.
Of it by some miracle it has good/interesting/useful stats, save the whistle and try to make the pet be level 200.
Not the best event, but players with few pets will be happy.
Although this balloon pony will never match the amazing giant ultra chicken.
Close 2nd though.